I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 889: The copy of Yitian...end!

Spent a full seven days on Mount Emei. During these seven days, Jiang Siming has been leaning against the sky.

During the day, I went to the mountains and water with the girls, and at night it was another period of ‘five degrees of fascination’.

In addition to Zhiruo and the others, Jiang Siming also sneaked into Dai Lisi's room every night. The first beauty in martial arts back then has now become Jiang Siming's secret lover.

During these seven days, Jiang Siming also used Imperial Swordsmanship again to look at the traces he had walked in Yitian before.

Dadu, Fengtian, Wan'an Temple and so on.

Although it was not to say goodbye forever, Jiang Siming was still a little bit reluctant.

After all, this is the first copy in his life, a completely different world, the same wonderful, the same truth.

It is normal for Jiang Siming to be reluctant to say goodbye to this world.

Seven days later, Jiang Siming took advantage of Zhao Min and the others' exhaustion to be "squeezed dry" into a dream by himself again, before he got dressed and walked out of the courtyard.

Came to the highest peak of Mount Emei, and then launched the [Dungeon Accelerator]!

Time seems to have been stopped, only seeing the sun rising and setting rapidly, time seems to have gone for a long time at this moment.

Until the last sunset in Xishan, Jiang Siming was kicked out of the copy of Yitian.

Then his brain received a message: [The copy of Yitian is over, do I need to save it? 】


"The copy is being archived... the archive is complete! After completion, you can enter the Etian copy at will, and after 24 hours, open the next copy world."

When this message was over, Jiang Siming opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, it was already bright.

Jiang Siming was quite moved, but he didn't expect that Yitian's copy would end so soon.

But it's okay, anyway, the copy has been archived, and you can go in at any time, the time inside is still still, don't worry that the women inside will get old quickly.

With the archiver, they are hardly old.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming's mood improved again.

The next copy will only appear after 24 hours, that is, one day later, Jiang Siming is somewhat looking forward to the next copy.

I hope it is a particularly rich copy world, such as the Great Tang Dynasty, so that not only can you get a lot of pots, you can also see the legendary poet Li Bai, hehe.

After getting up from the bed, Jiang Siming ran to the bathroom, took a shower and changed his clothes.

The clothes were put together by Xinyi and the others. Each set of clothes was put in a different storage bag. Jiang Siming only needed to take it out and put it on.

The clothes of his wives don't need him to worry about whether it fits well or not.

While taking a bath, Jiang Siming suddenly discovered that he still had the lip prints Zhao Minhe had left on him last night.

Sure enough, the copy is a world, and what happens inside is actually experienced by yourself in reality.

Jiang Siming came out of the hotel after he was cleaned up. He was still worried that he would wake up too late and the Great God and the others would come and disturb him.

Unexpectedly, these guys can sleep better than themselves, and they are still not awake.

Jiang Siming planned to go downstairs to eat breakfast, just in time he ran into Li Chunlan who came to look for him.

"Boss, the extended Lincoln has been bought. Your Ferrari 458 has been sent to the 4S shop for repairs. It should be ready in two days."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Thanks, I have a game the day after tomorrow, so you can open this to pick us up to the game."

"I know the boss."

"Okay, have you had breakfast? Do you want to be together, oh right, can you...can have breakfast?" Jiang Siming remembered that Li Chunlan was just a robot.

Li Chunlan smiled and replied: "Don't worry, boss, we can eat."

"That's good, go and have breakfast together."

Jiang Siming and Li Chunlan ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

As soon as he started eating, Jiang Siming received a call from South Korea.

"Oba...I can't see you here..." On the other side of the phone, it was Lin Zhenna's voice. She was crying, and it sounded very distressing.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Jiang Siming thought that Lin Zhenna had encountered something bad, so he asked quickly.

"It's not me... it's Sister Shirley... she's my benefactor, the one who brought me to my debut... but she... passed away a few days ago... woo..." Lin Zhenna sobbed Crying.

Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief. When he remembered the news of the NBA official tweet yesterday, he also saw a piece of news.

It is said that the South Korean actress Shirley committed suicide and the cause of death is unknown.

No wonder Lin Zhenna felt so uncomfortable.

Hearing her crying like this, Jiang Siming couldn't even eat breakfast.

"Then come on, I'll pick you up at the airport."

"Will... disturb you..." Lin Zhenna was a little worried.

Jiang Siming scolded with a smile: "Excuse me, please come here quickly."

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Siming was looking forward to it. Finally, there is a girl who can accompany herself in Paris, which is great~

However, the water in the Korean entertainment industry is really deep, and I can't remember how many actresses committed suicide.

It seems that I met Lin Yun'er in time, otherwise who knows if this kind of disaster will come to Lin Yun'er one day.

There are also Lin Zhenna and Song Jixiao, Jiang Siming intends to let them stop mixing in the Korean entertainment circle, it is too messy, really dirty.

Although the Chinese entertainment circle also has dirt and grime, it is far less scary than South Korea.

Besides, the Chinese entertainment circle now has its own business, its own company, and it's scary.

And I haven't seen Lin Zhenna for a while, Jiang Siming really thinks about this beautiful girl.

After eating, Jiang Siming asked Li Chunlan to rest first, and went outside to buy some daily necessities for the girl with the poison.

Afterwards, it was early to see that it would take ten hours to fly from Seoul to Paris. Even if Jenna departs now, she will have to arrive at night.

While he was still free, Jiang Siming contacted Wang's richest man in the country and asked him whether there was a furnace for alchemy on Mount Sanqing.

Sanqing Mountain was the base of a hermit family in the past, and the pills used by hermits were all obtained through practice.

Jiang Siming wanted to ask him if he had any unused furnace tripods left, so that he wouldn't have to go and look for them.

The richest man Wang told Jiang Siming that Jiang Siming asked the richest man to keep a statue for himself, and when he returned to China to ask him for it, the other party readily agreed.

"By the way, Uncle Wang, I asked you to accumulate stocks in the US manufacturing industry, did you forget?"

"Haha, how dare I forget that I invested 5 billion this time and plan to follow you to get a meal." Wang Shoufu said with a smile.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "That's good, I will notify you immediately when our company throws it away."

"Okay, no problem. I heard that you have turned against the NBA. Does it matter? Is there anything I can do with Uncle?"

"Hey, it's a big deal, it's because I quit. They want to keep me and can't keep it. They will be anxious. It's okay. The big deal will be sold to the United States super double." Jiang Siming said indifferently.

After hearing this, the richest man Wang laughed and talked with Jiang Siming for a while before he hung up the phone.

[Author's digression]: Today, the editor asked to write the script of "Pick Up the Fragments" in order to shoot the commercials, so I have been busy with this matter. Please forgive me, I have one more chapter today. After all, Sake also wants to make a living and earn some advertising expenses, haha , Long live understanding~

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