I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 898: Different Dimension·Maid! ! !

The subsequent game can be said to have gone according to the script, without any suspense, crushing victory.

In the end, Jiang Siming even had 25 floors of murder books, and no one could stand it. The crispy skin control set was gone.

In 23 minutes, the three-way crystal was pushed down, FNC finally couldn't resist, the base exploded, and RNG won.

After the end, Ryze's data is: 8-0-4.

RNG won 14 heads, 12 of which are related to Jiang Siming.

The participation rate is 100%, and the injuries accounted for 45% of the audience. With such a luxurious data, it is hard to imagine that RNG's mid-singers played it.

This damage is even higher than UZI.

At the end of the game, Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief, and got up from the chair without even thinking about it, and walked back to the backstage without even shaking hands.

He didn't want to play at all, if it wasn't for A-囡, he didn't need to take this task.

So after the fight, Jiang Siming immediately chose to go backstage and take off his team uniform and put on his original clothes.

At this time, the manager of RNG came over with a smile of joy and said to Jiang Siming: "Thank you so much, Myojin, you helped us RNG into the quarterfinals."

Jiang Siming didn't change his face, and said, "Nothing, just a hand."

The manager heard the meaning and asked: "Then the next game...?"

"The next game depends on you, I may not have time to play, I also have my own game to play." Jiang Siming said.

The manager knew that he couldn't order Jiang Siming at all, and he was already very righteous to come and help RNG advance to the quarterfinals.

Jiang Siming walked out from the backstage, and Jenna had already threw himself into his arms. She felt so proud that her boyfriend was so powerful.

"Let's go, there is no competition, let's go back." After Jiang Siming was relaxed, he was really afraid of another task, so he left quickly.

The group returned to the car.

"The mission is successful, a random fine pink shard will be rewarded, please check it yourself."

Jiang Siming remembered that there was one more thing, and quickly glanced at this new pink piece.

"Pick up [Different Dimension·Maid] pink shards*1 (1/1), the number of shards is not full, it is temporarily unavailable."

I rely on!

The maids are out!

Jiang Siming was dumbfounded. This is not true, is it a robot or an inflatable doll? It can't be a real human being.

Read the notes quickly.

[Different Dimension·Maid]: From a random different dimension space, the space dimension is random, and the maid’s identity is random.

Creatures from different dimensions have 100% loyalty to their masters and are at their disposal.

They can also be included in the brain reserve consciousness at will, free to retract, or they can choose to be visible only to the owner.

Note: Although the loyalty of a random maid will not change, it also has the same emotional expression as a normal human.

If she is angry, she can choose to enter the consciousness space on her own and not come out. Maybe it takes the owner to hug and hug it high to coax it well.


Seeing these comments, Jiang Siming almost didn't think he was reading an animation novel.

What the **** is this? The pink shards are a bit skinny this time, and this extra-dimensional creature got him out!

He thought it was another cat, puppy and other pets. Does the maid count as pets? Waiting online, very anxious...

This time it's a maid, will anything weird come out after that?

But the maid from another dimension shouldn't be a monster, she was 100% loyal to herself, and she could take it back at any time.

He doesn't need to be afraid even if he is a monster.

Jiang Siming wanted to see what the maid was, so after returning to the hotel, everyone was on the way to dinner. Jiang Siming finished the meal in advance and asked Jenna to finish eating in a while.

Then he walked out of the restaurant for a teleport and appeared in his presidential suite.

Jiang Siming chose to use this pink piece!

"A random maid... is selecting... another dimension world... a life in another world starting from zero... the maid... Ram... is teleporting..."

Ram? Life in another world from scratch?

Isn't this an anime character? How can it be considered a different dimension!

Ah hello, did you make a mistake?

Although Jiang Siming was full of doubts, the other party still sent it over.

A black and lacquered void door appeared in the living room of the presidential suite. At this time, the power of the entire hotel seemed to be affected, and the lights flickered, which was very strange.

Had it not been known in advance that this was the case, Jiang Siming would have thought it was a big deal.

From this void door, a pair of black maid leather shoes stepped out, and then, the whole person walked out of the void door.

The portal quickly disappeared, and the power was restored.

Jiang Siming looked at the cartoon character standing in front of him, his brain blank.

154 centimeters tall, almost the same height as Zhao Xiaoxiao.

With big red eyes and pink lips, the face is not very well-defined, it looks very cute. The hairstyle is short and neck-to-neck hair, but the hair line is different. Qian Liuhai covers her left eye (sister Rem is the right eye).

An apron based on black, with a white hat on the head. The maid outfit has been specially modified to expose the girl's slender shoulders. With a short skirt, the curves of the body are clearly expressed, even a little sensational.

What makes Jiang Siming feel the most outrageous is that she is not just a 2d picture like in the anime, but a flesh and blood body.

Skin, hair quality, curves, and everything are exactly the same as normal humans.

Except for this short pink hair which is a bit offbeat, Jiang Siming almost thinks this is a bear kid from COS Ram.

"Hey, why do you let me come to this inexplicable world? Why don't you call Lem? She is the most popular in this world. If she comes, she will definitely be super happy."

The little maid looked at everything in Jiang Siming's room, and curiously picked up the cherries placed in the fruit bowl on the coffee table in the living room and threw it into her mouth, spitting out a seed.

"Well~ the fruits here are still delicious," the little maid Lahm commented.

"Hey, do you know who I am?" Jiang Siming felt a little uncomfortable seeing that the other party had been ignoring him.

Am I not her master? Why does she have an airy attitude towards herself, is this a maid or a little sister!

Ram finally glanced at Jiang Siming, but he said with a disdain: "Of course I know that you are my master, and I have to worship you when I come here."

"What does it mean to worship me? I don't want you yet. Go back and I will return the goods!"

Jiang Siming is completely puzzled by the style, the straight male line's hidden ability is triggered, no matter what kind of second element girl you are, you will step aside if you are not obedient.


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