I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1096 [This is my boyfriend! 】

In the courtyard.

The two of them looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. Even if he beat Zhang Ye to death a hundred times, he never thought that the person who came in was your mother, Lao Wu!

what's the situation?

What's going on?

Zhang Ye looked confused!

Wu Changhe patted Zhang Ye on the shoulder, pointed at the woman who had just come in, and introduced with a smile: "This is my daughter, Wu Zeqing, how about it? Okay? Haha, you're dumbfounded just by looking at it. I told you just now Ah." He was very proud and proud, thinking that Zhang Ye was frightened by his daughter's beauty. "My daughter is now a civil servant, an official, a big leader, hahaha, guess who my daughter is. From the unit? Huh?"

Zhang Ye: "Huh?"

Wu Changhe asked: "Guess, you definitely can't guess it!"

Zhang Ye couldn't laugh or cry!


I can't make a guess!

How many years have we known each other?

Wu Changhe didn't wait for Zhang Ye to guess, and directly announced the answer: "Haha, my daughter is now the head of radio and television. You two will discuss the specific position later, so I won't say more." Then he looked at Wu Zeqing. "Daughter, this is Xiao Zhang. He is young and promising. It is rare for someone at his age to play Go so well. He is considered a very good amateur chess player. I only met Xiao Zhang by chance today." Zhang, I played a few games of chess with him, it was so enjoyable! Although his level is not even a little bit worse than mine, I won a lot by giving him two pieces, but he was still pretty good. And guess what his profession is? Guess. "

Playing chess?

Just met?

Wu Zeqing smiled, "What occupation?"

"Teacher, he is still a university teacher!" Wu Changhe said with a smile: "What a great career this is, and guess what subject he teaches? Huh?"

Wu Zeqing said: "Chinese."

Wu Changhe shook his head, "No, I teach mathematics."

Zhang Ye wiped his sweat and said, "What about that, I..."

Wu Changhe is impatient,

"No more, please shake hands and get to know each other, quickly."

What hand are you holding?

Zhang Ye didn't even know what to say.

Instead, Wu Zeqing reached out his hand gently and said, "Hello, Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Ye smiled bitterly and had no choice but to shake her hand and said, "Hello."

Li Qinqin pulled her daughter into the house, "Stop talking outside. Go inside and say. Go inside and say, Zeqing, you haven't been home for a long time. I don't know if you can come back and see your parents more."

"There are too many things going on in the unit, and sometimes I can't leave." Wu Zeqing glanced at Zhang Ye and said, "Sit anywhere you want, treat it like your own home."


Does your daughter have a good attitude?

It seems like this is somewhat loosened?

Li Qinqin looked at her daughter in surprise.

Wu Changhe was very happy. He thought his daughter would be particularly resistant to this blind date, "Yes, yes, sit down, sit down, treat it like your own home, you're welcome!"

Zhang Ye's forehead was sweating more and more, "Okay."

The atmosphere is very awkward!

At least Zhang Ye felt embarrassed!

So this is your dad?

So this is your mother?

So this is your home?

I'm in luck!

Only now did he figure out what was going on, and he realized that the lucky halo had not failed, but had helped him to "encounter" his future father-in-law by chance, and he had also coincidentally been pulled in to rescue him. His daughter is on a blind date! Thinking about it now, it seems that she had told Wu Zeqing on the phone before that she was going back to her parents' house in the evening, and his father had arranged a blind date for her again! But I never expected that the person on the blind date would actually be me? What do you think this is? This is too dramatic!

Zhang Ye was really not mentally prepared at all. If he had known that he would come to Wu Zeqing's house today, he would have prepared some gifts and bought some things. He really didn't expect that when he first visited Lao Wu's house, he would treat people like this. Come to the door in a dumbfounding way!

Several people sat down.

Li Qinqin made a pot of tea and said, "Come, drink some tea, I'm going to cook."

Wu Changhe said: "Yes, you can just talk to yourself and don't worry about us." But his buttocks still stayed on the ground and sat next to the two of them.

Wu Zeqing looked at Zhang Ye and said with a smile, "You can also play Go?"

Zhang Ye coughed and said, "I learned a lot when I was in school."

Wu Changhe added: "The level is very good."

Zhang Ye quickly said: "No, no, it's just a hobby."

"Look at Xiao Zhang, how humble he is." Wu Changhe praised.

Li Qinqin rolled her eyes at her wife and said, "Stop causing trouble and come cook with me."

Wu Changhe said: "You do your thing, I will chat with the children for a while."

"Auntie, how about I come and help." Zhang Ye quickly stood up.

Li Qinqin immediately smiled and said: "No, you guys chat, the dishes are ready, and dinner will be served soon."

To be honest, Lao Wu's personality is more like Li Qinqin's, very gentle, and he looks like his mother. His eyes and nose are almost exactly the same. Of course, he also inherited some of his father's personality traits, such as being stronger at work and Lao Wu's gentleness. Never weak.

Dinner will be served soon.

Wu Zeqing went to help his mother serve food.

Wu Changhe quietly asked Zhang Ye, "How is it? Is my daughter okay?"

Zhang Ye nodded heavily, "Excellent!"

The food is here.

Wu Changhe then said loudly: "Actually, my daughter is a very good cook. Her mother can't compare to her. She can cook all kinds of dishes. That's a masterpiece!"

Li Qinqin smiled and said, "If you don't like it, don't eat it."

Wu Changhe laughed, "How can that be done? Come on, Xiao Zhang, try your aunt's craftsmanship. By the way, what do your parents do?"

Zhang Ye sat up straighter and said solemnly: "My parents are both ordinary workers."

Li Qinqin said humbly: "Workers are good, and working people are the most glorious."

Wu Changhe nodded, "Actually, our family is just an ordinary family. We don't pay much attention to it. Why do we have to find someone who is an official? Someone who is rich? Someone who is well-matched? There is no such thing in our family. It is just very casual, you know?" He looked at Zhang Ye and said: "The main thing is that the character must be up to standard and the profession must be stable. For example, a good teacher would be good. Then, if my daughter can like him and has a common language with her, then that will be fine."

Zhang Ye didn't dare to say anything.

Wu Zeqing didn't have any expression, and was just picking up the food.

Wu Changhe looked at his daughter, "Daughter, what do you think of Xiao Zhang?"

Wu Zeqing nodded, "Very good."

Li Qinqin was startled, "It's pretty good, isn't it?"

"I'm quite satisfied." Wu Zeqing smiled.

Li Qinqin snorted. She felt that her daughter seemed different today. Every time she was given a blind date in the past, she basically didn't even see anyone. Even if she couldn't see anyone, she would just excuse herself and leave if she had something to do with her work unit after meeting her. Why didn't she do it today? Inviting Xiao Zhang to sit down, treating him like her own home, and being able to say that she was very satisfied? This has never happened before! Is the sun coming out in the west?

Wu Changhe was also extremely surprised, "Oh? That... can be developed?"

Wu Zeqing smiled, gave each of his parents a chopstick of food, and said, "Dad, you have a good vision. There are hundreds of millions of people in the vast sea of ​​​​people. Even if it is reduced to the entire capital, there are still tens of millions of people. As a result, you just put the most... The person who was impossible to bring was brought back."

"Huh?" Li Qinqin blinked.

"What do you mean?" Wu Changhe didn't understand.

Wu Zeqing pointed at Zhang Ye, "You really don't know him?"

Zhang Ye laughed dryly.

Wu Changhe said: "I know you, Xiao Zhang."

The old couple really don't watch TV very often, and they don't care much about the entertainment industry.

Li Qinqin suddenly stared at Zhang Ye, "He looks familiar to me. I noticed it when I first walked in. It seemed like I had seen him somewhere."

Wu Zeqing put down his chopsticks and said with a smile: "Then let me reintroduce you. The gentleman in front of you is a university teacher. That is true. He teaches mathematics, which is true. But you must not know that he is at Peking University. I am still an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics."

Li Qinqin was shocked, "Beijing University? Weren't you the vice president of Peking University before?"

Wu Changhe was stunned, "Associate professor? How could there be such a young associate professor at Peking University?"

Wu Zeqing continued: "At the same time, she is also a lecturer in the Chinese Department of Peking University, and is an honorary associate professor of the Communication University of the Republic. She is a serious academic." She paused at this point, and seeing her parents' dumbfounded looks, she said: " By the way, he also has other identities, such as a calligrapher, a famous radio host, a famous variety show director, a famous documentary director, a famous singer, a musician, an actor, a famous poet, a famous literary worker and a judicial worker, etc. Yes, wait, wait.”

Wu Changhe stood up all of a sudden!

Li Qinqin was also surprised and said: "You guys, have you known each other for a long time?"

They already guessed who this person was!

There is only one person in the entire republic who can hold these titles!

The next moment, Wu Zeqing naturally took Zhang Ye's arm beside him and introduced to his parents calmly: "This is Zhang Ye, my boyfriend."

Li Qinqin opened her mouth wide, "Huh?"

Wu Changhe was anxious, "What did you say?"

"Is he your boyfriend?" Li Qinqin also couldn't laugh or cry!

Only now do they know what their daughter meant by her nonsense words! In the vast sea of ​​​​people and tens of millions of people in the capital, Wu Changhe actually dragged his daughter's real boyfriend, whom he had always disagreed with, to his home for a blind date with his daughter! What the hell kind of probability is this?

Wu Changhe almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

[It’s a new month, can you give me a taste of your guaranteed monthly pass? Thank you! There will be another chapter soon! 】

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