I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1097 [I’ll give you two sons! 】

This is so dramatic!

It’s too unbelievable!

Is it such a coincidence?

Your mother doesn’t have such a coincidence in the TV series!

In an instant, Wu Changhe was furious. He slapped the table and pointed at Zhang Ye and said, "So you are the guy who deceived my daughter? Do you still have the nerve to sit here? Huh?"

Zhang Ye sat there stupidly, "Huh? Didn't you ask me to treat this place as my home?"

Wu Changhe said angrily: "Where is your home? Where did you come from? Go back to where you came from! Stand up for me, stand up for me now!"

Zhang Ye wiped his sweat and got up obediently.

Wu Changhe pointed at him and said: "You boy, you are really good. Did you plan it well? Did you know that I am going to Xuanwumen Chess Club today? After my daughter gave you the news, you went over to wait for me in advance, and then pestered me to death. You came home with me in a bad way and did what you did today? Huh? Is it you? "

Zhang Ye said unjustly: "Brother... no, uncle, I don't even know where your home is. I didn't even tell me who you are, Old Wu. How did I know that you were going to the chess club today?" And it happens that Uncle Lu’s child you are looking for hasn’t come yet? I can’t tell fortunes, and I didn’t stalk you to go home. You had to stalk me and dragged me here, and I didn’t even know Because of something!"

Wu Changhe said angrily: "Are you still making excuses?"

"It is true that you brought this young man here." Li Qinqin said something fair, "Xiao Zhang wanted to leave as soon as he heard about the blind date, but you still blocked the door and refused to let him go."

Wu Changhe: "..."

It was obvious that it was just a coincidence!

Li Qinqin said to herself: "Is it fate?"

Wu Changhe said loudly: "What fate!"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Dad, let's eat first." Then he pulled Zhang Ye and asked him to sit down and eat.

Wu Changhe said: "Can I still eat it?"

Wu Zeqing was calm as usual, and gave Zhang Ye a piece of food with chopsticks, "Try this, my mother's chicken wings are also very good. I learned all my cooking skills from my mother."


Zhang Ye tasted it and said, "Well, it's delicious!" "

Wu Changhe shouted: "Anyway, I don't agree, I don't agree!"

"Please keep your voice down." Li Qinqin smacked her lips and said, "Xiao Zhang is a guest when he comes here, and he said it was you who brought him back."

Wu Changhe argued: "I was deceived by him!"

Wu Zeqing raised his head and said, "Dad, can you sit down and eat first? If you want to talk about anything after eating, even being hungry won't solve the problem. What do you think?"

Wu Changhe sat down angrily, but he didn't even bother to eat a bite of food. He was quite pleased with Zhang Ye before. After all, there are not many young people willing to play Go seriously now. However, at this moment, what does Wu Changhe think of Zhang Ye? Why is it so unpleasant? I want to knock him out with a rolling pin!

Wu Zeqing's mother was not disgusted with Zhang Ye. On the contrary, she seemed quite interested.

Li Qinqin looked at him and said, "Xiao Zhang, we don't watch TV very much, and we didn't recognize you, but we have heard about you more than once. Your name is very familiar to us. I'm really curious about you. Yes, I’ve always wanted to meet him, but I didn’t expect it would be such an occasion.”

Zhang Ye said respectfully: "I'm just making false claims. Others are just bragging for me. Auntie, I've actually wanted to visit you for a long time, but I never got the chance. If I had known I would come to your house, I would have bought something and brought it to you." Ah, I haven’t prepared anything for this, and I’m quite embarrassed.”

Li Qinqin asked, "How many people are in your family?"

Zhang Ye said: "Just me and my parents."

Li Qinqin: “No brothers or sisters?”

Zhang Ye: "I am an only child."

Li Qinqin: "How did you meet my daughter?"

Zhang Ye: "The first time we met was on a plane. Lao Wu invited me to teach at Peking University. She was still the vice president of Peking University at that time. It was quite a long time ago."

Li Qinqin blinked, "How long have you two been talking?"

Zhang Ye coughed and said, "It's been a year."

"We don't know." Li Qinqin glanced at her daughter.

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "My dad is like this, how dare I let my family know?"

Li Qinqin smiled, "Yes."

Wu Changhe blew his beard and stared, calling him by his name: "Li Qinqin, where are you from?"

Li Qinqin said: "I think Xiao Zhang is quite good. I basically don't know much about the entertainment industry. I don't know these celebrities very well, but I have heard of Xiao Zhang's name, and I don't know how many times I have heard it. , he is young and has high achievements, and I heard that Xiao Mo and Xiao Pang'er's company, Xiao Zhang contributed a lot, it was Xiao Zhang who helped to build it. Didn't he talk about it last time when we had dinner? He is very special Thank you to Xiao Zhang, saying that without him, the company would have collapsed seven or eight times! Xiao Zhang is very dedicated to our family."

Zhang Ye was so moved!

Unexpectedly, Wu Zeqing's mother actually spoke for him!

Wu Changhe said angrily: "Let me tell you, let me make a statement first. This is not possible, absolutely not. What's the use of high achievements? No matter how high you are, you are still in the entertainment industry! You don't know who the people in that industry are? There are not many good people! The world is in chaos! Age doesn’t matter, more or less income doesn’t matter, why can’t we marry someone from the entertainment industry! Are you going to push our daughter into a pit of fire?”

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Then just think of him as a university professor."

"I can't do it." Wu Changhe said, "That's not his main job!"

Wu Zeqing said: "Then you are making things difficult for me, aren't you? I found one, and you said no. Okay, now you can bring one back to me for a blind date. I said yes, but you said no. Dad, it's my business. I can make the decision myself, and I have a sense of propriety. No one can persuade me about the person I like."

Wu Changhe said angrily: "Why are you so careless? You don't know Zhang Ye's reputation? His character is questionable. How can you marry such a person?"

At this point, Zhang Ye finally couldn't listen anymore.

Zhang Ye immediately raised his eyebrows and interrupted: "Uncle, if you say anything else about me, I won't say a word, but if you say there is something wrong with my character, I won't listen to that."

Li Qinqin looked at Zhang Ye in surprise.

Wu Changhe had a bad temper, and Zhang Ye had an equally bad temper.

Some things can be undone.

Some things can.

But there are some things that need to be said!

Wu Changhe glared, "You still can't listen?"

Zhang Ye said slowly: "It's not that I don't respect my elders, but you said there is something wrong with my character. I have to argue with you. I can't pretend I didn't hear you."

The two immediately started to compete!

You say something to me, and no one gives in!

Li Qinqin quickly smoothed things over, "Xiao Zhang's character is fine. How many people did Xiao Zhang save when the plane almost crashed? Didn't you just say that? He is a very good player at Go. You have said before that he is a good player at Go." His character is not bad."

Wu Changhe sneered, "Is he playing well? Do you really believe what I say casually? At his level, I can beat him by more than six eyes with two pieces without using my brain, but he is a bad chess player, what is he playing? It's just him That chess skill is both impetuous and unstable, so it’s strange to have a good character!”

Wu Zeqing put down his chopsticks and slowly wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, "Okay, Xiaoye, let's go."

Li Qinqin said: "Eat some more."

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "If you eat any more, it's time to fight. Xiaoye and I are going back."

Zhang Ye refused to leave, "That won't work. We have to make it clear about our character. Uncle, I heard that you are deliberately targeting me."

Wu Changhe laughed, "You played that bad game, and you still don't admit it?"

Zhang Ye exclaimed, "If you play chess well, your character will be good, right?"

"Of course, Go is about cultivating one's character. People who are speculative and slippery, and those with bad character, will never be able to play well." Wu Changhe snorted.

Zhang Ye nodded, "Okay, let's talk in Go, and I'll ask you for another game, is that okay?"

Wu Changhe was happy when he heard this, "You still want to fight with me? Your level is far behind! You won't be my opponent even if you practice for fifty years! You can't win even if I give you two!"

However, Zhang Ye's next words stunned everyone in the room!

Zhang Ye said: "This time, I will give you two sons!"

There was a chessboard and special seats in the room. After Zhang Ye finished speaking, he walked over there and sat down. He took the white flag to his side and looked at Wu Changhe, "Please."

you let me?

Two more sons?

Wu Changhe almost burst out laughing!

Li Qinqin also smiled bitterly, "Xiao Zhang, your uncle was a ninth-level Go player back then."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Auntie, I know."

Wu Changhe was so angry that he sat down in the direction of the black chess piece, "Okay, I wasn't serious just now. Do you really think you can beat me? Haha!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I wasn't serious just now."

Full of gunpowder!

The two of them are quite competitive!

Li Qinqin knew she couldn't persuade him anymore, so she said nothing and could only watch from the side. Of course she was no stranger to Go. Although she wasn't good at playing Go, she still knew how to watch it.

Wu Zeqing did the same and silently walked behind Zhang Ye. Of course she also knew Go.

Wu Changhe was not polite at all. He did not have the demeanor of the nine-dan chess player he once was. He sneered and directly took the black chess and placed two stones on it. "Let me have two stones, right? Okay! Let me see how you play!"

Li Qinqin frowned, "Changhe, what are you doing?"

Wu Changhe said: "He was the one who said he wanted to have two sons from me, so I will fulfill his wish." He said to Zhang Ye: "Come here, let me see how serious you are!"

When he touched the white flag, Zhang Ye's expression had changed. It was completely different from when he was at the chess club in the afternoon. He seemed to be a different person.


Zhang Ye fell in love!

Wu Changhe glanced at it, smiled, and settled down.





Fly again.



While playing, Wu Changhe laughed at him, "What a bad chess player. Can you play chess? Are you good at it? What's the use of sitting here? Do you think any professional chess player has ever played chess like this? A layman!"

But gradually, Wu Changhe stopped talking.

Li Qinqin was stunned!

Wu Zeqing also suddenly laughed!

The "point" that Zhang Ye did just now made Wu Changhe break into a cold sweat!

Damn it!

What kind of method is this?

This method was rarely used before!

Wu Changhe's expression also changed.

Two hours.

A game of chess was played for two hours.

Zhang Ye dropped the last piece with a snap.

Wu Changhe's face turned green!

How can it be!

How can this be!

Li Qinqin also looked at Zhang Ye in disbelief!


Wu Changhe actually lost!

And he lost when he was given two pieces!

Zhang Ye said: "You just said that people who are good at Go will have good character, so now it seems that my character should be pretty good."

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