I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 8 Improving Skill Proficiency? I Have A Solution!

Chapter 8: Improving Skill Proficiency? I have a way!

After school, Zheng Cheng returned home alone.

It was a small two-bedroom apartment, which was more than half an hour away from No. 12 Middle School.

In this parallel world, he was an orphan.

His parents died in an accident when he was young, and he was adopted by an orphanage.

A year ago, Zheng Cheng transmigrated and chose to leave the orphanage on his own.

Relying on his past life's experience, he copied documents and engaged in some underground business for over a year, earning quite a bit of money.

Only then did he rent a small room in the northern part of Eternal Peace City, finally having a place to stay.

After washing his face and lying down on the bed, his phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Chen Xiao.

"Cheng Ge, have you figured out how to improve skill proficiency?"

"Cai Kun and I have made an appointment to practice together. Do you want to join us?"

Zheng Cheng's tone was strange as he asked, "Are you sure you want me to join?"

"Um... well..."

Chen Xiao awkwardly replied, testing the waters, "How about you come and watch us practice?"

"Forget it, I have my own way."

Zheng Cheng flatly refused him and asked, "What about Zhang Ping'an?"

"He's with us too. His novice skill is called 'Essence of Plants and Trees,' which allows him to extract essence from ordinary plants and restore his own physical condition after consumption..."

After chatting with Chen Xiao for a few more sentences, Zheng Cheng hung up the phone.

"Improving skill proficiency?"

"My skill's effect is too terrifying. I'm sure no professional would be willing to practice against me."

"Unless someone's brain has been kicked by a donkey, they wouldn't willingly have diarrhea..."

"Oh... wait!"

"It seems like there's a place..."

Chen Xiao tapped the table and quickly thought of something.

"This method might work. I'll try it tomorrow..."

Early the next morning, Zheng Cheng took the bus and arrived at the Eternal Peace City Adventurers' Guild located in the city center.

This was the activity center for all adventurers in Eternal Peace City, officially established but already transformed into a semi-official and semi-private organization due to the participation of powerful adventurers and forces.

In the Adventurers' Guild, any adventurer could undergo professional level certification, trade materials and equipment, and accept missions, among other functions.

Ordinary people or other adventurers, countries, and organizations could also come here to post missions.

They could hire other adventurers with Huaxia coins, gold coins, materials, or props as rewards to help them complete specific tasks.

Surrounding the Adventurers' Guild were the City Lord's Mansion, Adventurers' University, Auction House, and various major chambers of commerce.

Walking into the Adventurers' Guild, Zheng Cheng saw rows of transparent glass workstations resembling government offices.

Beautiful young ladies with good figures and attractive appearances warmly greeted the visitors, handling their affairs with a smile.

Those who could come here were either adventurers or people with money and power.

How could ordinary staff members offend them?

On both sides of the lobby were other adventurers' guilds.

Formation Mage Guild, Mage Guild, Knight Guild, and so on.

They were established by specific powerful adventurers, attached to the Adventurers' Guild, and managed by the respective guilds.

But within their own guilds, they referred to themselves as systems.

Specific new adventurers could join their respective guilds and receive help within the guild.

Following the arrows, Zheng Cheng walked through the lobby and arrived at another place.

It was a completely white building.

On the high-rise building outside, there was a bright red "十" symbol.

Eternal Peace City, Priest Guild.

This guild managed all the priests and healing druids in Eternal Peace City.

There were even more people coming and going here!

Approaching a counter, a young lady in an office lady uniform quickly greeted him.

"Young man, what can I do for you?"

"I want to establish an adventurer's profile."

The professional young lady's eyes lit up suddenly. Such a young professional?

The months of August and September are the awakening days for professionals in Xia Country.

These two months are also the busiest time for the Professional Union.

She immediately opened her computer and asked, "Sir, are you a newly awakened professional, a high school student in Grade 12?"


"Is your profession Priest? What star level?"

"Priest, one star level."

"Um... a one-star Priest? The most basic profession?"

"Yes..." Zheng Cheng asked, "Why? Can't I create a profile?"

"Of course you can."

The professional young lady put aside her flattery and said in a formulaic manner, "May I ask for your name?"

"Zheng Cheng."




A few minutes later, the professional profile was created.

The professional lady handed over a chip similar to an ID card.

"Mr. Zheng, this is your professional certification. With this certification, you can accept tasks and post messages at the Professional Union."

Zheng Cheng asked directly, "I want to rent a treatment room at the Priest Union. What procedures do I need?"

The professional lady in uniform smiled and said, "You only need your professional certification and to pay a certain amount of rent. How many days would Mr. Zheng like to rent?"

"What's the minimum rental period?"

"Seven days."

"Then I'll rent for seven days."

"One thousand dollars per day, or 1 silver coin. Are you sure you want to rent?"

"1 silver coin..." Zheng Cheng clicked his tongue in surprise. Why is it so expensive to rent a treatment room at the Priest Union?

In the Professional Union, every support profession and life profession can rent a room here to provide services for other combat professions.

Healing, refining, alchemy, demon refining, enchanting, and so on, are all possible.

And gold coins are the trading currency formed by condensing monster soul power that professionals obtain by killing monsters in the wilderness or dungeons.

They are very precious.

They are divided into copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins.

1 copper coin is equivalent to 100 dollars for ordinary people.

1 silver coin is equivalent to 1,000 dollars.

And 1 gold coin is equivalent to 10,000 dollars!

Over the past year, he has spent quite a bit of money on school, rent, and living expenses.

But in order to improve his skill proficiency, he can only choose to be here.

After all, whether it's professionals or wealthy people, the Professional Union has the most traffic!

The professional lady in uniform seemed to see through Zheng Cheng's embarrassment and explained, "Mr. Zheng, one thousand dollars per day for rent is really not expensive."

"You are a Priest, a rare profession with healing skills. Some wealthy people are willing to enjoy the services of a Priest."

"With just one healing session, you can earn at least two thousand dollars, which can completely offset your rent..."

Zheng Cheng's face looked strange. Healing skills?

Does that include treating diarrhea?

He laughed at himself and nodded, "Okay then, I'll rent for seven days."

"Alright, I'll process it for you right away."

The professional lady in uniform quickly typed on the computer and took out a bunch of keys from the counter, handing them to Zheng Cheng.

"Hello, Mr. Zheng, this is the treatment room you rented."

"Area A, number 58!"

"Area A, number 58?"

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched. "So you're saying there are 58 Priests here?"

(End of this chapter)

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