I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 23 Attributes Skyrocketed! Song Chaoyu's Unwillingness?

Chapter 23 Attribute Soaring! Song Chaoyu's Unwillingness?

The next day.

Zheng Cheng went to the slaughterhouse again.

At this time, Director Zhu had already brought in more than fifty Bo Si Qu snakes.

"Zheng, this is the quota for all Bo Si Qu snakes in Eternal Peace City for this month," Director Zhu said as he greeted Zheng Cheng.

"You don't know, as soon as the other slaughterhouses heard that someone could dissect Bo Si Qu snakes, they were so excited that they brought them over overnight."

"You see..."

Zheng Cheng's face turned slightly green from eating too much snake gall last night.

But he still moved his hands and said, "Let's start, let's dissect them now!"


For the whole morning, Zheng Cheng was dissecting Bo Si Qu snakes.

Fifty-four Bo Si Qu snakes provided him with a total of sixteen Bo Si Qu snake galls!

At noon, he stayed in the slaughterhouse's cafeteria for lunch.

He asked the chef to cook eleven Bo Si Qu snake galls for him, and then he ate them nonchalantly.

Bo Si Qu snake gall permanently increases mental strength by 1 point and provides 1% poison resistance.

He had eaten nine yesterday and still had eleven left for today.

In other words, he still had five Bo Si Qu snake galls left.

While cooking, he stood by the window and watched.

Although ordinary people cannot check the specific attributes of items, they might encounter other professionals.

After all.

The slaughterhouse is a state-owned unit, and there are several professionals in it.

Fortunately, no other professionals came to the kitchen during the half-hour cooking time.

Eleven Bo Si Qu snake galls were quickly cooked.

He held a large bowl of snake gall, endured the bitterness, and ate it nonchalantly.

All the ordinary slaughterhouse workers around him looked at him.

"Is that snake gall? Eating snake gall as a meal? That's too awesome!"

"Shh... I heard from Director Zhu that the young man is a professional, maybe that snake gall is a special item."

"That's right! I just want to know what profession he is, to like eating snake gall so much?"

"Isn't snake gall a traditional Chinese medicine? Maybe it's a tonic!"

"It's possible..."

After swallowing eleven snake galls, his mental strength soared to 31 points!

To prepare for tomorrow's trial dungeon, he didn't waste the rest of the afternoon.

He picked up the alloy machete and entered the butchering workshop of the wild ox.

After a whole afternoon, he returned to the apartment satisfied.

In his inventory, in addition to the five uneaten Bo Si Qu snake galls, he had gained twenty ox eyes and thirty blood jade pig livers.

These were the maximum amount of special ingredients he could consume!

After cooking all these special ingredients, Zheng Cheng began to eat heartily.

After eating his fill, he quickly exercised, then continued eating, eating until after two in the morning.

The next morning, he continued eating!

After eating, he continued exercising!

He only ran to school when the designated time arrived.

While running, he was still gnawing on the blood jade pig liver.

Half an hour later, he finally arrived at the gate of No. 12 Middle School.

He had swallowed all twenty ox eyes and thirty blood jade pig livers.

At this point, his personal attributes had undergone a huge change!

[Name: Zheng Cheng]

[Profession: Priest]

[Star Level: One Star]

[Level: LV0]

[Soul Power: 0/100]

[Strength: 25]

[Constitution: 64]

[Agility: 4]

[Mental Strength: 31]

[Resistance: 20% Poison Resistance]

[Equipment: None]

[Backpack: None]

[Skills: Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst LV3, Random Dissection LV2]

Although the level had not changed, his four-dimensional attributes had surpassed all new professionals.

Especially his constitution, which had reached a terrifying 64 points!

The total attribute points were 124 points!

Even a nine-star professional at LV10 couldn't compare to him with these data!

In addition, his Random Dissection had been upgraded to LV2 due to the training in the slaughterhouse in recent days.

It was only a few tens of points away from reaching LV3.

At that time, a new special ability would awaken.

Over a hundred new professionals were ready.

There were also many ordinary students, teachers, and nearby merchants observing them.

"These are the new professionals of No. 12 Middle School this year, so envious."

"If only I could awaken..."

"By the way, where's Yao Zhixue?"

"I didn't see him..."

Almost everyone in the crowd looked at them with envy and jealousy.

Especially the other students of No. 12 Middle School.

Ten days ago, they were all classmates starting from the same line.

But after that day, a huge gap appeared between them.

It could never be bridged in their lifetime.

"If only I were a professional..."

In the front of the crowd, Song Chaoyu, standing with a few girls, looked at them enviously, full of unwillingness in his eyes.

"I wonder if the Mass of the Black Sun Church is true, if it can turn ordinary people into awakened ones..."

"Whether it's true or not, it's still my chance."

"I can't give up...!"

Zheng Cheng ran over and quickly attracted the attention of most people.

After all, he was the only one in the entire school who ran to school.

"Brother Cheng!"

In the crowd, Chen Xiao waved to Zheng Cheng.


"Yeah, exercising by running."

"Hurry up, Brother Cheng, we're waiting for you."

After the teacher in charge, Gao Yang, counted the number of people, he said, "Driver, everyone's here, let's go."


The driver responded, and the bus quickly started and headed out of the city.

All the dungeons were located in the wilderness.

They were controlled by various forces, big and small.

The trial dungeon that No. 12 Middle School had applied for was no exception.

It was controlled by the country and allocated to other national institutions on time and as needed.

On the bus.

Zheng Cheng and the others sat at the back and had no interest in looking at the scenery outside.

Chen Xiao asked, "Brother Cheng, where have you been these days? I haven't seen you around."

"I've been training my skill proficiency," Zheng Cheng casually replied. "By the way, have you found the fifth person?"

Cai Kun shook his head and said, "No, only the four of us in our class have awakened, and the other students in the other classes are unwilling to join us."

Zhang Ping'an was also angry, "Some people even say that our class is a waste of professionals. Damn it, don't expect me to save them if they get hurt in the future!"

"What do we do now?"

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly, "There's nothing we can do. Only the four of us can go in and give it a try."

"With me there, we should be able to handle the monsters in the normal difficulty dungeon. You guys figure out how to kill the monsters when the time comes."

"You can grind the monsters to death in the dungeon!"

Cai Kun took charge, "Don't worry, I'm at least a three-star professional, and my attack is not weak. When the time comes, Ping'an and Zheng Cheng will be responsible for healing me..."

"No, Zheng Cheng has powerful control skills, but I don't know if they will work on the monsters?"

Zhang Ping'an interjected, "It depends on which dungeon we get this time, the simpler the better!"

Cai Kun suddenly said enviously, "Ah, if only I were a nine-star professional. So many people would want to join us, and the school would even arrange special transportation for us."

"No wonder I didn't see Yao Zhixue," Chen Xiao also said, "By the way, Brother Cheng, you need to be careful about something."

"What's the matter?"

"Liang Feifan," Chen Xiao said, "This kid came looking for you this morning, saying he wanted to teach you a lesson."

"You weren't there, so he left cursing and drove away."


Zheng Cheng smiled, "I really hope he comes."

(End of this chapter)

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