I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 942: Found a gold mine!

At night, the action begins.

With Jiang Siming and Tian's teaming up, Che Jia's defense was like paper and was easily broken.

The masters of the Che family still wanted to fight to the death, but the five top masters of the profound level still couldn't escape the fate of being killed by Jiang Siming.

Now Jiang Siming, the prefecture-level master is like an ant in his hands.

The whole process was completed in less than half an hour.

All members of the Che family were escorted away, and all their properties were also seized.

"Hey old man, you are too stingy, are you too stingy, so many gold jewels, land lease facade, you don't leave me a dime?"

Jiang Siming was a little greedy when he saw Che's property.

Obediently, according to statistics, the assets of the car family are as high as 60 billion, a hidden giant and rich.

It is a pity that they did something wrong and crossed the line, and the gods could not save them.

"Your net worth is several times larger than that of Che's family. Do you still care about the money?" The old man Tian Zuo asked with a smile.

"Of course, my wealth is also accumulated by a penny and a dime. Only if you accumulate less can you make more." Jiang Siming said kanji.

The old man of the Tian Group smiled and said: "Don't worry, the Li family will pay you, so you don't want to ask us for the payment. Okay, close the team and leave quickly."

There are question marks on Jiang Siming's head, and this old man is too stingy!


The news that the Che family had all been arrested overnight quickly spread throughout the hermit world, making all the families panic.

They heard that Tian Zu gave birth to a Tian-level master, and in the Che Jia battle, he easily killed a large number of Che Jia masters, and even the deadly hidden weapon mechanisms were crushed by him like powder.

But no one knew who it was.

But there was still a wise person who immediately guessed that this person should be the mysterious figure who killed the enemy family by Sheshan.

Unexpectedly, this person converted to Tianzu.

Now, no hermit family dared to mess around.

Because of this incident, it is indeed enough to kill a chicken and a monkey, and kill a hundred.

This also allowed for a long time, no recluse to illegally and chaotically happened in the city.

Even for a long time, the major hermit families began to retreat, and the clansmen were not allowed to go out.

Xiangjiang Li Cheng was overjoyed when he heard the news. When the car family fell down, he would be able to sit back and relax without any worries.

Overjoyed, Li Cheng gave him a super commercial building worth 30 billion yuan in Xiangjiang Central to Jiang Siming.

Not only that, but also sent a Repulse Bay villa to Jiang Siming, valued at more than one billion yuan.

For the rich father-in-law to be so generous, Jiang Siming accepted it all.

On the day Li Cheng learned the news, he let Hundred Billions run to the magic capital.

Seeing Hundred Billion and the sisters in the family laughing and playing together, Jiang Siming looked at his brows.

At night, Jiang Siming took the hundreds of billions who had not reunited for a long time to take a bath called ‘shame’ in his bathroom.

Just when Jiang Siming was so angry that he was about to "rectify the Fa on the spot."


An electric current suddenly exploded in Jiang Siming's body.

Made unprepared by this sudden electric shock, Jiang Siming screamed subconsciously.

"What's wrong? Did I just hurt you?"

Hundred Billion thought he was hurting, so he quickly stood up and asked concerned.

Jiang Siming's true energy circulated and immediately offset this current.

Fortunately, he had already experienced a million-volt lightning strike, and this small current did not hurt him.

It’s only true to be shocked, and it’s still at this time, the ‘critical’ time.

Fortunately, I am strong enough to be tough enough, otherwise hundreds of billions of wives will think whether they are hollowed out...

"It's okay, but I want to pee first and wait for me."

Jiang Siming found an excuse to get out of the bathroom first and ran to the toilet pretending to pee.

In fact, he was seeing that he was suddenly electrified for Mao.

Is it because the hand speed of 100 billion is too fast, sparking sparks?

But soon, Jiang Siming discovered that it was not, he found the root cause.

It's [Mineral Detector]!

"Found a mine!"

"Coordinate: Guizhou Zhenfeng Mercury Cave"

"Mineral type: Carlin type gold mine."

"Quantity: 300 tons."

"This is the largest Carlin-type gold deposit in Asia."

Feelings are the result of mineral detectors.

Jiang Siming sets up automatic detection every day, but if the automatic detection results, there will be a current reminder.

I almost forgot.

Now that the minerals have been discovered, Jiang Siming is of course happy.

The moment I was electrified just now, I didn't care at all.

If there is a mine with electricity, he is willing to be electrified every day...

But Jiang Siming still doesn't understand what a Carlin type gold mine is.

Let Xiaoxian check it out and found that this Carlin-type gold deposit is actually a fine disseminated gold deposit.

Generally speaking, it is a relatively rare type of gold mine.

300 tons, the total value has exceeded 80 billion soft sister coins.

Good deed, no wonder it is No. 1 in Asia!

With 80 billion mineral deposits, Jiang Siming's saliva will flow out.

It just so happens that I have a mining company in my hands, so it's time to come.

Mining! Call tomorrow, you must mine!

Brother will soon become a man with a mine at home, wow hahaha~

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming entered the bathroom again and had to'applaud and celebrate' with his wife.

The next day Jiang Siming called his Xinde mining company and asked them to put everything at hand.

All the technicians ran for me to Zhenfeng, Guizhou. He had confirmed the location, and he would be able to find it as long as he surveyed in the past.

Of course, this does not require Jiang Siming to visit the scene, the company will naturally get it done in an orderly manner.

More than that, Jiang Siming also has a construction company, which is about to start.

The design drawing of his super internet cafe has been completed, and now he is constructing according to the drawing.

Naturally, there is no need for Jiang Siming to do it himself, and his construction company will also take care of it.

Take a look, this hand-handling shopkeeper is so prudent and skillful~

Mining while building, grabbing with both hands.

Jiang Siming did not forget to mail the depression cure pill to the Xi'an girl.

In the previous game, the two exchanged phone numbers and addresses, and Jiang Siming first called to confirm.

Then send it to the past. As for the past in person, it will be avoided.

He and this girl only met in peace, because fate only met twice in the game.

Jiang Siming doesn't want to really break into other people's normal lives, so just mail it.

After the mailing, Jiang Siming asked her to call him after the meal to see how the effect was. The girl readily agreed.

In this way, the two days in the magic city just passed.

Jiang Siming returned to Paris, France, to prepare for the game the day after tomorrow.

In the last two games, Jiang Siming couldn't miss a match. If he missed it, he would have to cry and dizzy. The white fragments were gone.

Of course, before the game, Jiang Siming chose to enter the copy again.

The game hasn't started yet, so let's continue to find T2 zombies, they will also give fragments, which is difficult to find.

So after returning to Paris, Jiang Siming chose a very early time to lie down in his room to rest, in order to stay longer in the copy.

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