I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 9 Healing Skills? Does Making Someone Have Diarrhea Count?

Chapter 9: Healing Skills? Does Treating Diarrhea Count?

Following the road signs, Zheng Cheng quickly arrived at Area A.

At first glance, there were temporary treatment rooms of various sizes, large and small, all over the place.

The walls were made of clean white glass, and faint figures could be seen inside.

On the electronic banners at the door, there were rows of electronic fonts.

"Senior Priest, proficient in two healing skills, specializes in trauma and muscle soreness, 2 silver coins per treatment."

"LV30 Priest in charge! Specializes in treating trauma and detoxification. Interested parties, please come in quickly!"

"LV15 Miss Big Milk, specializes in massage and detoxification, only one silver coin per treatment~~~"

Seeing this, Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched.

These are... professionals?

It's a bit different from the rumors outside.

He also noticed a lot of situations along the way.

Most of the Priests who could rent temporary treatment rooms here were below LV30.

As for Priests above LV30, they were all recruited by large groups, major forces, or countries.

They were either pioneering in the wilderness, entering dungeons, or resisting other races at the border.

And they mainly focused on treating trauma, detoxification, and barrier clearance.

The patients coming and going were mostly professionals.

These professionals were all injured in the wilderness or dungeons and were reluctant to take medicine.

After returning to Eternal Peace City, they hurried to the Priest's guild for treatment.

In addition, there were a few ordinary people.

Of course, all the ordinary people who could come here were powerful and influential.

Besides treatment, they also had the intention of winning over and currying favor.

After all.

Even the most ordinary professional's social status far exceeded that of the wealthy!

Soon, Zheng Cheng arrived at temporary treatment room A58.

Opening the door, the overall color was pure white.

Inside, there were tables, chairs, computers, two stools, and simple beds.

A very ordinary treatment room.

Looking back, there was a signboard at the door of the neighboring A57 treatment room, with the words "Little Deer's Healing Pavilion" on it.

On its electronic screen, there was a row of red fonts.

"LV12 Senior Priest, proficient in faint light healing, 10 copper coins per treatment, or equivalent paper currency..."

"LV12 also counts as a Senior Priest?"

Zheng Cheng was a little puzzled. He placed his backpack on the table and sat down on a chair.

He opened the computer and began to set up his own electronic banner.

At this moment, a small figure suddenly appeared at the door, peeking inside.

Ignoring him, Zheng Cheng quickly set up his own electronic screen.

"Ancestral Chinese medicine transformed into a Priest, proficient in treating constipation caused by various reasons, letting you relieve yourself..."

After setting up the electronic banner, he stood up and casually opened the door.


The figure outside, who was peeking inside, almost stumbled into Zheng Cheng's arms.

"Are you okay..."

Looking down, it turned out to be a petite beauty wearing a clean white Priest robe with golden floral patterns around her clothes.

She had long, light golden curly hair and skin as smooth as a dairy cow.

Her face had the soft curves of an Easterner, but her pupils were light blue, with a fatal attraction like the ocean.

What caught Zheng Cheng's attention the most was her huge chest.

He was so distracted that he almost couldn't see his own toes.

The mixed-race beauty quickly stood up straight, took two steps back, and stared cautiously at Zheng Cheng:

"Are... are you also a Priest?"

Her voice was crisp and carried a different charm.

"Yeah, I'm a newly awakened Priest. Is there something I can help you with?"

The mixed-race beauty exclaimed, "A newly awakened professional? Did you awaken in the true healing arts to come here?"

Zheng Cheng couldn't help but laugh and cry, "What do you mean by the true healing arts? Are there fake healing arts?"

"I warn you, I'm an old-timer here. Don't steal my business, understand?" The mixed-race beauty widened her eyes and said seriously, "So, after I treat two clients, you can treat one, understand?"

"Otherwise, I, I will..."

As she spoke, the mixed-race beauty even raised a small fist and stared fiercely at Zheng Cheng.

Zheng Cheng joked, "Otherwise, what will you do?"

"I, I will beat you up~!"

The mixed-race beauty showed two small tiger teeth and said, "I awakened a year earlier than you, but you're my senior, be careful~"


With that, the mixed-race beauty even wrinkled her nose and turned back to her treatment room.


Zheng Cheng pinched his nose, "A fierce little Priest, and she's my senior?"

"Although her face looks a bit young, other parts should be quite mature~"

Putting this matter aside, Zheng Cheng first took a photo of his door sign.

Then he sat back on the chair, opened his phone, and entered the chat group of the first hospital's proctology department!

This was a chat group Zheng Cheng had just joined yesterday, in addition to more than twenty other chat groups of various sizes.

All of them were groups with keywords related to proctology, constipation, and bowel movements.

In these groups, there were potential clients for Zheng Cheng.

He quickly typed, "Everyone, I finally found an old Chinese medicine practitioner who treats constipation, and he's a professional!"

After sending the message, he quickly received responses.

"A professional? Really?"

"Can a professional treat constipation?"

"Is it true?"

"It is!"

Zheng Cheng quickly sent a photo.

"Look, this is a photo I just took at the Priest's guild in Eternal Peace City. Is this fake?"

"Damn! Ancestral Chinese medicine transformed into a Priest, proficient in treating constipation caused by various reasons, letting you relieve yourself..."

"Brothers, I'm going to try it out. I haven't had a bowel movement for almost half a month, and taking medicine hasn't worked at all..."

Satisfied, he left the first hospital's group and opened another group.

Casting a wide net to catch fish in the sea.

As long as he could catch one, the news would quickly spread throughout Eternal Peace City.

By then, the gospel for constipation sufferers would definitely be known to every constipation sufferer.

And he himself would also gain a massive amount of skill experience!

Thinking of this, Zheng Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Turning around, he opened his backpack and took out a white coat, complete with a hat and mask.

If he was going to pretend, he had to do it properly.

While Zheng Cheng was preparing, next door in the Little Deer's Healing Pavilion, Lu Mengmeng also opened a group chat.

However, her group chat was an internal group chat for the temporary treatment management of the Priest's guild.

Little Orange: "@Mengmeng, do you know what the new handsome guy is here for?"

Lu Mengmeng: "He's a newly transformed Priest, and he does look quite handsome."

Little Angel: "A newly transformed male Priest? Oh my god, he's the first male wet nurse here! I wonder if he has enough milk supply..."

Little Orange: "You're so dead, what does a male Priest need milk supply for? As long as he's in good shape!"

Goddess of Light: "A newly transformed male Priest who dares to open a clinic here must have a high star rating, probably seven or eight. His newly awakened skills should also have strong healing abilities!"

Goddess of Light: "@Mengmeng, go see what he wrote on his door sign, what skills is he proficient in?"


Goddess of Light was a big shot in their Priest's guild, and her level was already LV50!

Her professional rank was also a seven-star Holy Light Priest.

She was very prestigious in the entire Priest's guild.

She was also the big shot that Lu Mengmeng admired the most.

Lu Mengmeng obediently opened the door and ran to the neighboring room.

Looking up, her delicate little face first froze, then filled with suspicion, shock, and a hint of incredulity.

She tremblingly took a photo and sent it to the group.

"Let me see if this new handsome guy has a big milk supply!"

"I... I'm going!"

"Ancestral Chinese medicine? Treating constipation?"

"What happened to the promised healing skills?"

"What the hell is this?!"

(End of this chapter)

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