I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

88. Chapter 88 Alien Viviparous Body? Samsung Ingredients!

Chapter 88 Alien viviparous body? Samsung ingredients!

"Is it an...egg? Actually, I don't know what the hell it is~"

Li Zhen said and took out something from his back.

The size of a basketball, reddish, like a large peeled watermelon.

Although it is a thing, it seems to be alive.

It is said to be alive, but it is also a dead thing.

It's an egg.

It looks like an animal egg, but its skin is reddish, like egg membrane.

Through this layer of egg membrane, there is actually a tiny baby sleeping inside the egg!

This little baby looks completely human, with its little arms, legs, and head all clearly visible.

His eyelids were closed tightly, as if he was sleeping.

The reddish silk threads are connected to the baby's belly button like an umbilical cord, transmitting nutrients to 'him'.

The reason why I say 'him' is because the little baby's legs were crossed together and he couldn't see clearly the instrument of the crime.

I don't know if it's a boy or a girl.

"Fuck! What the hell is this!"

After looking at the 'egg' that Li Zhen took out from behind, Zheng Cheng subconsciously shouted.

"I don't know either."

Li Zhen shrugged and said, "I just happened to see these black murlocs worshiping the egg when I was descending. Let's grab it first!"

"Maybe the level is too high and I can't get his information. I can only wait until I leave the Secret Realm and then check with the family or the night watchman."

Zheng Cheng glanced at the Central Radar Life Detection Technique and discovered that the egg was indeed a living thing.

Moreover, the light spot is a yellow light that represents a neutral creature. It seems that it may have been fished out from the bottom of the river by the black jellyfish.

At the same time, he also obtained part of the information about this 'egg'.

[Name: None]

[Race: Ancient Coral Race]

[Status: Incubating]

[Other information: Unable to query]

"Ancient Coral Race?"

Zheng Cheng thought about it and asked, "What information did you find out?"

"I only know that he is a viviparous body of a foreign race." Li Zhen put away the eggs and said helplessly: "Stop talking about it now. The top priority is to deal with these black squid fishmen first."


Zheng Cheng nodded and took out another mace from the space ring...a mace as tall as a person!

He picked up the mace and smashed it at the rushing black murloc.

Every time he swung the mace, he could knock several black murlocs away.

The thin body of the black slurry fishman could not block the swing of the mace, and his arms and calves were directly smashed.

Some unlucky ones even had their heads smashed into pulp, like watermelons smashed to the ground.

Qin Zheng's eyes lit up: "Damn it, why didn't I think of this method?"

"Zheng Cheng, do you have any weapons? Give me a few."

"Give this to you!"

Zheng Cheng threw the mace, but Qin Zheng caught it.

He tried swiping a few times, but there was a constant sound of breaking through the air, and two black murlocs were knocked away.

"Hahaha, not bad!" Qin Zheng laughed loudly: "This mace suits me very well, but it's a pity that I can't take it out!"

"I should have known that all the weapons on those orcs along the way~"

With that said, he jumped up and jumped directly into the crowd of black slurry fish.

The mace in his hand was swung like a storm, immediately sending several black murlocs flying several meters away.

All the bones in his body were broken, and he lay on the ground screaming in pain.

"Is this the strength of a dragon-veined person?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed and he carefully looked at Qin Zheng's fighting method.


Pure melee combat.

With their strength and speed, these black squid fishmen had no strength to resist.

Often when they meet each other, they will be smashed to pieces by Qin Zheng with a stick.

Not only that, he was surrounded by blazing flames.

The black slurry murlocs surrounding him were all burning and screaming.

In addition, Qin Zheng was surrounded by a very terrifying aura.

The speed and strength of all the black squid fishmen who came close to him were greatly weakened.

Compared with other black squid fishmen, they are completely different.

"Pure melee blessing, as well as the fire attribute, and the ability to solidify the weakening of all attributes of the surrounding life?"

Zheng Cheng quickly had a guess in his mind.

He is worthy of being known as the strongest Dragon Veiner in Nine Stars. He is only LV10 and has such powerful melee capabilities.

When he continues to upgrade, I wonder how far he will grow?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zheng Cheng drew his Yunxiao Sword, came to a black-slurry fish-man, and chopped it down.

Random Dissection!

[Skill cast successfully! ]

[䱱obtained a special ingredient: black jelly fish mermaid beads. ]

[You obtained the black pulp fishman DNA molecule. ]

[You activated the Black Otter Murloc DNA Map. ]


He quickly lowered his head to check.

A reddish round bead appeared on his hand, just like a diamond.

It feels soft when pinched, like QQ candy.

[Special ingredients: black pulp fish mermaid beads]

[Quality: Samsung]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase 2 points of agility, 1 point of spirit, toxin resistance +1%, and underwater breathing +1%. Limit of 30 pills. ]

[Explanation: The life essence born from the body of a different race of black squid fishmen is very rare. Every kind of fishman or mermaid race has the possibility of giving birth to fish beads. ]

"Fish beads?"

"And the ability to breathe underwater?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, and he swallowed the fish bead with one mouthful.

Later, he wandered around the battlefield again.

While they were fighting, they were dissecting the black pulp fish-man corpses on the ground one by one!

One, two, three...

With a flick of his body, he dodged another fish-man attack.

He drew out the bloodthirsty staff with his backhand, and a shot of Virtual Fire Incineration fell on it.


A harsh and sharp cry came from the fish's mouth.

The thin body immediately fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed suddenly.


These black pulp fishmen were taken away by Li Zhen to sacrifice the ancient coral race, although it is not known what the relationship between the two is.

But this ancient coral race is absolutely very important to the black pulp fish people.

Otherwise, these more than a hundred black murlocs would not have fought so hard to surround and kill Qin Zheng and his two men.

Under extreme anger, Virtual Fire Incineration is the most powerful killing weapon!


Another shot of Virtual Fire Incineration fell into the crowd of Black Otter Fish, and they fell to the ground screaming.

From time to time, Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst breaks out among the fish people, causing this group of fish people who have an absolute advantage to gradually show signs of collapse.

In this way, after the seven people gathered together, using Qin Zheng and Zheng Cheng as arrows, they quickly killed them and kept retreating.

Finally, more than an hour later.

There were only a dozen black murlocs left, and they fled in a panic into the steaming river not far away.

Zheng Cheng and the others were also panting heavily and did not continue to pursue them.

"Damn... I can finally take a break."

Cai Shen sat on the ground regardless of his appearance, with his two wings hanging softly on both sides.

The feathers on his body were all wet, mixed with blood and sweat.

Several other people were in similar condition. Even Yao Zhixue, Song Chaoyu, Li Zhen, and Liang Feifan, who were legal professionals, had their eyes blank and were leaning on the serpentine boulder.

Their mental loss was severe, and their heads hurt slightly, like a ball of paste.

You have to take the time to rest and refresh yourself.

Li Zhen took out a few bottles of recovery potions from the toolbar and threw them to Zheng Cheng and others.

"This is a recovery potion made by our family's pharmacist. It will restore your energy as soon as possible."

Zheng Cheng lowered his head and saw that the potion was in a transparent glass bottle. It was sky blue and looked crystal clear.

[Props: Arcane Essence Potion]

[Effect: 20 points of mental power can be restored within one hour after taking it, and 30 points of mental power can be restored within two hours. ]

[Note: Only for professionals below LV30. ]

As expected of a member of a big family, a simple recovery potion is several times more powerful than an ordinary clearing potion.

After drinking the potion, Zheng Cheng immediately felt a cool breath enveloped his mind.

Spiritual growth.

Li Zhen said again: "Zheng Cheng, thank you very much this time!"

"If it weren't for you, both Qin Zheng and I might have died here."

Zheng Cheng said: "You're welcome, we are all colleagues."

"Besides, we have a word in advance. If anyone is in trouble, he only needs to use the rescue talisman, and other teammates will have the responsibility to come to the rescue."

"This is different." Li Zhen said with a bitter smile: "We originally thought you would be the first to ask for help, but we didn't expect..."

"Stop talking about this, the top priority is to find the other three first."


Qin Zheng moved his arms and walked over holding the mace.

"Let's not talk about the mission for now. There is still no news about the two brothers Bai Jingqi, especially Jiaojiao. I don't know where they are now."

"Find them first!"

"I have a search skill. Let me try to find them first."


After that, Zheng Cheng opened the Central Radar Life Detection technology and entered Bai Jingqi's name.

Soon, a light green route guide appeared in his mind.

The green light spots representing the Bai Jing flag were flashing continuously.

Beside him, there was another faint green light spot, which seemed to be dissipated at any time.

In addition, there are a large number of red dots surrounding them, at least hundreds of them!

That direction is...the other side of the river!

"found it!"

Zheng Cheng immediately said: "I found the location of Bai Jingqi, and Bai Jingsheng seems to have been seriously injured. There are many enemies around them who are besieging them..."

"Where's Jiaojiao!" Li Zhen said quickly: "Is there a place for Jiaojiao?"

Zheng Cheng entered Li Jiao's name into the Central Radar Life Detection technique again, and immediately another green channel appeared, spreading not far away.

The green light spot was still flashing.

Her location is actually...in the river!

Zheng Cheng said strangely: "Li Jiao's location is actually in the river!"


Li Zhen was surprised: "How is it possible? Jiaojiao can't swim. How could she be in the river?"

"I don't know." Zheng Cheng shrugged and said, "Maybe he was caught by the black squid fish people and brought in..."

"Black pulp fish people..."

Li Zhen's expression suddenly changed.

He felt nauseous when he thought of the disgusting appearance of the black pulp fish-men.

They are cannibals!

If Li Jiao is really caught by the black squid fishmen, it will be a disaster!

"I'm going to support them in honoring the flag!"

Qin Zheng made a decision immediately: "Jiaojiao is in the river. We have no way to save her. We can only save Jingqi and the others first..."


Li Zhen immediately said: "Bai Jingqi is an eight-star professional and a MT. As long as he wants to run away, nothing will happen to him."

"And Jiaojiao, if anything happens to her, how should I explain it to my family..."

Different from cousins ​​Bai Jingqi and Bai Jingsheng.

Li Zhen and Li Jiao are brothers and sisters!


Qin Zheng hesitated and said: "Although we have underwater breathing medicine, it can only last three minutes, and the CD time is a full hour!"

"If Jiaojiao cannot be rescued within three minutes, we will all die!"

Li Zhen gritted his teeth and said: "We have a location determined by Zheng Cheng. As long as we go faster, we can rescue Jiaojiao!"


While the two were arguing, Zheng Cheng entered the four characters "Heart of the Earth" into the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

He was looking for a way out of the bottom of the cliff.

Unable to leave here within three days, the ten of them will be trapped in this Secret Realm!

Soon, a green channel appeared in the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

Pointing far away...to the bottom of the river!

Zheng Cheng's eyes widened. How could the heart of the earth be at the bottom of the river?

Wait a moment.

He subconsciously looked at the corpses of a large number of orcs and dwarves in the distance.

Could it be said that these corpses were produced by this group of alien races fighting for the heart of the earth?

"I'll go."

Zheng Cheng's words immediately woke up the two people arguing.

"What did you say? Are you going?"

"Zheng Cheng! Don't show off!"

Yao Zhixue suddenly spoke, and Song Chaoyu and others turned their heads strangely.

Cai Shen said quickly: "Brother Cheng! What are you talking about? Although you are good at water, you have to go to the bottom of the river..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said: "I don't want to go either, but unfortunately our mission target is also at the bottom of the river."

"It's very close to where Li Jiao is."

"I suspect that the Heart of the Earth gem was snatched away by the black squid fishmen at the bottom of the river."


Several people opened their eyes wide.

Unexpectedly, the mission target they wanted to search for was not far away.

If they hadn't fallen to the bottom of the cliff, they wouldn't have had to search inside the mine for how long!

Zheng Cheng: "How many bottles of underwater breathing medicine do you have on hand?"

Li Zhen hesitated and said: "Three bottles per person are prepared for critical moments."

"I also have underwater breathing tools here, so you can breathe underwater." Zheng Cheng explained: "You each give me two bottles of underwater breathing potion, and I will go with... Song Chaoyu, Liang Feifan!"


Liang Feifan opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise: "Why us?"

"It's very simple. Song Chaoyu has soul beasts." Zheng Cheng said: "Especially those two giant python soul beasts. They can try to wrap you and Song Chaoyu in them and sneak into the bottom of the river."

"Our mission is to rescue Li Jiao and the Heart of the Earth. As long as we are fast enough, there will be no problem!"

The reason why Zheng Cheng said this was to save Li Jiao secondly, but mainly for the heart of the earth.

And...solve Liang Feifan!

Until now, in the Central Radar Life Detection technique, the light spot representing Liang Feifan is still red.

In that case, stay here.


Several people looked at each other, thinking about Zheng Cheng's plan.

Qin Zheng suddenly said, "Why not me? I can also go to the bottom of the river with you, and I am stronger!"

Liang Feifan's eyes suddenly lit up when he said this. If possible, he wouldn't want to take risks at the bottom of the river.

The bottom of the river is the territory of fishmen. Although many fishmen died, what if...

But this time it was to save Li Jiao. If he said he was unwilling to go, what would Li Zhen think of him?

If he was taken notice of by a member of aristocratic family, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed.

Zheng Cheng looked at Qin Zheng as if he were an idiot: "It's true that you are a dragon-veined person, strong is strong, but you are a fire-attributed dragon-veined person. Are you going to cause us trouble?"

"Okay, don't think about it!"

Zheng Cheng made a decision immediately: "That's the arrangement. There are also the bodies of these black squid fishmen, I want to take them away!"

(End of chapter)

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