I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

87. Chapter 87 Amphibious Alien Race? Did You Steal Their Wife?

Chapter 87 Amphibious alien race? Did you steal their wife?

"Damn! Li Zhen! Jiaojiao!"

On the stone pillar, Bai Jingqi cursed secretly and watched helplessly as Li Zhen and Li Jiao released their hands under the threat of the orc air cavalry.

The thin figure fell directly towards the bottom of the cliff.

"Oh shit!"

Qin Zheng also cursed angrily, turned around and slapped the pillar of the suspension bridge connecting the opposite side of the cliff.

With a "bang", the entire suspension bridge pillar was smashed directly.

The orcs on the other side who were rushing along the suspension bridge shouted in panic and quickly held the suspension bridge.

"Qin Zheng! Why are you so crazy!"

Bai Jingsheng shouted in panic: "If you break the suspension bridge, we will be dead!"

Qin Zheng didn't seem to hear anything, and slapped him down again, and the entire suspension bridge pillar was directly broken.

The suspension bridge about a hundred meters long fell directly from the air. The orc who was originally on the suspension bridge also screamed and fell towards the bottom of the cliff.

"Crazy! You are so fucking crazy!"

Bai Jingsheng screamed in panic, but was knocked away by his elder brother.

With a "bang" sound, an arrow hit the round shield in Bai Jingqi's hand, and it flew away.

"Stop shouting! Deal with these big flying bats first!"

Bai Jingqi shouted, and Bai Jingsheng also drew symbols in the air in panic.

A large amount of cold air condensed to form an ice talisman, which was immediately absorbed into the large bat group.

At this time, Qin Zheng destroyed another suspension bridge.

Now, the three people were trapped directly on the stone pillar.

All around are empty and deep cliffs.

Bai Jingsheng said tremblingly: "Qin Zheng, why are you so crazy!"

"We don't want anything to happen to Li Zhen and Jiaojiao, but you can't destroy the suspension bridge."

"Don't talk about completing the Secret Realm mission now, even our lives will be lost here..."

"Shut up!"

Qin Zheng cursed secretly, his eyes like a wild wolf choosing people to eat.

He came to Bai Jingqi, grabbed the arrow shot from a distance, and threw it away.

"Honor the flag, have you heard from Li Zhen or the others?"

"Not yet." Bai Jingqi shook his head and said, "This cliff is deeper than we thought."

"If it doesn't work, we have to go down!"

"I know……"

"We have been brothers since childhood, and I will never give up on anyone!"

"Crazy, you are crazy..." Bai Jingsheng trembled: "Brother! What are you talking about? This is a cliff. How do we get down?"

"Shut up!"

Bai Jingqi cursed secretly: "Have you forgotten the props our family gave us before we came here?"

"Even if they fall, with those life-saving props, there is a high probability that nothing will happen to Li Zhen and Jiaojiao! As long as..."


Just as they were talking, an illusory talisman suddenly appeared in front of the three of them, burning slowly.

"Brothers! Jiaojiao and I got separated. I'm now under a snake-shaped stone at the bottom of the cliff. Jiaojiao hasn't replied yet. I'm afraid something might happen to her. Come find me quickly!"

"Also, I found something amazing under the cliff..."


Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi's eyes suddenly lit up, and they immediately said: "Get down!"


Without any hesitation, the two put away their weapons and jumped towards the cliff.

Almost instantly, Bai Jingsheng was the only one left on the entire stone pillar.



Three more arrows shot out, and Bai Jingsheng quickly dodged.

But two arrows still hit him.

The jade pendant on his waist flashed suddenly, and a light curtain appeared on Bai Jingsheng's body, blocking the two arrows.

There was a slight crack on this jade pendant.

"That's stupid!"

"Crazy! They are all crazy!"

“It’s true that the family gave us props, but we still have to find opportunities...!!!”

Bai Jingsheng cursed angrily, gritted his teeth, took two steps and jumped towards the cliff!

The strong wind howled in my ears, and my ears were filled with harsh whining sounds.

A large amount of strong wind hit him, making him unable to even open his eyes.

The dozen or so giant Bat Riders who were originally surrounding them immediately turned around and started to kill them.

Unfortunately, the three of them jumped down directly and fell so fast that these bats couldn't catch up with them.

Only a few seconds passed before Bai Jingsheng saw a long, thin and winding white line underneath him.

That's... the river under the cliff!

At the same time, he also discovered two figures floating in the air and slowly descending!


As soon as he spoke, a large amount of strong wind rushed towards his mouth and nose, making him unable to speak at all.

Bai Jingqi also shouted: "Use the floating talisman quickly!"

"Hurry up and use the props, fuck!"

Bai Jingsheng wanted to take out the floating talisman from the item bar, but unfortunately he was falling rapidly. As soon as he took out the floating talisman, a strong wind poured into his mouth, leaving him whining and speechless. .

It is difficult to tear apart this floating talisman with your hands.

Finally, with a 'bang' sound, Bai Jingsheng was slammed into the river under the cliff and became unresponsive.


Bai Jingqi cursed angrily in mid-air. Although Bai Jingsheng was only his clan brother, his surname was Bai after all.

If something happens like this, the clan...

Qin Zheng said at the side: "Don't think about it, hurry up and go find him."

"I advised him before that even if he becomes a professional, he should practice Martial Dao diligently and his attribute points should be evenly distributed."

"It's good for him. He's so energetic that he can't tear open the floating talisman at the critical moment..."

"do not talk!"

Bai Jingqi's figure swayed, and his whole body fell quickly towards the ground like a swimming fish.

"I'll go find Jing Sheng. You can go find Li Zhen and the others according to their position. Once you find them, send a signal to join us."


The two figures separated immediately and quickly fell in different directions.


In mid-air, Cai Shen's body was penetrated by an arrow, and sticky blood was still flowing on the arrow.

Along with a few feathers, they fell from the sky.

His whole body screamed and fell from the air.

Fortunately, the arrow did not hit the vital part. He flapped his wings vigorously and hit the cliff wall hard.

At the same time, Zheng Cheng and others also encountered a crisis!

In mid-air, one after another Orcs riding on giant bats flew up, shooting sharp arrows at them one after another!

"Back off!"

Zheng Cheng took a step forward, and Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu quickly retreated.

He reached out and grabbed it, took out a huge shield as tall as a person from the space ring, and blocked it in front of several people.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several arrows hit the shield and exploded immediately.

Zheng Chengkong grabbed his left hand again, and another thick mace appeared in his hand.

Seeing the right moment, he threw the stick and hit a big bat immediately.

Together with the orcs on his body, he was directly smashed to death.


At the same time, Song Chaoyu also took advantage of this opportunity to control the two giant python soul beasts to swim back.

His body curled up in the air and rushed towards the big bat in mid-air.

With just one charge, he bit two big bats and tore them apart hard.

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up: "Chaoyu! Gather the soul beast!"


Song Chaoyu's beautiful eyes also shine.

These big bats can fly!

After the living soul is condensed into a soul beast by her, it can float for a short time with the help of the soul's power, but it cannot fly for a long time.

But these big bats are different!

Her small mouth opened slightly, and her pupils suddenly turned gray.

A series of shouts that seemed to come from the depths of the soul echoed in the ears.

From the two big bats that were bitten to death by the giant python spirit beasts, big black bat spirit beasts slowly crawled out!


Under the control of Song Chaoyu, these bat soul beasts immediately turned around and killed their former clansmen.

At the same time, Yao Zhixue also summoned a large blizzard to rush into the bat group.

Frozen their bodies, making their movement extremely slow.

At the same time, Zheng Cheng took out a long knife from the space ring and threw it at the big bat in the air like a javelin.

There is also Liang Feifan, the last member of the team, who also shoots several wind blades from time to time.

Even Cai Shen, who had just been shot, struggled to fly up.

"Fuck! Brother Cheng! These big bats are so despicable, watch me peck them to death!"

Shouting, Cai Shen flapped his huge wings and collided with a big bat.

The big wings first hit the big Bat Knight on the head, sending him flying.

Then the decompression claws directly greeted the big bat. Within a few rounds, the big bat was bitten and covered in blood.

As for Cai Shen, he also stepped on the big bat with both claws and used the force to fly towards another big bat.

With the joint efforts of several people, these dozen orc bat air cavalry were quickly killed.

Five jet-black bat soul beasts also flew over under the control of Song Chaoyu.

Zheng Cheng asked curiously: "Can I ride it?"


Song Chaoyu said: "The soul beast is not completely a Spirit Body. It can temporarily transform into a physical entity, but the duration is short."

"That's enough! Riding the soul beast, go down quickly!"

"Li Zhen is not far ahead..."

Several people quickly rode on the big bat soul beast and fell towards the cliff.

Before getting up, Liang Feifan hesitated.

If you fall by yourself halfway...

At this time, he saw Cai Shen again. He actually flapped his wings and stepped on the bat spirit beast. His wings were spread wide and he was swaying to stabilize his body.

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he still rode on the bat soul beast obediently.

The group of people quickly descended and soon approached the bottom of the cliff.

A long, sparkling river appeared in front of them.

At the same time, the surrounding air became thinner and thinner.

The pungent smell of sulfur filled their nostrils.

With Zheng Cheng's eyesight, he could see piles of bones piled at the bottom of the cliff.

And, a large number of orcs and dwarves corpses.

Some of the corpses were burned into mummies, and some were so soaked that they looked like giants.

I don’t know how the corpses of these orcs and dwarves appeared here.

"Be careful! The smell of sulfur is very strong here, and there may be lava..."

After saying that, his eyes lit up slightly.

found it!

Not far away from the river, there is a raised part about a hundred meters long, like a huge snake-shaped boulder paralyzed by the river.

Two green dots also appeared in the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

And...dense red light spots.

There are enemies!

"Be careful! Qin Zheng and Li Zhen are below, but there are many enemies around!"

Everyone rode the bat soul beast down, but saw Qin Zheng leading the way in front of Li Zhen at the corner of the snake-shaped boulder.

The half-human, half-dragon figure was extremely eye-catching, with blazing flames burning around him.

He didn't have any weapons in his hands, but with just two palms and two feet, he could kill the surrounding enemies one by one.

Either his neck was broken, or his chest was smashed with a palm. Every punch and kick would always be burned with blazing flames.

On the ground under his feet, at least twenty or thirty monster corpses were already lying!

And the monsters that besieged them turned out to be... disgusting creatures that were half human and half fish!

They have human legs, but are covered with black fish scales.

The upper body is a big black fish with dense scales.

The head is somewhat human-like, but more of a fish face.

The hollow dead fish eyes and sharp fangs all set off their ferocity.

Both arms are also covered with scales, and the weapons in their hands are bone knives, bone forks and huge bone clubs!

They screamed strangely and charged around the two of them without fear of death, as if they had some sworn hatred.

With a thought in his mind, Zheng Cheng quickly obtained detailed information about the group of half-human, half-fish monsters in front of him.

[Name: Gulu·Blackfish]

[Race: Black Otter Murloc]

[Level: LV18]

[Height: 177cm]

[Weight: 49kg]

[Physique: 38]

[Strength: 28]

[Agility: 22]

[Spirit: 39]

[Explanation: A kind of murloc that lives in the rivers around magma and is naturally endowed with extremely high toxin resistance and fire resistance. ]

"Black General Fishman? The poison resistance and fire resistance are very high... and the four-dimensional attributes are also very average?" Zheng Cheng's heart moved and he immediately said:


After giving the order, Yao Zhixue stretched out his hand and pressed down.

A large blizzard suddenly exploded in the crowd of murlocs, shrouding more than a dozen black slurry murlocs inside, raging crazily.

The bodies of these black general murlocs immediately slowed down.

Especially since they had been living in hot springs next to magma since they were born, and had never experienced the baptism of ice and snow, they immediately became extremely panicked.

Qin Zheng and Qin Zheng also raised their heads suddenly, their eyes becoming extremely surprised.


"It's Zheng Cheng and the others!"



Another chaotic roar came, and two giant python soul beasts, surrounded by five large bat soul beasts, also rushed in.

Opening his mouth wide, he actually swallowed two black slurry fishmen!

The five big bat spirit beasts also fell on the Black General Fishman, biting them with their sharp fangs.


Qin Zheng was startled: "What the hell is this?"

"Hmph! This is not a ghost, it is my spirit beast!"

On the big bat soul beast, Song Chaoyu snorted coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

"It's so miserable. Why are you two the only ones left? Where are the others?"

Li Zhen's face was pale, and he didn't know where to throw his gold-rimmed glasses.

However, he still put on a smile and said, "They got separated. Thank you very much this time!"

Zheng Cheng and others also jumped down and said, "It doesn't matter, we are all teammates."

"By the way, what did you do? Steal their wife? Are you so desperate?"

I saw that with the fall of Zheng Cheng and several others, especially the large-scale AOE damage caused by Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu, this group of black murlocs suffered heavy losses.

But even so, attacked by the blizzard and bitten by the soul beasts, these dozens of black pulp murlocs did not have the slightest idea of ​​retreating.

Instead, he became more desperate and wanted to rush over and kill Li Zhen.

"It's not their daughter-in-law..." Li Zhen's mouth twitched, but he still said: "When Jiaojiao and I fell, we floated down with the help of the levitation talisman."

"Jiaojiao and I got separated while we were in the air. We don't know where we drifted."

"And when I floated down, I just happened to float above the heads of these fish-men."

"They really wanted to hold a ceremony like a sacrifice. There was a prop on the altar, and I happened to snatch it away."

"Props?" Zheng Cheng asked curiously: "What props?"

"Is it an...egg?"

(End of chapter)

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