I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

73. Chapter 73 Four Secret Realms? There Is Only One Spot!

Chapter 73 Four Major Secret Realms? Only One Slot!

"Permanently increase the four-dimensional attributes of professionals with spirit grass and fruit, special food?"

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched. There's something like this too?

If this is considered a treasure, then what does that make him?

A wholesale dealer of treasures?

Song Chaoyu, who had been sitting quietly on the side, couldn't help but ask at this moment:

"Permanently increase the four-dimensional attributes of professionals? How is that possible?"

"The book says that professionals can only obtain the four-dimensional attributes after leveling up, or after changing professions or reincarnating..."

Zhao Yunxiao nodded and said, "You're right, but that's only one aspect of it."

"For professionals to increase their own four-dimensional attributes, they have to take some special natural treasures and earth treasures."

"And most of these special natural treasures and earth treasures are produced in the Secret Realm!"

"Spirit medicine, special food, monster inner cores, etc. So after entering the Secret Realm, any monsters or medicinal corpses killed must be brought out and dissected by professionals such as pharmacists and alchemists themselves!"

"Their bodies, flesh, inner cores, etc., could possibly be refined into elixirs or potions that permanently increase the four-dimensional attributes!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up. He remembered the mental attributes of the Lord of the Dark Sun.

A full 1050 points!

These additional attributes of hers definitely came from the opportunities in the Secret Realm!

Then he thought again.

The monsters, creature corpses, flesh, and inner cores in these opportunities in the Secret Realm could all be used to refine special elixirs and potions.

So, could the special food he dissected using the Random Dissection be used to refine these elixirs?


He must try it if he gets the chance!

"Elixirs that permanently increase the four-dimensional attributes..."

Song Chaoyu said again, "They must be very expensive!"

"Of course."

Zhao Yunxiao shrugged, "And these spirit medicines, special food, all have level restrictions."

"For example, the Secret Realm you are about to enter this time has a maximum level requirement of no more than LV10."

"So the spirit medicines, special food produced there can only be consumed by professionals of LV10 or lower."

"Even if they are refined into elixirs, they can only be consumed by professionals below LV30 at most."

"High-level professionals, even if they consume them, they won't be effective."

"I see..."

Zheng Cheng then remembered why Doug Goldcoin, the wandering goblin merchant, was so excited when he saw his werewolf heart in the Hell difficulty dungeon of the Fire Rat's Nest.

No level restrictions!

The special food he dissected using his mutant skill could be consumed by professionals of any level!

If others were to find out...

The Night Watchmen would be manageable, at most they would increase their efforts to protect themselves.

But once the Fallen One or the alien races behind them found out...

Yao Zhixue, who had been silent all along, suddenly asked, "Sister Yunxiao, you mentioned that the Secret Realm is divided into different Secret Realms based on different attributes. What does that mean?"

Zhao Yunxiao glanced at her and nodded, "It means exactly what it says."

"In each Secret Realm world, there are different Secret Realms based on different attributes and rules."

"For over three hundred years, we Blue Star people have explored countless Secret Realms. The worlds and rules in them are different, but they can generally be divided into four categories!"

"The first category is the exploration type."

"These kinds of opportunity Secret Realms are the simplest."

"After we enter, we only need to follow the mission prompts to find specific items or characters, or explore a certain dangerous place to complete the mission."

"In these Secret Realms, there will be some special spirit medicines in hidden dangerous places."

"There will also be special creatures, killing them and bringing out their bodies!"

Zhao Yunxiao continued to operate the computer, and soon similar Secret Realms appeared.

"The second type is the slaughter type."

"These kinds of opportunity Secret Realms are slightly more difficult than the exploration type."

"The main tasks are mostly to exterminate certain monsters or demons, or a boss-level monster or demon."

"These kinds of opportunity Secret Realms have the most rewards, especially the flesh and blood of these monsters, which have a high probability of being refined into elixirs that permanently increase the four-dimensional attributes, or have other effects!"

"Some powerful forces' pharmacists and alchemists will pay a high price for these!"

"The fourth type is the game type."

"The game type?"

Zheng Cheng and the others were all stunned.

What kind of thing is the game type?

Zhao Yunxiao did not answer directly, but opened another video.

"The so-called game type Secret Realms often involve different games for professionals to play after entering."

"These games are derived from different games and turned into special Secret Realms!"

"For example... the Battle Royale Secret Realm!"

"Battle Royale Secret Realm?"


Zhao Yunxiao nodded, "The Battle Royale Secret Realm often has a high maximum number of participants, mostly around a hundred people. After entering, professionals will be randomly teleported to a fixed map for slaughter."

"And the map will also generate different poison zones as time passes."

"Poison fog, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, knife mountains... forcing professionals to move towards the center of the map to fight until there is only one person left, or one team left!"

"For professionals, the Battle Royale Secret Realm is undoubtedly the most brutal, but at the same time, its rewards are also very rich!"

Zhao Yunxiao added, "So, is it very similar to a certain chicken-eating game from hundreds of years ago?"

Seeing the nods from the others, she continued, "The danger and rewards of game type Secret Realms are directly proportional."

In addition to the Battle Royale Secret Realm, there are also Squid Game Secret Realm, Werewolf Game Secret Realm, MOBA Battle Secret Realm, King's Game Secret Realm..."

Listening to Zhao Yunxiao's explanation, the faces of the group became very grim.

After these games were transformed into Secret Realms, the difficulty and death rate could be imagined!

Song Chaoyu hoarsely asked, "What about the rule type Secret Realms?"

Zhao Yunxiao took a deep breath, turned off the computer, and said:

"The rule type Secret Realm is the most difficult type of Secret Realm to date."

"In these Secret Realms, the rules of nature and physics will change."

"Some attempts are simply ineffective in these Secret Realms..."

"For example..." Zhao Yunxiao's tone suddenly became somewhat emotional, "the Sensory Deprivation Secret Realm!"

"In this Secret Realm, your vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and even your mental power scan, all become ineffective!"

"And your main task is to find a certain item."

"Think about it, can an ordinary person with disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and muteness find a specific stone without any clues?"

As they listened to Zhao Yunxiao's description, the group's faces became even more grim.

"So, among the four major Secret Realms, only the exploration type Secret Realm is the simplest, followed by the slaughter type."

"As for the game type and rule type, try to avoid entering if possible."

"Otherwise, no one knows what kind of game or rules will appear after entering."

The three looked at each other, and Zheng Cheng asked the final question, "Captain Yunxiao, what kind of Secret Realm are we going to conquer this time?"

"Don't worry, it's just a regular exploration type Secret Realm, limited to ten people."

Zhao Yunxiao smiled, "Three days later, the bureau will send five new reserve members who joined the Night Watchmen this year."

"Add the three of you, Liang Feifan, and one more slot. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Liang Feifan?"

Song Chaoyu exclaimed, "He's joining too?"

But Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "Only one slot?"

(End of this chapter)

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