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74. Chapter 74 Cai Shen’S Chance? A Family Of Professionals!

Chapter 74: Cai Shen's Opportunity? Professional Family!


Zhao Yunxiao nodded and said, "There's only one spot left. Including Song Chaoyu, the bureau has only recruited nine new people this year."

"And all your schoolmates are in Wei River Town, so I'd like to ask for your opinions."

"The last spot, who should we give it to?"

The three looked at each other, none of them speaking.

For anyone, this spot represented a substantial benefit.

As Captain Yunxiao said, this Secret Realm expedition was just an ordinary one, but the rewards were plentiful.

If it could be given to a student they were close to and trusted, wouldn't that be the best?

Yao Zhixue spoke first, "I'm not familiar with anyone, so I won't make a recommendation."

Song Chaoyu opened her mouth but then closed it.

Her identity was too special, inexplicably obtaining the status of a professional.

At this moment, she was under the surveillance of the Night Watchers.

It was better not to stand out in this situation.

The eyes of the three women all turned to Zheng Cheng.

Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Zhao Yunxiao said, "I'm not familiar with the situation at your school, so we can only rely on you."

Yao Zhixue said, "My close friends haven't awakened as professionals, so it's up to you to decide."

Song Chaoyu whispered, "I... I also give up this opportunity."

Zheng Cheng shrugged, "Then... Chen Xiao."

"He's an Earth Knight, with strong defense, useful in any situation."

Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu looked at Zhao Yunxiao again.

"Earth Knight... I remember him."

Zhao Yunxiao hesitated, then shook her head slowly, "Under normal circumstances, whether it's a dungeon or a Secret Realm, having a main tank is never wrong."

"But this Secret Realm expedition requires going to some dangerous places, and a main tank with low agility may not be suitable."

"And among the five professionals transferred to us this time, there is already a main tank class professional."

"Are there any other candidates?"

"Agility attribute..."

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched unconsciously, "Cai Shen... can he?"

"Cai Shen..." Zhao Yunxiao thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "Is he the young man who awakened as a poultry druid?"

"You still remember him..."

"Of course," Zhao Yunxiao said, "His profession is very valuable for research, but unfortunately, his star level is too low, otherwise we would have recruited him long ago."

"He's now at level 6, and his attribute points in agility and strength are both over 10."

"And... he can fly."

"He can fly?" Zhao Yunxiao's eyes lit up.

"But only for about seven or eight meters, and it's not sustainable."

"Then it's him!"

Zhao Yunxiao decisively said, "In the future, whether it's in the wilderness, dungeons, or Secret Realms, there will often be special maps with high mountains and giant trees."

"In such maps, the main tank's position seems somewhat redundant."

"Moreover, although main tanks are not common, they do exist."

"Among the five professionals transferred from the branch this time, one of them is a main tank!"

"But I have never seen a professional below level 60 who can fly."

"Your friend is indeed talented..."

Zheng Cheng shrugged, "Then it's him. I'll inform him when we go back."

"But wait."

Zhao Yunxiao opened a drawer and took out something, handing it to Zheng Cheng.

"Zheng Cheng, this is the reward for you after discussing with the bureau chief!"

"A reward?" Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.

What Zhao Yunxiao handed over was actually a... ring!

It was entirely black, seemingly plain in appearance, but faintly shimmering with an inexplicable luster.


Zhao Yunxiao nodded, "In recognition of your contributions in the Black Sun Church crisis, whether it was assisting in killing the four divine envoys or the Lord of the Black Sun, and saving those ordinary people, all of these were significant achievements."

"After discussions among several captains and the bureau chief, it was agreed to give you an additional reward."

"This is a spatial ring personally crafted by the alchemist Master Ou within the Night Watchers, with a length of about ten meters, a width of about ten meters, and a height of approximately ten meters, providing a space of about a thousand cubic meters!"

"A spatial ring!" Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up even more, quickly taking the ring.

"You can try to open it with your mental power," Zhao Yunxiao explained, "This is just an ordinary spatial ring, so you must take good care of it and not discard it."

"Otherwise, if someone else picks it up, you'll lose all your belongings."

Zheng Cheng tried it, and after making contact with his mental power, a vast and empty space appeared before him.

It was like a huge sphere, surrounded by a void.

"Can anyone use it if they pick it up?" Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Is there no blood pact to claim ownership?"

Zhao Yunxiao smiled, "What are you thinking? Items that can form a blood pact are those with spiritual essence, at the very least, they must be innate weapons, or items of Divine Weapon level."

"For an ordinary spatial ring, how could it have the ability to form a blood pact?"

"So, you must protect it well!"

"Huh..." Zheng Cheng suddenly said, "What's this?"

In the corner of the spatial ring, he found five boxes.

Zhao Yunxiao explained, "These are the expedition items prepared for you, one box for each person."

"They include a bottle of Healing Potion, a bottle of Spirit Recovery Pill, three Healing Scrolls, three Communication Scrolls, as well as some lighting tools, food, and so on, to be distributed among the other four."

"Got it, I understand," Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, "Expedition into the Secret Realm, a spatial ring... Are you trying to have me use this ring to bring out the bodies of the creatures and monsters in the Secret Realm?"

Zhao Yunxiao grinned, "You truly are the man I've set my eyes on, indeed clever!"


"Don't worry, after this Secret Realm expedition, this spatial ring will be yours!"

"Alright, I can only reluctantly accept it..."

Zhao Yunxiao added, "This spatial ring won't deduct your merit points. After this Secret Realm expedition, your merit points will be calculated."

"By then, you can use your merit points to exchange for the healing skills you want."

"I understand."

Zheng Cheng nodded, realizing that it was almost time for him to participate in the joint professional examination.

"Oh, there's one more thing I need to tell you."

Zhao Yunxiao's tone suddenly became extremely serious, "Three days later, the five professionals newly transferred to the branch will gather here."

"These five professionals have some special identities. You can cooperate with them after entering the Secret Realm, but you must not easily give them the spoils of war."

"What's yours is yours, don't snatch, but don't let others snatch it from you either!"

"Why?" Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Aren't they all Night Watchers? Why..."

Zhao Yunxiao shook her head, "Although they are all Night Watchers, they come from professional families!"

"Professional families?"

The three were puzzled, professional families for professionals?

"Yes, the so-called professional families are families where there have been professionals for three or even four generations!"

"These families are powerful and span multiple forces. The professionals within the families are outstanding, almost monopolizing the vast majority of the country's resources."

"So, these people are somewhat arrogant. They act domineeringly and have a strong temperament, so you must be careful."

"Of course, these professional families spare no effort in resisting foreign races and hold high positions within the country."

"Almost every department in the country has members from professional families, including us Night Watchers!"

"They prioritize the interests of their families over the interests of the country, often following orders reluctantly."

"Unfortunately, the professionals from these families in the branch refused to come and besiege the Lord of the Black Sun during the Black Sun Church mission!"

"Otherwise, our losses wouldn't have been so great!"

"Professionals from professional families?"

Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, "Captain Yunxiao, are you also from a professional family?"

I recommend a book by a friend: "The Emperor Who Became a Mysterious Figure in Textbooks"

Jiang Chen unexpectedly joined a chat group, originally just boasting in the group, but then Zheng He started the Age of Discovery, the Ming Dynasty completed the Industrial Revolution, and Huo Qubing pierced through the Eurasian continent, and the Song Dynasty discovered the Americas.

(End of this chapter)

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