I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 943: Crazy Sweeping Zombies

2012, September, 7th.

This is the second month after the zombie copy broke out.

At this time, Japan has completely become the zombie world.

The normal legal society has been completely overturned, with countless occurrences of murders, robberies, gangsters, etc.

Thousands of people die almost every day.

And the materials and food in various parts of Japan are being rapidly consumed.

Especially the food carried by the Japanese people has been exhausted in these two months.

Many people risked their deaths to find food but died at the mouth of countless zombies.

More people harm other people for a bit of food, even by all means.

Jiang Siming saw an adult who murdered a child mercilessly with a dagger under a building for a pack of instant noodles.

This also made Jiang Siming feel that foreign zombie movies were indeed made well, and they captured the most authentic aspects of many people's human nature.

Although it is only a copy, when I actually see it, I still feel how happy it is in peaceful times.

Jiang Siming has watched many zombie movies before, and he always loves to fantasize about the end of the world and Resident Evil.

It's silly to think about it now.

He raised the AWP conveniently, and shot the man downstairs who wanted to escape with the murder and robbery.

From entering the dungeon to the present, he has been in Osaka for a day, but he still hasn't seen other T2 zombies.

Jiang Siming put away his gun, jumped directly from the dozens of storeys high building, lightly landed on the ground, and then summoned Kebherr and left the office building.

Yuxia Akihara and the others are still safe there. A T1 zombie came into their villa half a month ago.

But it was easily settled by them, and even the combat robots didn't make a move.

Jiang Siming gave Yuxia Akihara and his sister Emi Matsuda a T2 zombie kernel.

They have now become evolvers, and evolvers are not only several times stronger than normal people in terms of strength, speed and response.

At the same time, he also has special abilities. Yuuka Akihara has the same soil control skills as him, and Emi Matsuda has the ability to be invisible.

The two people unite, one uses the soil control to fasten the T1, and the other stealth to the back of a few shots of armor-piercing bullets, it is very simple.

So Jiang Siming feels relieved about them, and Takakura Atsumi is also there.

Kaibaihe drove all the way out of Osaka and headed for Tokyo.

Jiang Siming's goal has always been to go to Tokyo, which has the largest population and the most zombies, and there are bound to be more T2s.

And Jiang Siming heard that there seemed to be a T3 zombie in Tokyo, swallowing a gear company in one bite, and then disappeared.

Jiang Siming discovered that the zombies in this zombie world are evolving very fast. Now there are even T3s. I don’t know if there will be T4, T5, etc. soon.

But Tokyo is still far away, and Jiang Siming didn't rush to fly over, he still chose to drive.

He found out that he had better not use his qi in this world at will.

Otherwise, those T2 zombies that have evolved and become intelligent will have perception.

Knowing that there are powerful enemies nearby, it is easier for them to hide.

This was also the last time Jiang Siming found out, so unless he was in a hurry, Jiang Siming would not choose to use Zhen Qi.

He is now like an ordinary evolutionary, possessing soil control.

Constantly searching in the zombie world, this also allows him to blend in this dungeon world more.

Just driving to find it is a little troublesome after all, especially when walking on urban roads, there are groups of zombies.

If it is dragged to a place for more than five minutes, the nearby one kilometer range will be covered by zombies.

Jiang Siming is now encountering this situation again. He encountered it once before. He found it troublesome and went out in a violent wind to kill all the zombies.

But he also lost the traces of zombies that he had sensed a little bit.

This time Jiang Siming didn't need to be really angry to say anything.

"Okay, you have a lot of them, right? AWP can't satisfy you, then try the unlimited ammo version of Gatling."

Jiang Siming stopped the car, opened the sunroof, and carried a Gatling heavy machine gun on the hood, showing a crazy smile.

He has only played this ‘game’ of using Gatling to sweep zombies in CSOL and CF.

Now, I am playing the live version, which must be more enjoyable!


The Gatling machine gun began to fire, and the bullets were like squally rainstorms, instantly sweeping down the entire row of zombies!

This thing doesn't need to aim at the head specially, Gatling's terrifying lethality is enough to tear anything hit!

Even if these zombies were not shot in the head, even if they were only shot in the legs, it was enough to break their legs and make them fall to the ground and could no longer walk.

This was a crazy killing, and the Gatling heavy machine gun swept the zombies from all directions.

There is no need to think about bullets where there are more zombies.

Empty bullet shells are everywhere on the roof of the car.

After shooting for a full ten minutes, Gatling's barrel was red, and the zombies were still batch after batch.

"It's okay, Gatling down, there are other macho-level weapons!"

Jiang Siming took Gatlin back to let it cool down, and then moved the MPSAA automatic shotgun out of the debris.

This shotgun was like a howitzer. After firing a shot, a heavy grenade flew into the crowd of zombies, and then exploded a large area of ​​broken hands and feet.

This power, exciting!

Jiang Siming was lucky enough to be killed, but still did not leave, holding this gun and continuing to shoot!

During the shooting, Jiang Siming also took out one hundred new high-explosive grenades, and threw one to a place with many zombies.

A loud noise that was enough to shatter people's ears was posted on this street, attracting almost all the zombies nearby.

Jiang Siming sighed, it would be good if these ordinary zombies could produce fragments, even if the probability is low, he killed thousands of heads, enough to drop a lot of fragments.

Unfortunately, it seems that only T2 has fragments for the time being.

After staying in this film for an hour, Jiang Siming had an addiction.

This is the same as the plug-in in CF where you have opened unlimited ammo Gatling.

Stay in a corner, wait for everyone else to become zombies, and then besiege you together.

At this time, you just need to hold the trigger and don't let go, you will be able to score until you burst.

In the biochemical duel in CF, there is a small hole in the sewer. Three or four people are put in, with two silver RPGs and a Barrett.

Zombies are basically dead in seconds when they enter, even the Terminator, they can basically get the points soft when they enter.

Jiang Siming's meeting was much cooler than this. After shooting for an hour, the nearby zombies were basically swept away by him.

However, the zombies in other places will arrive in a while.

Jiang Siming was already comfortable and didn't intend to waste time here, pressing down on the piles of corpses, he swayed out of this city street.

Just out of the street, a roar came, and then, a zombie with the size of five O'Neill rushed over.

One punch hit Jiang Siming's car window!

The thick explosion-proof glass was cracked by this punch!

[Author's digression]: Today’s fourth update~ To the old guys

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