I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 890: Appease Jenna

Jenna's flight arrived at Paris Charles Airport at around 7 o'clock in the evening. After getting off the plane, Jiang Siming saw Jenna's haggard face and her pretty face that had not yet emerged from her grief.

It is estimated that Shirley's incident has hit her too much, that Lin Zhenna cannot accept this fact.

When she saw Jiang Siming, Jenna's eyes looked like a bird who had finally found home, desperately rushing into Jiang Siming's arms.

"Ouba...oooo..." Lin Zhenna cried like a child, and Jiang Siming felt distressed too.

While soothing her incense back with his hand, he said: "I know, this is really hard to accept, but people can't come back to life from the dead, so the grief and sorrow will change."

Because of Jenna's phone number, Jiang Siming went to the Internet to check the actress Shirley. She had a dreamlike age and beautiful appearance. It was indeed a pity that she committed suicide like this.

Jiang Siming can only say that her destiny is like this and cannot be changed.

If she could meet herself like Jenna, maybe it wouldn't happen, but it's a pity that all this can only be fate.

I can only blame the South Korean entertainment industry for being too awkward. It seems that there have been 4 suicide actresses this year, which is terrible.

Fortunately, Jenna was comforted by Jiang Siming, and soon her mood stabilized a lot. Besides, she was not so depressed in her new place because she did not set foot on Korean soil.

Jiang Siming hugged her all the way out of the airport, Li Chunlan drove the extended Lincoln and waited in the parking lot. The two got into the car and the car started.

"Boss, shall we go back to the hotel?" The driver's phone called.

The driver's seat and back seat of a luxury car like this are soundproofed, and you can only rely on the phone in the car to contact you.

"No, go to the Eiffel Tower." Jiang Siming was still a little unhappy seeing Jenna, so he wanted to take her to relax and see the scenery.

Li Chunlan got the order and drove to the Eiffel Tower.

And Jiang Siming is hugging Jenna's slender waist on the super long, super soft and super comfortable sofa in the car, don't get me wrong, this time he is really a gentleman.

He didn't do anything, just hugged.

Jiang Siming is a rare and serious one, otherwise he would have done something indescribable with Jenna in his arms. After all, it is rare to have such a ‘convenient’ car environment~

"Jenna, tell me, is she really suicide?" Jiang Siming asked actively, trying to untie Jenna's heart.

After all, Shirley's position in Jenna's heart is very important. Not only is she a leader or a teacher, she treats her as a sister.

Shirley is dead, how can Jenna feel better.

"Well, a year ago, Sister Shirley told me that she was spotted by a rich young master in South Korea, and the other party pursued her frantically. She didn't see the false face of the other party, so she agreed. Unexpectedly, after that person got Sister Shirley, It didn’t take long to get bored with her. The most extreme thing was that the man used Sister Shirley as a tool for business talks and asked Shirley to sleep with his clients. Sister Shirley would rather die, but still can’t make it. This person’s terrible means, after this incident, Sister Shirley was completely depressed and suffering from depression..."

After speaking, Jenna couldn't help crying again.

At the same time, she was also thankful that she didn't meet such a person. No, she also met before, Samsung's son.

But fortunately, she met Jiang Siming and Jiang Siming rescued her. Otherwise, Jenna suspected that her fate might not be better than that of Sister Shirley.

Because this three-star son's wind evaluation is worse than that.

Thinking of this, Jenna couldn't help but hugged Jiang Siming tightly. Only in this way could she feel safe.

Jiang Siming sighed after hearing this, this bird's place in Korea.

Good people born in this bird country are really unlucky.

"Who is that rich young master?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Oba, you...?" Jenna looked worried when she heard that, she thought Jiang Siming would vent her anger to deal with that person for her.

"Don't worry, I'll just ask." Jiang Siming said.

Jenna believed it to be true and replied: "He is the second young master of LG Group."

When Jiang Siming heard it, well, he was a big chaebol again.

LG Group, a South Korean company second only to Samsung, has trillions of assets.

Jiang Siming wondered, why are the men taught by South Korean giants so disgusting?

This person Jiang Siming took note for the time being, and when he is free, he will go to South Korea to get the result, and he will be regarded as a civilian.

Who knows if this force will continue to stare at other actresses, if you stare at Jenna Ji Hyo and others, or Jun Ji Hyun and Yoon Eun Hye, Jiang Siming will never allow it to happen.

Since it is a hidden danger, it has to be strangled in the cradle.

After chatting with Jenna for a while, Jenna felt much better.

It just so happened that the car also arrived under the Eiffel Tower.

This time there is no ban under the Eiffel Tower. Jiang Siming and Jenna bought tickets and boarded the most famous attraction in Paris.

On the top of the Eiffel Tower, there are a lot of couples sightseeing and taking pictures.

Jiang Siming and Jenna found an unmanned corner and enjoyed the picturesque night view of Paris from the top of the tower.

"How about it, are you in a better mood?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Jenna nodded in a good mood, finally put on a smile, and said, "I'm much better, thank you Oppa."

If she didn't come to Jiang Siming this time, it would take a long time for Jenna to get out of the shadows.

But Jiang Si obviously didn't want Jenna to recover only a little bit, so he leaned in her ear and asked, "How about a surprise for you?"

"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" Jenna asked with a puzzled look.

Jiang Siming smiled mysteriously and responded softly: "That is, let you fly once."

After speaking, Jiang Siming and Jenna suddenly disappeared on the tower.

He had seen the surroundings a long time ago, no one paid attention to them here, and the monitoring on the iron tower had caused Xiaoxian to do tricks.

So no one noticed that two people were missing on the tower, everything seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Jenna blinked, and suddenly her feet were hanging in the air. She subconsciously glanced at the soles of her feet. At this look, she almost fainted.

Fortunately, Jiang Si had anticipated tomorrow morning that he would spend a little bit of qi in Jenna's body so that she would not faint because of such a stimulating and scary thing.

To be honest, if you change a big man to make you suddenly appear in the air, it is estimated that you will be fainted, and even if it is not helpful, you will cry.

"It's okay, I'm here." Jiang Siming smiled and accompanied by a flying sword at his feet.

Although exposed in front of Jenna, it doesn't matter if his own woman knows.

Jenna's favorability for him has soared to 120 points, which is more determined than life and death. Even if she knows any secrets of Jiang Siming, she will not be shaken.

On the contrary, it was because of this surprise that it took Jenna for a long time to recover from her fear, and instead she was extremely surprised and dreamy.

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