I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,150 [Can you please take some snacks! 】

I'm really a big star latest chapter

nine in the morning.

CCTV News Live Room, Beijing News Channel, Tianjin News Morning Broadcast, and so on, more than a dozen TV stations released a major news almost at the same time: "Insert a news, our reporter just received the news, the once sensational world mathematics The demonstration of the Dell Conjecture, a difficult problem in the world, has now made a major breakthrough. The Dell Conjecture Demonstration Working Group organized by the world mathematics community has sent news that it will hold a press conference at Peking University at 1:00 pm Beijing time today. The following content will be reported to our press conference in a timely manner. Follow up and bring everyone the latest progress!”

Not all the words were said.

Didn't say it clearly.

However, this content is enough!

If the common people are not stupid, why can't they understand?

I saw that Weibo was swept away by Zhang Ye’s army in an instant!

"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God!"

"Has Zhang Ye's formula been solved?"

"Already confirmed?"

"That's awesome!"

"Teacher Zhang, your mother has become the world's top mathematician!"

"Have there been any top mathematicians in the world in the history of the Republic? There were only a few mathematicians in the world that could be counted on one hand, right? And they are all dead!"

"I don't know. In the past, there was no such distinction, so there was no such thing as 'top'. After there is such a term, only Zhang Ye in the Republic can win this title. Now, anyone who can solve the world's major mathematical conjectures Mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions to the world of mathematics will be given the title of the world's top mathematicians. Zhang Ye can't escape this title! There are only forty people in the world who can hold this title! There are probably no more than twenty people alive!"

"So exciting!"

"Yes, our country also has some outstanding figures in the field of mathematics!"

"Teacher Zhang is going to be popular again!"

"Hahaha, he was almost at the top of the line. He was about to be caught up. But it was a coincidence. Teacher Zhang was finally able to stabilize his position! This time, he will definitely have to work harder. There is a lot of popularity, but I don’t know if I can turn on the popularity rating for international artists!”

"Let's wait for the press conference.

It’s just speculation right now! "

"What are you guessing about? Even a fool can see it!"

"Yeah, otherwise, what kind of press conference will we hold?"

"Congratulations Zhang Ye!"

"Is this the year of Zhang Ye? Haha!"

Peking University.

Students have already gone on vacation, so the school should be empty.

But when Zhang Ye drove over, he saw a group of happy people as soon as he arrived at the school gate. Some of them he knew and some he didn't know!

As soon as they saw the car coming, everyone gathered around!

Zhang Ye got out of the car, and Dean Pan gave him a bear hug on the back. He was so hard that Zhang Ye's back was pounding. It was obvious that Old Pan was very excited today!

Pan Yang said: "Congratulations!"

Zhang Ye nodded, "Thank you."

Han Henian also came up and hugged Zhang Ye, "Congratulations, Professor Zhang!"

This was Zhang Ye's former love rival, but the past has long since faded away. "Thank you, Teacher Han."

Lao Wu's best friend Xinya also stepped forward, "I won't hug you anymore, congratulations!"

"Congratulations." Zhang Ye smiled.

Xin Ya laughed and said: "Who is happy with you? You are from Peking University and I am from Tsinghua University."

Zhang Ye said happily: "Professor Xin, why are you still so narrow-minded?"

Xinya rolled her eyes, "You are a dog who can't spit out ivory. Didn't you see that I was joking? Your summit this time will be a boost to the mathematics community of our Republic! Who wouldn't be happy for you?"

Zhang Ye said: "Thank you."

Over there, the British female mathematician Jennifer stepped forward with a smile and hugged him, "Congratulations, my Chinese friend!"

Zhang Ye said: "Thank you, my British friend."

Wang Yiming.

Academician Wan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

German young mathematician.

A French mathematician whom Zhang Ye met before.

There are too many, etc., everyone is here, everyone is applauding Zhang Ye!

"Zhang, you are so awesome!"

“Welcome to Germany as a guest!”

"My friend! You are a great mathematician!"

"Congratulations! I knew your formula must be correct!"

Countless reporters came around, and more and more. Many reporters only received the news at the last minute, and then rushed to the scene in advance to get first-hand news. There were also countless foreign faces among the reporters. There are Japanese and American people!

However, Zhang Ye did not accept an interview. The press conference was in the afternoon. He definitely couldn't say anything more now, so he followed Dean Pan and others into Peking University and blocked the reporters outside.

On the road.

Xinya said: "This year has exhausted us. We are okay. At least they are all in China and in the capital. But many people from other demonstration groups in other countries have to fly in both directions. They will return to China for a few days and then return to China after a while. You have to come back and continue working. You can’t get rid of today’s meal no matter what you say. You have to make up for it for us!”

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "That's necessary. Thank you all for your hard work."

The French mathematician smiled and said in English: "Zhang, I heard that you are a big star in the Republic. My wife likes Ms. Zhang from your country very much. Ms. Zhang's movies are also very popular in our country. Can you help me?" Want to get an autograph? I think my wife will be very happy!"

Zhang Ye smiled and patted his shoulder, "No!"

The French mathematician was dumbfounded, "What the hell?"

Xinya was speechless and translated: "It means there is no problem."

The Russian mathematician was a strong man. He laughed when he heard this and said, "Zhang, you'd better stop speaking English. Your English is really bad!"

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "Don't talk about me, you won't be much better."

The Russian mathematician laughed.

At this time, Academician Wan found him and said, "Professor Zhang, are you interested in coming to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Zhang Ye sweated and said, "Someone asked me before."

"I know." Academician Wan said sincerely: "I heard that you refused, so I invite you again."

Zhang Ye thought for a while and said with a wry smile: "Let me think about it again."

Academician Wan had no choice but to say: "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

There are a lot of people talking here, but Academician Wan didn’t say much. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is an academic institution. It’s not like companies or TV stations that can use money to recruit people. If you want to get into the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the most important thing is ability. The second thing is ability. The point is voluntary, this cannot be forced.

One p.m.

The press conference was held on time!

The place was completely packed with Chinese and foreign reporters. Countless cameras were set up to broadcast live, and countless camera flashes rang out!

Zhang Ye sat in the middle of the podium.

Academician Wan, Dean Pan, Xin Ya and the mathematicians from the working group are all standing by!

In front of the TV, the audience can't wait!

"Zhang Ye has held so many press conferences in the past few days!"

"In the past few days, he has dominated the entire domestic news page!"

"It's so cool!"

"Announce it quickly!"

"Yeah, we're all waiting!"

Zhang Ye's parents had already watched eagerly!

The relatives of Zhang Ye's family were also waiting in front of the TV!

There are also Ning Lan, Xiaodong, Li Xiaoxian, Chen Guang and Fan Wenli, Yao Jiancai, Zhang Yuanqi, Wu Changhe and Li Qinqin, Rao Aimin, Yang Shu...

Although I have already guessed the result!

Although I already know it, there is no suspense anymore!

But for some unknown reason, countless people still turned on the TV in a hurry, wanting to hear it with their own ears and witness the arrival of this moment with their own eyes!

Academician Wan straightened his microphone and announced loudly: "This morning, the argument for the Dell Conjecture has come to an end. On behalf of the verification team, I officially announce that all the arguments and processes of the Dell Conjecture proposed by Professor Zhang Ye have been verified correctly and are confirmed to be true! "

In an instant, applause broke out!

The reporters of the Republic are clapping their hands desperately!

Foreign media reporters also gave warm applause!

The applause lasted for a long time and stopped for a full minute. Many foreign mathematicians even stood up and gave Zhang Ye a thumbs up! Although Zhang Ye has rarely participated in the verification of conjectures in the past year. It was originally proposed by him and it was not easy for him to participate in person, but at least he would occasionally visit the working group's base. After such a long period of contact, this group Most of the foreign mathematicians are also familiar with Zhang Ye. Even the two American mathematicians who had had a quarrel with him before have a very harmonious relationship with Zhang Ye, so now they are sparing no effort to send their blessings. and congratulations!

It’s time for reporters’ questions.

An American female reporter raised her hand.

Pan Yang, who was presiding over the meeting, said to her, "This lady."

A female reporter from the United States asked: "Mr. David, why did the verification of Dell's conjecture take so long? It took a year?"

A translator translated it in Chinese.

David, an American mathematician, obviously knew the other party, "Ms. Danni, you may not understand the verification process of a mathematical conjecture, which is very complicated and detailed. Moreover, the Dell conjecture is different from other mathematical conjectures. It is the most difficult to solve in the world." One of several major conjectures, the workload is obviously greater. Fortunately, the formulas and processes Zhang provided us are quite detailed, which greatly reduces our verification time, otherwise it would have been much longer. Zhang is great." He looked towards Zhang Ye, "He is one of the youngest, most talented, and greatest mathematicians I have ever seen!"

Zhang Ye nodded with a smile and thanked him.

Comrade David is very wise!

Then countless reporters quickly raised their hands!

Pan Yang named a French reporter.

The French reporter said: "Professor Zhang, some people say that the verification of Dell's conjecture is a historic moment in the mathematics world. It was you who saved the mathematics community of the Republic and gave the mathematics workers of the Republic a chance to regain the attention of the world. As far as I know , there are already five or six new projects or research projects of mathematical institutions in the world. Within this year, they have actively invited some mathematicians from the Republic to participate in the projects. This is undoubtedly your contribution. I have interviewed before A young mathematician said that you are a hero in the world of mathematics. What do you think?"

This is indeed true. Recently, many international mathematics projects around the world have indeed invited many mathematicians from the Republic of China. If it weren’t for Zhang Ye’s leadership, no fool would believe it!

Academician Wan looked at Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye didn't even think about it and said directly: "I'm not a hero, I'm really not. There are many heroes in the world of mathematics, some you see and some you can't see. Everyone here has a dream and a sense of responsibility. A sincere love for mathematics. Going forward, the Republic will have countless seniors in the field of mathematics who are famous all over the world. Going forward, there will be countless young mathematicians in the Republic who will lead the world. It is these seniors who have supported the Republic of China’s mathematics community step by step. Today, it is the younger generations who are about to appear, who will lead the mathematical community of the Republic to go further step by step. Who am I? I am nothing. I think they are the heroes!"

Translation is synchronized!

When the French reporters heard this, they immediately stood up in awe and applauded!

The German reporter next to me also clapped hard!

When the foreign mathematicians heard this, they even secretly shouted "Hello!"

But those reporters from the Republic almost fainted and fell to the ground!

Academician Wan: "...((%¥ # ¥%% # !!"

Pan Yang vomited blood!

Xinya almost fell off the chair!

The viewers in front of the TV were even more stunned!

Why are these words so damn familiar?

Damn, this is what you said at the press conference after the battle between man and machine yesterday, right? And it seems to be the exact words, should I go?

Everyone was convinced!

It’s really amazing!

What kind of occasion is this? This is a press conference for the whole world!

Can you please take some snacks!

Can you please have some snacks? ? (To be continued.)

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