I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1095 [Zhang Ye went on a blind date? 】

Inside the chess club.

The atmosphere suddenly became lively.

"Have a look."

"Chang He takes action."

"I haven't seen him play chess in a long time."

"I'm also watching the battle."

"Why did he fall in love with a young man?"

"I do not know."

The chess game has begun.

Zhang Ye was given two pieces, but he didn't say anything, smiled, and started making moves.

Changhe Jiudaan took a step forward, "What do you call it?"

Zhang Ye flew around and said, "The last name is Zhang."

Changhe Jiuduan played chess, "Where do you live?"

"Caishikou." Zhang Ye pointed out.

Changhe Jiudaan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's not far away. I live nearby. Okay, my level is really good. I'll try again."



The pieces fell quickly.

Both of them were playing fast chess almost all the time and had very little time to think.

Zhang Ye was given two pieces, and of course he had a big advantage, which was reflected in the very beginning. However, after all, Changhe Jiuduan is a professional level, and he is the most powerful person in the Go world. When Changhe Jiuduan was in the middle game It has gradually moved back to the disadvantage, making people around him exclaim in surprise.

"Good move!"

"What a beautiful move!"

"Teacher Changhe is still as majestic as before!"

Changhe Jiudaan was still chatting while he was playing, "Haha, I can't do it anymore. It's a bit worse than it was back then. My brain isn't as fast anymore. I'm old."

One of his old neighbors laughed and said: "The main reason is that he has lost his temper and his chess game is not as stable as before."

Some people disagree,

"But compared to Teacher Changhe's previous chess style, it is more aggressive."

An old man looked at the chess board and said, "This young man is not bad. It's already good that an amateur can play like this with Chang He. If he works hard, he might become a professional chess player."


"Yes, I'm giving up my two sons."

"The gap is still quite big."

"The young man has potential."

There are reviews and everything.

The first set is over.

There is no need to stick to it, Zhang Ye has already lost.

Changhe Jiuduan was very happy, "It's so enjoyable. Except for those professional players, there are very few amateur chess players who can play like this with me in recent years."

Zhang Ye smiled.

Changhe Jiuduan also became interested, "Come on, let's play another game, I'll give you two coins."

Changhe Jiuduan is very familiar with these old neighbors, but he rarely plays chess with them because the level difference is too big and handicap cannot be solved. He usually plays chess with some of his apprentices, otherwise he plays Go online. I found old professional friends as my opponents on the platform, but the feeling of clicking the mouse online was obviously not as good as touching the pieces and playing chess with real swords and guns. Now I met a young man who could play a few games with him. Of course he Won't let it go.

Another plate.

Changhe Jiuduan won again.

Zhang Ye didn't take it seriously, as if he wasn't serious at all.

But other people naturally didn't think about it. They all thought that this young man had to exert all his strength to fight like this with a former ninth-dan master.

After three games, Changhe Jiudan slapped the table and laughed, "Okay, you're the one!" Then under the uncomprehending gazes of a group of people, Changhe Jiudan pulled Zhang Ye and walked out, "Let's go, follow me. !”

Zhang Ye was stunned, "Why are you going?"

"Go to my house."


"No more, haha!"

"Uncle, I still have something to do."

"If something happens, you have to push it. I'm waiting for you to come to the rescue!"

Zhang Ye was speechless. He didn't even understand what was going on. He was dragged to the door of a courtyard by the old man. Once he entered, he saw no one else in the courtyard. He didn't know if the entire courtyard belonged to their family. Then he He was dragged directly to the north room by the old man.

inside the house.

A middle-aged woman was picking vegetables. She raised her head and asked, "Back?"

Changhe Jiudaan smiled and said, "You're back. Where are you cooking?"

Li Qinqin looked at Zhang Ye, "Is this young man Lao Lu's son? No, I met Lao Lu's son last year. Doesn't he look like this?"

Changhe Jiuduan waved his hands, "Don't mention that guy Lao Lu to me. He's too unreliable and let me go. No, I temporarily found a young man who has good chess skills. I played two games with him and he is considered an amateur." He is a very high-level chess player, but he is a little older now. If he were sixteen or seventeen years old, I would definitely accept him as my apprentice."

Li Qinqin complained: "You just did this. This young man didn't even know what was going on, so he was kidnapped by you. You are really good at it."

Zhang Ye smiled bitterly, "Auntie, what's going on?"

Li Qinqin apologized: "My child, please go back quickly. It's okay."

"What are you going back for?" Changhe Jiudan waved his hand, "Don't worry about it. Our girl will be back soon. You can just cook. I'll make the decision on this matter."

Li Qinqin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You're just fooling around."

Changhe Jiudaan said: "What's the matter? I don't like the boy our girl is looking for."

Li Qinqin shook her head and said, "You don't even know who she is."

"Isn't it enough that I know what kind of industry he is in?" Changhe Jiuduan snorted, "Anyway, I don't agree, I have to mess with her!"

Zhang Ye was confused.

Changhe Jiuduan's next words immediately frightened Zhang Ye, "Boy, my daughter will be back soon, you go on a blind date with her and have a nice chat."


Blind date?

Why should I have a date? Me!

Zhang Ye fainted, "I have a partner."

Changhe Jiudaan said humbly: "It's okay, my girl definitely doesn't like you anyway."

Zhang Ye felt dizzy again, "Uncle, what you said doesn't sound right to me."

Li Qinqin blinked, "Young man, what is your job?"

Zhang Ye took off his mask.

Li Qinqin exclaimed, "Why does it look familiar?"

Changhe Jiudaan looked at him and nodded, "Well, he looks average and has a decent temperament. Otherwise, anyone who plays Go would have a good temperament. What do you do?"

Khan, you really don’t know me?

Zhang Ye could only say casually: "Teach."

Li Qinqin asked again: "What to teach?"

Zhang Ye said: "Mathematics."

"Teacher? Not bad!" Changhe Jiudaan nodded: "A math teacher? No wonder he plays Go well. Mathematics and Go are both connected. I know several mathematics professors from Peking University, and they all play Go well."

Brother, I am from Peking University!

Li Qinqin looked at Zhang Ye a few times and said, "He's just too young."

However, Zhang Ye walked out and wanted to slip away, "I really can't do this job. I'm going to die first."

However, Changhe Jiudan grabbed him and said, "Come back here. Do you know how beautiful my girl is? Ah? You will regret it for the rest of your life if you leave. I tell you! You are also a chess player. Don't you know the tradition of our Go community? ? When one party is in trouble, support from all sides is available, right? Sit down, and no matter what happens, you will eat before leaving. Just in case, I say just in case, if my daughter falls in love with you, then you will be a blessing earned in eight lifetimes. Ah! Of course, this is unlikely to be right." As he said that, he couldn't help but get excited, "You don't know how good my daughter's condition is, she is beautiful, she works..."

Zhang Ye was finally left behind.

In other words, it was pressed alive.

Zhang Ye was restless and almost cried. I'm going on a blind date? If word spreads and Lao Wu finds out, I won’t know how I died. Aren’t you doing me harm?

So is this lucky halo!

You are cheating!

You are simply...

Suddenly, footsteps sounded at the courtyard door.

Li Qinqin's eyes lit up, "She's our daughter!"

Changhe Jiuduan winked at Zhang Ye, "Be nice and natural. Don't be scared when you see my girl's appearance soon. She's just beautiful!"

The steps are getting closer.

A figure has appeared in the courtyard.

Li Qinqin greeted him with a smile, "You're back?"

Changhe Jiuduan asked: "Where is the car parked?"

The woman smiled and said, "Stop at the alley."

Then, the woman saw Zhang Ye in the room and was stunned!

Zhang Ye was also stunned when he saw the woman outside the house!

Damn it!

Lao Wu? ? ?

[One more picture, slowly filling in! 】

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