I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 917: Stabilize the military

Everyone in the company saw Jiang Siming's arrival, and they all agreed with the chairman.

Not to mention the little girls at the front desk, these little girls saw Jiang Siming's heart rippling, and shouted hello to the chairman.

Jiang Siming casually made a few golden sentences to tease his sisters, and immediately made them blush and heartbeat.

Follow Li Yingzi into his chairman's office.

This place has long become a ‘dormitory’ for the elite traders. They have been here for a week or two and they have fully adapted to the closed life.

At this time, they were still crackling on the keyboard, reporting data.

But looking at the expressions on their faces, they seemed to be a little worried and sad.

When Jiang Siming arrived, they all got up in surprise.

"Hello, Chairman!"

Jiang Siming walked over in an approachable manner, pressing his hand and said: "Sit down, don't be so formal."

Then he found a chair casually and sat down, and began to inquire about the situation of the stock sniper.

Several gold medal traders began to express their opinions. They are all the most primitive old employees of the company.

Lin Jingrong, Li Zixi, Yuan Wenbin and others.

They have joined the company since the establishment of the company, and they are also the ones who most want to see the company accident.

Such a good financial company can't be found under the lantern. They don't want the company to go bankrupt because of its severe losses.

This kind of thing abounds in the financial world, so their worries are also necessary.

Several people expressed their views in turn, and they all felt that they should withdraw as soon as possible.

"Chairman, I think this investment is the only ultra-high investment in the entire Asian financial circle in recent years. If we withdraw now, we will have tripled our profit, but once the U.S. reacts and turns back to intercept us, Maybe it’s too late for us to retreat."

"Yes, Chairman, think twice~"

How can Jiang Siming hear it like the ancient loyal minister is persuading a faint king jio...

After listening to their opinions, Jiang Siming was not angry. Instead, he smiled and patted their shoulders and said: "Your suggestions are very good. I am very pleased to be able to consider the company."

"But you can't just look at it one-sidedly. Do you think the decline in US manufacturing stocks is just accidental? If it is like Johnson & Johnson, I also think we should stop as soon as possible, because their accidents are just accidental."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he changed the subject and said: "But the decline of US manufacturing stocks is not accidental, but inevitable. In recent years, the US manufacturing industry has shown a pathological development, and fewer and fewer Americans do not like doing it themselves. It is to throw things to other countries, such as Apple. The whole world knows that Apple is not produced in the United States. They are only responsible for research and development of technology, and the manufacturing industry is thrown to other countries, including ours."

"This has also caused them to enjoy the convenience and huge benefits brought by R&D technology more and more. They think that manufacturing this kind of thing is only a petty profit. Therefore, this is the basis for us to attack it this time. What can they do even if they react?"

A wave of sharp remarks left the audience speechless, and everyone felt as if they had been initiated by Jiang Siming's views.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with Jiang Siming's remarks, what they see is what they have completely ignored.

Maybe this is the boss, maybe this is why Yinghuan has never lost money since its establishment for more than half a year.

"Do you still think we should withdraw funds now?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Yuan Wenbing and they all smiled embarrassedly, their heads shaking like a rattle, and they won't withdraw. Now anyone who says to withdraw funds is a fool.

Seeing that their hearts were open, Jiang Siming was relieved, and stood up and said to everyone: "Do it hard, this time my goal is not three times, but ten times or more! If you want to make a profit, make a huge pen!"

When everyone heard it, my heart was aroused, ten times, that is 300 billion...

How much does it cost? How many zeros does that have to be? They haven't seen it in their lives anyway.

In order to express his attitude, Jiang Siming stayed with them for half a day. Jiang Siming didn’t do anything special at noon and lunch, and asked Li Yingzi to go to the cafeteria downstairs and eat a meal with everyone. Lunch.

This has also filled all employees with confidence once again.

The company has General Li Yingzi, who is indeed extremely powerful in combat effectiveness. Don't worry about this.

But if you have a general, you must have a king. If there is no king, the soldiers don't know who they are working for.

Jiang Siming is naturally the "king" of Yinghuan. As long as he is there, Yinghuan will be there, and Yinghuan's heart will be stable.

It's okay for other companies to say, but this kind of financial company really needs the emperor to stabilize the military spirit. After all, the financial company claims to be a ‘flowing seat’ company that ‘if there is today and may not be tomorrow’, it’s too unstable.

The arrival of Jiang Siming can be regarded as a renewed vitality and enthusiasm for Yinghuan, and the whole company continues to work in peace.

Coming out of the ‘dorm’, Jiang Siming ran to Li Yingzi’s office.

All employees of Yinghuan knew that Li Yingzi and the chairman had a close relationship, and even if they saw it, they just covered their mouths and laughed twice.

After Jiang Siming entered, Yingzi smiled and pressed him on his chair, squeezing his shoulders behind him.

"Xiao Mingzi, I didn't find it. It turns out that you have such a boss temperament, and you have a long-term vision, you can see the blood in your throat, and you have an insight into the mystery, which is amazing."

Listening to his wife's rainbow fart, Jiang Siming couldn't help but float.

"Then it goes without saying, how can you deal with these people without any eyesight and foresight."

"Then what do you always plan to do next? Are you planning to leave Xiaoqing and Xiaoxin home to have fun again?" Li Yingzi asked with a smile.

"Why? How can I have time to have fun? After watching Yinghuan, I have to go upstairs to see Fuxi. After watching, I have to go to LILI for a tour. I can often not come to the company if I leave my hand, but I have to come. "Jiang Siming is quite conscious of being a shopkeeper.

Knowing that if the company does not have the chairman to come forward, it will slowly make employees lose their enthusiasm and motivation for work, and gradually become lazy.

Just like when you are in school, as long as there is a head teacher in the school, students dare not be too skinny.

But if one day the head teacher tells you that he is going to take half a month off, you can see if the group of skin monkeys in the class will go to heaven.

So this is why Jiang Siming often commutes with Zhao Xuan Yingzi and others when he is free.

"LILI? I remember that LILI seems to have a small change in Tang Ru, haven't you taken them down? Do you want me to help you as a wingman?" Li Yingzi teased.

"Nonsense, am I that kind of person? We are a very pure relationship between the boss and the employees. Your thinking is too impure."

Jiang Siming said.


[Author's digression]: The second update has been passed. Today I am a little busy with my small business. I will update one chapter. Tomorrow I will fill up with sake. Forgive me, writing a book is just a sideline, and sake has to make ends meet~

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