I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 896: Spiritual support

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming's expression became serious.

People who are familiar with Jiang Siming have rarely seen his unsmiling look, but Jiang Siming, who is serious, is really fascinated by girls.

The two-party game starts and enters the ban selection stage.

Jiang Shiming didn't give any advice on what Ban chose, and the coach said what ban is.

After Ban was selected, FNC first grabbed the position of Ni Yuxia ad.

"Let's take the mid laner first. Myojin, what mid laner do you want to play? It's best to be stable." Coach Steak asked.

Jiang Siming didn't think much, and said: "Then Ryze."

"Okay! This is good!" The steak is happy when he hears it. Ryze is very stable, strong in the later stage and has displacement to support.

He was afraid that Jiang Siming would choose a hero, Yasuo male sword Raven and so on.

In fact, if Xiaohu is here, Steak will let him choose Ryze.

So this one, the hero has not changed, only the summoner has changed.

It depends on this one whether it is Xiaohu's Ritz or Jiang Siming's Ritz.

Take down Ryze and take down the puppy's EZ, and then the two heroes are selected one by one.

The FNC side is: Xia, Parker lay down the road, barrel jungle, captain on the order, mid-single snake girl.

On the RNG side: EZ, Lulu lay down the road, the blind monk jungled, Gnar came in the lane, and the mid laner Ritz.

The lineups on both sides are actually okay, but the last song Kangte chose Lulu, which made Jiang Siming a little bit confused.

But he didn't ask. Anyway, I chose all of them. Maybe Xiao Ming and UZI have some routines.

After the hero selection, the two sides officially began to enter the competition stage, this time it is the life and death of RNG and FNC.

A tense atmosphere permeated the scene.

As the captain of the firefighting team, Jiang Siming didn't get everyone's approval when he played, but he was full of questions and ridicule.

The game is no better than RANK, and you have to start to look at the first level. Jiang Siming knows that FNC must want to lay down the road. After all, RNG has always relied on Bottom C.

So after one minute and twenty-five seconds, he immediately ran to the opponent's F6 and gave a glance.

The opponent is the barrel jungler. If he is red, he will definitely go to F6, because the barrel playing F6 is the fastest and fastest.

As long as he dares to fight, he will expose his position, and if he does not fight, he is likely to appear in the bottom lane.

Therefore, this eye position has already made the FNC coach's brows frowned. This person is so courageous and dare to run here to insert this kind of eye. If someone here can directly ask Snake Girl to support him to punch him as a summoner skill.

But obviously the people from FNC didn't come here, and didn't even know it.

After inserting his eyes, Jiang Siming returned to the line and calmly made up the knife.

Ryze is still a bit uncomfortable in the early stage of making up the knife, the method is low a damage, and the snake girl will definitely use the q skill to interfere.

FNC's mid laner certainly knows this, so the first level began to stand behind his own minions and rely on the advantage of the hand leader to put Q skills on Ryze.

Jiang Siming seemed to have foreseen this. The moment the snake girl raised his hand, he walked aside, and the range of [Plague Blast] was cleverly avoided by Jiang Siming.

The three soldiers on the opposite side all had blood. Jiang Siming died in the position of A, and then handed in a W skill to make up the second one, and the last one to tie A and make up the third one.

Three pawns made up for it, but Snake was as difficult as Ryze because he had put up the skills before, and he didn't have time to make up. In the end, he wanted to make up for the dead but only one.

The FNC mid laner who lost two pawns didn't think much, after all, two pawns are not a disadvantage.

Seeing that Jiang Siming was in a good position, he temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​interference, and the two seriously made up the knife.

The two are in the mid-single position, with the most troops, so the upgrade is also the fastest. Soon Ryze and Snake and Girl both get married.

Regardless of what happened, the mid laners on both sides have already opened up as many as 10.

Jiang Siming made up all the troops that came from the middle route without missing a single one. During the period, he took the initiative to interfere with the snake girl, so that he could not rest assured.

In this way, the gap of the compensation knife appeared.

At this moment, Jiang Siming noticed that a fat figure was leaning down the road when he placed his eyes that were about to go out.

Immediately he didn't give a signal, immediately used his skills to make up all the soldiers in the middle, then turned and walked down the tower.

The snake girl thought that Jiang Siming was going home to supply supplies, so she didn't suspect that he was there, so she continued to make up for him with peace of mind.

Jiang Siming turned and walked out of the opponent's line of sight, and immediately walked down the road.

"Puppy, Xiao Ming, the barrel seems to be coming down, but you don't have to go, get ready for a fight, I'm here."

Jiang Siming just reported them a message. He didn't report it before because he was afraid that they would run away when they knew that the wine barrel was coming.

When UZI and Xiaoming heard Jiang Siming's words, their hearts that originally wanted to retreat temporarily stopped, and silently placed their fingers on the summoner skills, and if the situation was not right, they would retreat at any time.

Not long after Jiang Siming came over, the wine barrel appeared on the bottom road, and the wine barrel drank the fake wine and ran towards Xiaoming's Lulu.

He didn't hand in the E skill collision first, because he knew Lulu had a flash.

Because UZI and Xiao Ming pressed the line too deeply, he was very confident and was able to chase after.

But he never expected that instead of leaving, the two men would fight back when they saw him.

FNC's Parker immediately came in stealth, a salted fish stab, E skill intends to stun Xiao Ming.

Their goal is Lulu, after all, ez's displacement and flashing are very difficult to kill, but Lulu is different.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to surrender to escape Parker's dizziness.

When the wine barrel was overjoyed, he just wanted to drive E and ran into it, only to find that there was an old bald head behind him.

Bald Ryze tightened him with an EW second company, then Q skill triggered passive acceleration and quickly approached the barrel, constantly leveling A.

Xiao Ming also reacted super fast, and immediately put another sheep in the barrel.

And UZI and Lulu also kept outputting, and the bloodline of the barrel dropped so fast that all of a sudden there was only a trace of blood.

While the control time was over, the barrels flashed decisively and wanted to escape.

The flashable range was still within Ryze's attack range. Jiang Siming performed another QEQ, hitting damage with the last trace of blue.

Keg wants to turn around and avoid the last Q skill. Ryze's Q skill is actually very easy to hide. Many people play Ryz not by the combo, but by the accuracy of the Q skill.

Because after the revision, Ryze really only relies on this Q to eat.

The barrel moved confidently and determined that he could avoid the Q, but he did not expect that Ryze's last Q skill seemed to lock him, following his displacement direction, and hit his ass.

Served Tebrad!

One blood is born!

Jiang Siming's Ryze took the head.

"Nice, Myoko!"

"Brother Ming is awesome!"

UZI and Xiao Ming were overjoyed and praised.

Jiang Siming smiled slightly and said: "Hurry up, I'm out of blue, you go and I will defend you from injury."

Relying on the protection of Jiang Siming's Ryze, the three managed to escape after eating the wine barrels, and a small advantage was established.

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