I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 897: The rhythm takes off!

RNG here and the China Division are of course very happy, who is not happy to get the advantage.

"The death of the barrel was actually not thought of by FNC at all. Ryze had already arranged the game!" Miller said sharply.

The doll nodded and laughed at the side: "Ryze gave F6 an eye position at 1 minute and 25 seconds to discover the movement of the wine barrel down the road. If not for Ryze, this wave of Xiaoming iron is gone."

"Ryze's skills are also very accurate, this q will definitely not die if he escapes the barrel." Special guest retired player Mala Xiangpot also commented.

"I can only say that this Ryze has something! This wave of barrels is killed, and the FNC blue BUFF field is all owned by Karsa, and the captain on the road will be afraid that the blind monk gank will not dare to press the line again, this is a chain reaction! "

The commentators don't know what the players say, but the snowball on RNG has indeed started to roll.

Especially the one who died is the jungler position, the most injured in the early period, and the jungler killed in the early period will cause three-way chaos.

Anyway, this wave of killing the barrels, Karsa is the coolest, eat a whole area, the level immediately soared to 4.

Jiang Siming was also very wealthy because he got a head of money. After returning home, he bought a goddess tear plus blue crystal and a true eye.

This is nothing short of a local tyrant for Ryz, who is ***.

The FNC side is completely different. There is no signal from Ritz to support mid laners?

"Sorry, blame me, I thought he had finished pushing the line and went home." The mid-single snake girl will be back.

"Forget it, stay ahead and do more vision. It's just a small disadvantage, not a big deal." Shangdan comforted.

The snake girl wanted to approve it, but when he saw Jiang Siming returned to the equipment on the line, the corners of his mouth twitched. This guy... really rich.

"He has a real eye. It is estimated that he will be inserted in the rivers on both sides of the river for a while, and the jungler will pay attention." The snake girl reminded.

After the jungler agreed, both sides continued to develop.

However, Jiang Siming, who has the leading equipment, doesn't want to play with you anymore. At the beginning, he no longer only uses flat A to make up his sword, and frequently uses skills to clear soldiers.

Because of the blue crystal and the blessing of Goddess Tears, Ryze has a lot of blue, which is enough to support the push.

After Jiang Siming pushed the line, he immediately placed a fake eye outside the grass on the right. Yes, it was outside the grass.

This eye is not inserted in the grass, but inserted a little bit outside the grass.

Many viewers thought that Jiang Siming was too nervous and put his hands in the wrong place.

But soon the professional commentator Miller explained: “Don’t think that Myojin’s eye is misplaced. In fact, this eye is very knowledgeable. It can cover the line behind the wall outside F6 and the area near the river grass.”

"Someone may want to ask why you didn't put it more forward, that is, if you put it further forward, if the opponent puts a true eye on the river grass, it will be detected, and this position just can't be detected." The incense pot gave Bo. explain.

This time the audience finally understood, and at the same time recognized a lot of Jiang Siming's technology. It turns out that Myojin's LOL is also playing so well!

He put a fake eye on the grass on the right, and Jiang Siming ran to put a real eye in the haystack in the middle of the river on the left. In this way, it was almost impossible for him to be caught in the middle.

Now Jiang Siming went to push the line without worry, and then continued to interfere with the snake girl under the tower.

As long as the snake girl dared to make up the sword, Jiang Siming's skills would definitely come. The snake girl suffered terribly under the tower, she could only be beaten while still having to fight.

Under this circumstance, he made frequent mistakes in his compensation, and he could only eat half of a wave of tower soldiers.

And the blood volume has been knocked out more than half.

The Snake Girl was so angry that she called the barrel for support several times, but every time the barrel seemed to be discovered by Jiang Siming, he immediately backed away, so that the barrel had no chance and had to give up.

The suppressing force reached a peak when Jiang Siming reached level six!

Jiang Siming was the first to level 6, and after level 6, he learned the big move in seconds, and he was released directly in front of the snake girl!

At this time, Snake Girl wanted to eat three more soldiers to reach 6. Seeing the big move on his face, he hesitated. With this hesitation, Jiang Siming had already flown to his face!

QEQWQEQ, seven skills combined with two basic attacks in an instant, all hit the snake girl's face.

The snake girl itself is half-blooded, this time, the blood bar instantly bottomed out!

The snake girl had to place a W covering the ground at Jiang Siming's feet, and then flashed into the tower.

But he didn't expect Jiang Siming to have a murderous heart, and after walking out of his W range, he flashed to follow up, and another QEQ.

The snake girl also wanted to turn around, but instead made Jiang Siming.

Because QEQ didn't kill the snake girl, but Jiang Siming killed it with the last flat A.

If the snake girl didn't turn back and walked back, she would not die, but her movement would cause Jiang Siming to still be able to level him.

This skill didn't evade, but was eaten one more level A, the snake girl was killed on the spot under the tower.

After killing Jiang Siming, he immediately turned around and walked out of the attack range of the defensive tower. He also emptied the remaining creeps, and then inserted the second fake eye of the CD into the opponent's F6. Seeing that F6 was not brushed, Jiang Si Ming hurried over to brush them off and went home.

Because UZI and Xiaoming had already signaled that the barrel was on the way down, he could safely eat this wave of F6. After finishing F6, Jiang Siming was willing to press the B button to return to the city.

Because of this wave of solo kills, the audiences in the entire China Division are excited again. This is Ryze! This is the power that the legendary rune mage should have!

At this time, no one questioned or ridiculed Jiang Siming's strength. On the live broadcast platform, there was already a full screen of 66666.

"Who the **** dare to say that I can't do my mind!"

"A group of dogs look down on people. If you play PUBG Mobile, you can't play lol? Open your dog eyes to see clearly!"

"Myojin, we were wrong~"

"Big brother, you are really big brother!"

"This Ryze and Xiaohu's Ryze are simply two heroes, Xiaohu should study hard!"


After killing the snake girl alone, Jiang Siming returned to the city and bought the missing chapter, added a pair of straw sandals and a murder ring, and re-launched TP.

At this time, Jiang Siming had two heads in his hands, and it could be said to be fat to oil, and this murder ring also gave everyone a message that he was going to publish a murder book!

After this wave of solo kills, the snake girl couldn't keep up with Ryze's pace. She could only passively guard the tower and make up for the tower.

Jiang Siming was no longer interested in him at this time, because the snake girl has 6 levels and it is really hard to kill.

So after pushing the line, he started to support, go to the jungle, go to the bottom road, and go to the top road to do things.

No matter whether he can do something or not, he will try, even if it is just a deterrent.

This pair of FNC's three-way team is already Alexander. This Tianfei Ryze still has big moves to transmit when he walks, and the pressure on them is not small.

Despite being vigilant and defending again and again, Jiang Siming got a chance. Taking advantage of the snake girl pushing the line, he drove directly with the blind monk to wrap up, and after winning the double play, he pushed down a tower and ate the dragon by the way.

After Jiang Siming went on the road to help kill the captain and then eat the canyon pioneer.

This time, the rhythm is completely controlled by RNG.

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