I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 904: Jay Chou is here to cheer!

Jiang Siming took them away from Xiangbei High School and ran to a very safe villa to live in. It was very hidden, and he cleaned all the zombies nearby.

He also seized a lot of firearms and weapons from the police station, and taught them how to use them, and strictly explained that if they encounter other survivors, they must not be allowed in.

If you can't bear it, you can ask them to stay in other places nearby and wait until he comes back.

After the three girls became Jiang Siming's women, they naturally obeyed his words very much and said they would certainly agree.

Then Jiang Siming told them that he needed to leave for a few days and then come back. After the explanation, Jiang Siming left the dungeon world.

When I opened my eyes, it was dawn in reality.

After waking up, Jiang Siming stretched and looked at the bustling and peaceful world below the hotel. It was hard to imagine that he had just returned from the zombie world.

Fortunately, Jiang Si had become accustomed to the two worlds of copy and reality early on. Otherwise, after experiencing such a **** scene, he might still be nervous when he comes back.

Here, I can only sigh with Jiang Siming's powerful psychological quality. In his eyes, the copy is just a copy, and reality is always reality.

Jenna has also woken up, and if they eat early, Jenna has to leave.

She ran out of the country for several days, and her parents had been worried about it for a long time, and they kept calling to urge her.

Jenna had no choice but to return home.

Jiang Siming felt that he would have to live alone every day without Jenna, but it didn’t seem to matter. He had the strength of the meta-infant stage and the small movement skills. It’s a big deal to spend hours thinking about his wife at night and returning to the sky. Or go to South Korea or even the United States.

Anyway, he has his daughter-in-law everywhere in these three countries, so good~

Send Jenna to the airport, and tell her to find Yoona's good friend, Lawyer Zhang, to take her to terminate the contract with the original company.

When the time comes, sign to Huayi, even if her parents object again, her daughter's work can't be objected anymore.

If you work in Huayi, you have to go to the sky, so Jenna's parents can't control the birds.

Even Ji Hyo, Jiang Siming also wants to keep her away from the Korean entertainment industry, but the company where Ji Hyo works is run by her relatives, and there is no problem with security, and the signing time is too long, and Ji Hyo is not easy to terminate the contract.

Send Jenna to the airport. Before boarding the plane, Jenna cried again. It was for Shirley, but this time it was for Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was with him for the past two days, and she was happily like a child.

I'm leaving now, of course I can't bear it.

"Don't worry, when you sign the contract, I'll'tie' you to my house. Then you won't be able to leave if you want." Jiang Siming smiled and comforted.

It's just that the parting atmosphere is still there, which has no effect on Jenna.

She wiped her tears, put her arm around Jiang Siming's arm, and kissed him on the face several times before she stopped.

Seeing the Iraqi walking into the boarding gate step by step and turning around one step at a time, Jiang Siming was actually quite uncomfortable.

If it weren't for a match, he even wanted to buy a ticket and go back with Jenna.

This feeling is not just on Jenna, he has this urge every time he sends any girlfriend away.

Fortunately, Lao Jiang still lived in a relatively hold, but he didn't move.

After Jenna was sent away, Jiang Siming returned to the hotel with poison. Not long after arriving at the hotel, he was going to the game.

The reason why the games are now selected in the daytime is because the time difference between France and Asia is very different.

Whether it is Korea or the Celestial Kingdom, there is a time difference of nearly ten hours.

This is also to take care of the largest group of audiences. After all, the Blue Hole is now Jiang Siming's. Can they not take care of the audience from the Celestial Kingdom?

Playing during the day, this time is when the celestial dynasty is off work and school, so many people watch the game.

However, I have been in France for a long time. Jiang Siming wants to fly back to the sky and stay at home for two days after the game today.

Anyway, there is a small moving technique, why have you stayed in this foreign country? Isn't it good to stay at home?

At the same time, he also has to tell the blue hole that he should try his best to place the next game in the sky, so that he can play more easily.

After the fight, I can go home to eat and sleep, very comfortable.

Of course, players from other countries are uncomfortable, so what does it matter? They have the ability to buy the blue hole. They can play wherever they want to play, and they can play in Syria.

Sitting on the lengthened Lincoln rushed to the competition venue, Jiang Siming found that the venue seemed a little different today, with a lot of spectators.

The extra spectators are still from the Celestial dynasty, each of them tilted their necks and stretched their bodies to look inside the stadium, as if there was some peerless beauty inside.

"What's the matter? So many people?" Great God was also quite curious, and asked a buddy next to him.

The man said excitedly: "Jay Chou is here! He went to the scene inside!"

Jiang Siming laughed, this guy really came?

Immediately, Jiang Siming walked to the side of the contestant passage and led them into the stadium with Great God.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived backstage, he saw this guy Jay Chou taking a photo with a few fans who came in in their 4am lounge.

After signing the name, the security quickly drove these fans out.

At this time, Dong Chou just saw Jiang Siming coming, smiled on his face, and walked over.

"How about it, I didn't fool you, I said that I would watch your game if I came to see you," Jay Chou said.

Jiang Siming laughed, really happy.

Jay Chou is his good friend, including Lin Sansui.

And after he has [Music Proficiency], he feels even more sympathetic to the two of them. The key point is that the interests of the three big men are similar. Who do you want to go with if the relationship is not good?

"Why are you here now, I have finished a game, and I will come to cheer for every game that I say?" Jiang Siming said jokingly.

"Oh, you guy, when did I say this, hello locomotive." Zhou Dong attacked.

"Okay, it's all here. Just forget about it. By the way, your team is eliminated. Why are you here now? Why don't you come early? At least you can watch a few games." Jiang Siming asked .

Jay Chou’s LOL team is the JT team that Wanwan qualified for the World Championship this year, but JT was defeated by FPX and was stopped in the top sixteen.

And the worst part is that the Bend Division will no longer be an independent division starting this year.

In the future, the curved team wants to go to the World Championships, they have to go to the mainland and run to the top three in the LPL division to have a chance to advance.

Obediently, the LPL division is in the top three. This difficulty can be said to be a hundred times the difficulty of the corner division.

It is estimated that it will be even more difficult to see the corners in the World Championship.

Hearing this, Jay Chou rolled his eyes. This guy didn't open the pot or lifted which pot.

"I heard that you also played a game yesterday and helped RNG win a round to the quarter-finals. Wouldn't you continue to help them win the championship?" asked Dong Zhou.

Jiang Siming replied without hesitation: "The beauty they want, I'm just a helper of ‘righteousness’, and how they like to fight in the subsequent games."

Just kidding, Jiang Siming wouldn't help if it wasn't for that random task.

After all, this is not his team.

[Author's digression]: Today, the author's background is very unstable, and BUG often occurs. If the third watch is not made today, make up tomorrow, because the sake special has been written, but the post is added (laughing and crying)

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