I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 899: New copy·Zombie World!

"Aqiu! Lem must be teaching me, no, I can't make her look down."

After sneezing, Ram began to talk to herself, and soon, her attitude became correct.

"Master, it's Ram's fault. Ram shouldn't talk to the master like this. Master can forgive Ram, sauce~"

Suddenly, the attitude of the girl who made a fuss changed drastically, but Jiang Siming was a little caught off guard, how could she really be a living intelligent species.

Why are there such strange two-dimensional characters appearing? Jiang Siming seriously doubts whether there will be various monsters and animation heroes in the future.

Will the world be messed up by then.

This goes against the world view too much, and Jiang Siming's mind is a bit confused for a while.

"Master, don't you want to forgive Ram, ohh, Ram is so pitiful, no one wants..."

Ram said that there were tears in his big eyes, and he cried like a girl in the second element. When he cried, he burst into tears.

"Hey, hey, I didn't make you cry, I didn't say that I would not forgive you." Jiang Siming was really afraid of the woman's tears.

"Really! Then you forgive Ram! Then quickly tell me which room Ram lives in, where are the new clothes and bathroom, Ram wants to take a bath, come from the dimensional world, his body is stinky, Ram is very annoying ~"

Jiang Siming clutched his forehead and said in his heart: "Fortunately, you can earn space at will, otherwise this ‘monster’ will have to bore himself to death."

"This is just a hotel. I won't be able to go home after a while. You should wait until I get home."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, ignoring Ram's protest, he took her back to the different dimension space as soon as he closed his hand.

The fragments this time made Jiang Siming once again open the door to a new world, and the original two-dimensional things can also be obtained from the fragments.

Think about it, too, isn't the [Xiandou] also two-dimensional, it can come, other things in the two-dimensional will naturally appear in the fragments.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming is no longer entangled. If he comes, he will be at ease. Anyway, even if the person of the second element is released, he can set that only he can see it, just like a copy world.

Let her go, and wait for the game to go home before considering how to settle this Ram.

"Why is it Lahm, not Lehm..." Jiang Siming felt a bit pity.

He also watched "Zero-Starting Life in Another World", and Lem is indeed a bit more popular than Lam.

Ahem, where did he think...

Jenna returned soon after receiving Rem, and brought Jiang Siming something to eat for fear that he would not be full.

Putting aside the ridiculous pink fragments, Jiang Siming continued to accompany Jenna to enjoy the two-person world in the presidential suite.

Before long, eating became a ‘eat’ person, Jiang Siming lost interest in food, and his ultimate goal...naturally focused on the weak and boneless Miss Jenna.

When night comes, Jenna has gone to bed early, but Jiang Siming is very energetic, because in half an hour, the new copy world will be opened.

Jiang Siming was very curious what kind of new copy he would have.

Anyway, as long as the dungeon is beyond his control, he will choose not to go, and then use the dungeon accelerator to make this dungeon end early, and then wait for the next one.

After all, more than the copy he controlled, Jiang Siming used to be bad if something unexpected happened in the past. The copy is just a place for him to make money and experience another world, there is no need to take his life.

Half an hour passed quickly, and when the time came, a message came from Jiang Siming's head.

"The random dungeon world is about to open, 5, 4, 3... successfully opened!"

"Random Copy World: Doomsday..."Zombie World", you can choose your identity to enter at any time."

Zombie world?

Jiang Siming was taken aback. He didn't expect this copy to be a zombie, which sounded disgusting.

Jiang Siming has seen a lot of zombie movies. The zombies in them are more disgusting, but in troubled times, it is easy to make money. Jiang Siming understands this.

Moreover, it is easy to control. He is just a zombies. He is a monk in the Yuan Ying stage, and it is easy to destroy the zombies.

Immediately, Jiang Siming didn't hesitate. Although this copy was a little disgusting, he could control it anyway.

If he doesn't go, he will use an accelerator, and the accelerator also takes time. If the copy time is very long, it will take a long time for him to choose the third copy even if he uses the copy accelerator.

Check the identity choices given, there are four in total.


The four are very ordinary identities, Jiang Siming randomly selected a [student].

Then the screen changed, Jiang Siming appeared in a classroom, but Jiang Siming did not expect that this classroom was a Japanese classroom.

The blackboard in the classroom is also in Japanese, and a beautiful female teacher in a short skirt is teaching.

Jiang Siming is wearing a Japanese school uniform. I have to say that the Japanese school uniforms are really good-looking, which perfectly sets off Jiang Siming's figure.

While the teacher was giving a lecture, Jiang Siming looked back at the classmates around him. All the male students stared at the classroom podium intently. They were all with this beautiful female teacher, all showing the appearance of Brother Pig.

And there are girls who are not interested in female teachers, they all looked in his direction, and when they touched Jiang Siming’s eyes, these female students were blushing and embarrassed, but they couldn’t help talking to Jiang Siming. Watching Qiubo.

Also, Jiang Siming's face is here, these little girls who are swaying in love must be unstoppable.

Among them, there are even pretty and beautiful girls who seem to be the class flower in this class, because Jiang Siming found her the most beautiful.

"Jiang Jun, Jun Jiang..."

Jiang Siming suddenly felt that someone was calling him. Looking back, it was the female teacher who came to him and knocked on his desk.

"Jiang, you are not allowed to run in class during class time. Isn't the teacher talking too boring?" The female teacher looked at Jiang Siming with concern, blinking her big watery eyes and asked.

Jiang Siming laughed inwardly. It's weird that the students don't run off when this kind of teacher comes to class, especially the male classmates.

"I'm sorry, teacher, it's that you are too beautiful to distract me, so I can only divert my attention." Jiang Siming said casually, accidentally treating her as a roadside girl, and slapped...

The female teacher immediately blushed when she heard it, but she was not angry. Instead, she gave Jiang Siming an angry look.

"Student Jiang Jun, although you are an exchange student who came to Japan to study in Japan, the teacher is not allowed to make jokes about the teacher. Forget it this time, I can't spare you next time~"

After speaking, the female teacher squeezed Jiang Siming's cheek, and then walked back to the podium with a snake waist.

Jiang Siming touched his face and asked me to go, is this Japanese female teacher ‘punishing’ students like this? This Nima Chiguo is good.

[Author's digression]: Today, the community line is repaired and the sake is coded in the Internet cafe. It's just that the Internet cafe code is too fucked, too distracted, and didn't write much, so tomorrow Sake decided to start four more! Everyone, don't hit me~

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