I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 918: Feed the unfamiliar hungry wolf

At night, the wives at home all fell asleep soundly. Jiang Siming didn't feel too embarrassed. He put his arms around Zhirou, who was as cute as a cat, and went to sleep with his eyes closed.

When I opened my eyes again, the smell of blood pungent again, and the disgusting smell of blood and rotting corpses spread from the air.

Jiang Siming reappeared in the zombie world, and it has been nearly a month since the zombie eruption, and the copy is in the summer.

The corpse decomposes very fast, and the air in Japan is almost filled with this smell.

Jiang Siming thought that he would have to emptied the Bank of Japan’s vaults and finish the copy with [Dungeon Accelerator] afterwards.

Why don't you suffer in this copy? Really.

It still appeared in the previous villa for Akihara Yuxia and the two school sisters, but the villa was very clean.

There was a roaring noise from the bathroom downstairs. Jiang Siming's Yuan Yingqi's consciousness swept away and found that Yuuki Akihara and the others were bathing in the bathroom downstairs.

It seems that they have had a very comfortable life this month, even if they want to come, Jiang Siming cleaned all the zombies in the vicinity for more than a dozen miles, and sealed all the entrances near the villa area.

It's harder for this kind of walking corpse to enter without wisdom than to climb to the sky.

However, apart from them, Jiang Siming felt several breaths outside the villa, some of which were hidden in the fence outside the villa, as if they were eavesdropping and discussing something.

"Boss, there are absolutely only three women in this. We have been crouching here for several days, but no matter what method we use, they will not open the door. We are only allowed to live in other houses nearby, and the food is from the building. Threw it to us."

"I'm sure, the people inside are three wealthy girls. The materials inside are extremely rich. If we can rush in and grab them, we must have eaten for a long time. Besides, there are three such beautiful women. We will tie them up. Jie Jie..."

"Can this door be opened?"

"It can be, but if you use violence to open the door, the other party must know that they have guns that are not easy to deal with, and will cause zombies. Recently these zombies seem to have become smarter. I saw a zombie running extremely fast the day before yesterday. It’s so scary! Listening to the military saying on the radio that these zombies can evolve."

"What do you do then? You can't keep such good resources away from it, right? I miss the three women in X so much, what do you say, boss, how do we do it."

"Cheat, you have to cheat them out for anything. When they give out food, you go out, big friend, you are the youngest and the most honest, you say that your brothers went out to find food and were besieged by zombies. Ask them to help. , We squatted by the gate, as long as we lied to them to open the door, we rushed in right away! You can do whatever you want then."

"Okay, boss, don't worry!"


The faint voice of Yuuka Akihara and the others did not hear, but Jiang Siming heard it clearly.

He probably understood it. The feelings are a group of hungry wolves who are unfamiliar.

Jiang Siming sneered, and waited upstairs without doing anything.

Soon, the evening came, Akihara Yuuka, Matsuda Emi, and Matsuda Kana had already taken a bath, and while chatting with each other, they didn't forget to say two words that missed Jiang.

Then they changed their clothes and started to run into the storage room, taking out a small portion of food and water.

Because this is the time when food is distributed to people coming from outside every day.

Soon after Jiang Siming left, some survivors also came here, and they prayed to Akihara Yuxia to take them in.

But the three women obeyed Jiang Siming's instructions and refused to open the door. They only agreed to let them live in other nearby villas, and agreed to give them food and drinking water at regular intervals every day.

Now it's time to distribute food again, but Yuuki Akihara and the others discovered that they hadn't seen anyone outside who should have been waiting here.

"Hey, what about them? Don't you need food?" My sister Matsuda Emi was a little strange.

At this moment, a figure ran from a distance and knelt down as soon as they arrived at their villa, crying loudly.

"Three sisters, please, save my brothers, they are dying."

"What's the matter? What about the others?" Akihara Yuuka asked suspiciously.

"I was too hungry today, and there was not enough food to eat. My brothers went out to find food for me, but the supermarket was surrounded by zombies outside. I was on guard so I ran back early. Sisters, please, go and save Save my brothers, I must remember your great grace!"

With that said, the young boy who seemed less than fifteen years old knelt down and kept kowtow, his nose and tears streaming down.

Jiang Siming lit a root of Yulong Smoke upstairs, and he couldn't help clapping his hands. It was really good acting. This acting can kill a group of old drama bones in the real world.

Yuxia Akihara and the others were naturally deceived. Without much doubt, they began to move around and want to save people, but Jiang Siming's instructions still lingered in their ears.

Yuxia Akihara thought for a long time, and finally bit her silver teeth and decided to save someone.

It was mainly because this group of people were too good at acting during this time, so that the three girls could not see that they had any evil intentions, plus the cry of the little boy.

As a teacher, Yuuka Akihara was finally shaken.

Although Matsuda Emi and Matsuda Kana were still hesitant, they had to listen to the teacher.

The three immediately took out their guns from the villa, ready to save people, just when they were about to open the door.

"You really disappointed me."

Jiang Siming's voice suddenly appeared behind them slightly.

Yuxia Akihara and the others looked back and found that it was Jiang Siming, they were extremely surprised.

"Jiang Jun, you are back!" Yuxia Akihara wanted to rush over.

But Jiang Siming's eyes widened, Yuxia Akihara was dumbfounded on the spot, she didn't dare to pass, she knew that this man was angry.

"Jiang Jun, what's the matter..." Yuxia Akihara still didn't quite understand.

Jiang Siming said coldly: "What did I say before I left?"

Yuxia Akihara said bitterly after hearing the words: "I know, I also remember, but they were surrounded by zombies, we want to save people."

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "This world is dying everywhere every day, can you save it? Do you think it depends on your broken guns?"

Yuxia Akihara also makes sense. Japan is now fully infected by zombies, and the zombie infection rate exceeds 65 percent.

In a country with a population of more than 100 million, 65 percent have become zombies. You can imagine how many zombies there are.

Even the cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage, Jiang Siming, has nothing to do with it. He can indeed kill all zombies in seconds, but if such numbers pile up, he can only escape.

If he were to be tough, he would have been exhausted and his anger would have been exhausted. How could you beat them with tens of millions of zombies?

Just tens of millions of pig Jiang Siming are struggling to kill.

[Author's digression]: Yesterday’s third update. Yesterday, the business was a bit busy. Please forgive me for missing one. Today I will make up for you with sake, so today there are four changes~

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