I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 24 Trial Copy! All People Join The Army!

Chapter 24: Trial Instance! Universal Military Service!

The bus drove out of Eternal Peace City.

For over three hundred years, successive professionals had driven a large number of wild monsters and beasts out of the wilderness.

They had built towns and gathering points around the city, allowing ordinary people to live outside.

Only in areas far from the city or deep in the mountains and forests were there large numbers of high-level monsters.

But for ordinary people and professionals, they could not stay far from the city.

The reason was simple: even now, spatial rifts would occasionally appear in the wilderness.

A large number of monsters, beasts, and even other races would use the passage of the spatial rifts to enter the Blue Star and slaughter humans on a large scale.

Only the city and its surroundings could guarantee safety.

On the way, the newly awakened students from Twelve Middle School were excitedly discussing, and many people were looking out the window.

After all,

For over a decade, this was their first time leaving Eternal Peace City.

Over an hour later, they finally reached their destination.

A small town called "Weihe Town," next to the surging Wei River.

The mountains and forests next to the town were guarded by armed police.

After checking the documents and identities of the school bus, they were signaled to pass.

On the bus, Chen Xiao looked at the soldiers outside the window and suddenly said, "Brother Cheng, after I graduate from college, I want to join the military!"

Zheng Cheng was not surprised at all.

Living in this kind of world, almost every man and professional would consider joining the military.

Universal military service!

To resist the tide of beasts and other races, and fight for a chance for humanity.

Even professionals, after reaching LV30, must serve for two years in places like the Two Realms Mountain, or the Underground Caverns, or the Demon Realm.

This was not only a requirement of the country, but also a duty that every human being should fulfill!


Once a race crosses the defense line, the entire human world will be wiped out!

"Yes! I'm going too!"

"I want to go too!"

Cai Kun and Zhang Ping'an also said one after another.

"My father died in the Two Realms Mountain, I want to avenge him!"

"My father didn't go, but my second uncle was shot in the eye by the other race in the Underground Caverns before he retired..."

"My father also sacrificed in the Two Realms Mountain. He wanted me to become a professional before he died..."

For a while, all the students on the bus were discussing this matter.

Gao Yang quickly stood up and said, "Classmates, you are still young. It's not too late to consider military service after graduating from vocational college."

"Only by learning skills and leveling up in vocational college can you better go to the battlefield to resist other races and protect our planet!"

"Alright, we've arrived at the trial instance. You must seize this rare opportunity!"

Encouraged by Gao Yang, the new student professionals on the bus all got off the bus accordingly.

"Wow... Is this the instance?"

"So many people..."

"Move aside, let me see..."

Following the crowd, Zheng Cheng also got off the bus.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

In front of him stood a deep purple vortex-shaped gate, towering over two people's height.

The vortex gate slowly rotated, emitting an inexplicable aura.

This was the entrance to the instance!

Instances were game mechanisms born from the integration of this world and other worlds.

They would often randomly appear on a certain map.

These instances had level restrictions, but no limit on the number of entries. As long as professionals were willing to spend time and determination, they could always obtain the equipment or materials they wanted in the instance.

With the emergence of instances, villages, towns, and even cities would often form around the entrance to the instance.

Born from the instance!

Weihe Town was one such place.

Gao Yang led the students towards the instance gate.

"Classmates, there are three instances around Weihe Town."

"They are the LV30 Weihe Dragon Palace Ruins, the LV10 Crimson Altar."

"And the trial instance we are going to challenge this time, the LV5 Fire Rat Nest."

Fire Rat Nest?

Upon hearing the homeroom teacher say this, Zheng Cheng suddenly felt a stir in his heart.

No wonder.

The principal mentioned in the group chat that we should thank classmate Yao Zhixue.

This trial instance was completely prepared for Yao Zhixue!

The reason was simple.

Although he didn't know Yao Zhixue's specific profession, it was obvious from the battle with Fallen One last time that he was an ice attribute professional.

And ice, as the superior attribute of water, countered the fire attribute.

The people from Twelve Middle School were just there to help train Yao Zhixue.

Plus, after encountering the Night Watchman last time, Zheng Cheng was almost certain that Yao Zhixue had already joined the Night Watchman.

"Hey! Chen Xiao!"

Suddenly, someone walked over and said, "Our team is short of a tank, would you like to join us?"

Cai Kun looked at him cautiously and said, "Damn! It's Chen Zixiong from our class. His awakened profession is a six-star Swift Archer!"

"He has strong attack power, second only to Yao Zhixue and Liang Feifan."

As the only awakened five-star MT professional Earth Knight from Twelve Middle School, Chen Xiao was undoubtedly a hot commodity in all teams.

If he were willing to join another team, their success rate in clearing the instance would increase by at least thirty percent!

Chen Xiao shook his head and said, "I still have friends. Would you like to join us?"

Chen Zixiong sneered and said, "Them? A bunch of three-star and one-star trash, and they think they're worthy of me leading them?"

"Chen Xiao, I'm inviting you as a favor. With you joining us, we can definitely attempt Nightmare difficulty..."

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and shook his head, "Forget it, I'd rather stay with my friends."

"Damn! You don't know what's good for you..."

Muttering to himself, Chen Zixiong turned and left, and the other teams also gave up on inviting Chen Xiao.

"Damn! Xiao Bro! No, Xiao Master! You're truly my Xiao Master!"

Cai Kun immediately pounced on Chen Xiao, laughing heartily as he hugged his neck.

Chen Xiao turned around and threw him to the ground, saying, "I'm doing this for Brother Cheng, so get lost!"

"I know, I know, hahaha..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder, saying, "Thanks, brother."

"We're all brothers, no need for formalities."

At this moment, several people walked over.

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up slightly. Was it them?

"Yao Zhixue!"

"And Liang Feifan!"

"Who are those people?"

"Wow! That girl is so pretty and cool!"

"Are Yao Zhixue and Liang Feifan teaming up?"

"I don't know..."

Zheng Cheng happened to know all the people who had arrived.

Yao Zhixue, Liang Feifan, and... Zhao Yunxiao!

"Zhixue, look, Captain Zhao is advising you to join my team. Don't refuse, okay?"

Liang Feifan came over with a straight face, "We'll be colleagues soon, and we might even become a team in the future. Give me some face."

Yao Zhixue said coldly, "I've said it before, I won't team up with you."

Just then, Yao Zhixue also saw Zheng Cheng.

The calm surface of her eyes suddenly rippled.

End of chapter.

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