I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 905: The second game!

"Okay, I still plan to see you win the world championship." Zhou Dong smiled.

Jiang Siming smiled disdainfully, and said triumphantly: "I can win the world championship as PUBG, and I have already won several."

Jay Chou had nothing to say, he looked at Jiang Siming enviously. This guy, talented in music, and so talented in games, is really annoying.

Think about himself, he has no musical talent, but his favorite LOL has always been in the silver mix.

And basically only one hero will be played, that is... Master Promise Sword Saint Yi!

After Jiang Siming talked with Zhou Dong, it was the turn of the great gods.

These guys were as excited as the fans outside, and they all became Jay's **** little fans.

"Dong Chou, I am your most sincere fan, I am an iron fan!"

"Me too, my name is Govd, nicknamed Awei, Jay Chou, I grew up listening to your songs, please sign me!"

"Dong Chou, I like your song the most, I have heard every song of you!"

Seeing this group of guys who are unscrupulous and asking for autographs and taking a group photo, Jiang Siming always feels very embarrassed, how could he know this group of unprincipled guys.

I understand that I like Jay Chou, but I also consider how good your next brother feels. Whatever you say, he is friends with Jay Chou.

It makes me quite embarrassed to have a group photo and autograph like this~

Fortunately, Jiang Siming was just thinking about it jokingly, he was not so stingy.

Jay Chou was also very generous, and signed each of them for a group photo, after fulfilling the wishes of their little fans.

The game was about to start. Jay Chou said goodbye to Jiang Siming and ran to the audience to watch the game.

"Okay, Ah Wei, your idol is here. We will continue to perform well in this competition today, and strive for our two brothers to take the top two in this individual competition." Jiang Siming encouraged.

Great God shook a fist and said, "No problem! I will try my best!"

The two clapped their hands and walked out of the background holding the peripherals together.

Jiang Siming's position has changed, becoming the 66th position.

Because individual matches are afraid that players will cheat and cooperate in the same position every time, in order to avoid this phenomenon, everyone's position in each game will be disrupted.

Next to Jiang Siming's location, there was a familiar figure, Alow.

Seeing Jiang Siming next to him, Alow was very excited.

"Ming! Do you still know me?"

"Of course." Jiang Siming responded with a smile, joking, how could the cheap brother forget.

"Haha, I'm so happy. By the way, I haven't had a chance to thank you for your help to my dad. Let's have a meal after the game. How about a treat?" Alow invited.

Irene ran to Tianchao to talk to Jiang Siming about Twitch. Once she went back, Jiang Siming re-contacted the people on Twitch and said that she could continue the live broadcast.

The Twitch executives were so happy that this big event was finally dealt with.

Of course, the credit for this negotiation goes to Irene Alow's father, not him, not his children who knew Jiang Siming, this matter is probably true.

So Alow's father was promoted two days ago, and he has improved by one level. Of course he is happier as a son.

"I'm totally looking at your face, and I won't give your sister's face." Jiang Siming said nonsense with his eyes open.

Anyway, my eldest brother-in-law likes to listen to them.

Sure enough, Alow felt honored to hear this, and even had the urge to have a stronger relationship with Jiang Siming.

Don't get me wrong, this is a bit more ironic, instead of being more ‘advanced’, trying to run to the corner of the wall to make a penalty stop.

Alow wanted to close the relationship between the two. First, he really wanted to be friends with Jiang Siming, and second, he wanted to get closer and secretly learn PUBG technology.

With a random idea, he suddenly realized that he still has a younger sister!

"Ming, my sister is actually very good, very beautiful, she is popular in school, and has never been in love, if you think my sister is also good, you can also fall in love." Alow said.

Is Jiang Siming's old behavior: "But I have a girlfriend."

"Hi! What's this? Are you married? If you have a girlfriend, that's a Korean, Irene is an American. The two of them don't meet each other, and they certainly won't capsize. I support you, go get my sister!"

Alow's words made Jiang Siming feel very ridiculous, when his brother supported a man with a girlfriend to pick up his sister.

What he can say if you say this, he can only pat Alow on the shoulder, and yell "good brother!"

The game was about to start, the referee came over and no longer allowed two people to talk.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming will probably buy yellow paper to kill the chicken and worship Alow...

Temporarily dispelling this idea, Jiang Siming stared at the screen intently.

The second round of the global individual player competition began immediately.

The pictures of all the players turned and appeared on the top of a deserted mountain.

When everyone saw this picture, they immediately recognized it. This is the bright top of the island map!

This map is followed by the island map.

This is really great, after all, although the Eastern Map is fun, everyone doesn't have much time to play, so it's not too familiar.

The island is different. This map has been available since the beginning of the game and is the most familiar map for everyone.

The official said before that the chance of random arrival of the eastern map in this game is three-fifths, and this second one will follow the island map, luck is still really good.

After the waiting time passed, everyone boarded the plane.

There is no longer any golden shadow on the plane, which makes Jiang Siming a little regretful.

Both Jin Ying and Hong Ying have CDs, only one will appear in the third round.

This is up to Jiang Siming himself, there is no perspective to play with him.

The flight route runs from south to north, passing through the airport, P city, school, S city and shooting range.

Jiang Siming wanted to land at the airport, but saw that there were few people flying at the airport, so he gave up the idea.

When he arrived in P City, Jiang Siming found that a large group had fallen. He no longer hesitated to press the F key and jumped off the plane.

He glanced at his surroundings while piercing from top to bottom, Jiang Siming, who looked at a dozen umbrella bags, opened his eyes and smiled, as if he saw a dozen shining fragments.

It seems that professional players still like P City very much, no wonder so many people want to grab the title of P City Overlord.

However, Jiang Siming said that today the P City Overlord has no part, because he has already booked it!

Because Jiang Siming only landed later, and no longer had the skill of'Skydiving Proficiency', he fell more slowly than the others.

Jiang Siming had to choose the row of poor places on the side of the road in City P, found a house with a balcony on the second floor, and jumped in.

There are people all around, and there is one opposite his house.

And this person picked up a UMP9 submachine gun as soon as he landed and entered the house. Jiang Siming had just landed and entered the house when he picked up the gun.

So this person immediately wanted to take advantage of Jiang Siming's gun to come over and take advantage of the fire.

After Jiang Siming entered the house, he also used [Equipment Perception] to find out that this house...really has no guns!


[Author's digression]: The second update, if there is no third update today, the sake will be added tomorrow.

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