I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1151 [Peking University’s only dual-department professor! 】

Netizens laughed and peed!

There was a lot of shouting on Weibo!

"This Zhang Ye!"

"What a joke on such a big occasion!"

"Pfft, why is he so funny!"

"Hahahahaha, I just like how shameless he is!"

"Oh, I'm so happy!"

"Teacher Zhang is such a weirdo!"

"Yeah, if it were anyone else, who wouldn't be cautious in this kind of situation? Who shouldn't be nervous and cautious? He's not bad. He dares to talk nonsense in front of the whole world. Isn't this the reason for the press conference after the war between man and machine? What are you talking about! Isn’t this talking about the Go world? He is not afraid that the international mathematics community will be angry and cancel his status! I am terrified when I hear this! Only Zhang Ye can do such a thing!"

"Hey, what's the big deal!"

"It's not like Zhang Ye has never done more exaggerated things!"

"Haha, that's his style, I'm used to it!"

"It would be boring if Teacher Zhang was serious and serious every day!"

"like him!"

"Teacher Zhang has brought glory to the country! Don't worry about this little thing!"

"When did Zhang Ye not do something earth-shattering during a live broadcast before? When did he not curse people? This time, he didn't even write a poem, he didn't even curse people. Just be satisfied, Mr. Zhang is much more settled now! "

"Pfft, I can't refute what you said upstairs!"

You can say anything, but generally speaking, everyone can accept it. If another celebrity or other mathematician had done this, people would have scolded him to death, and countless people would have questioned it. However, the person who did this now was Zhang Ye, and everyone found that they were used to it. , and he was not surprised at all. Some of them fainted, some of them vomited blood, and they were all amused afterwards.

half an hour.

One hour.

The live press conference is over.

The press conference was broadcast live across the country.

At the same time, it will soon spread to Asia and international perspectives!

The Dell Conjecture has been confirmed to have been solved by mathematicians from the Republic of China. It is impossible not to report such big news internationally. It just depends on the intensity of reporting in various countries!

The meeting adjourned.

Xin Ya grabbed Zhang Ye, rolled her eyes and said, "Can you use your bad mouth to hold the door?"

Zhang Ye was stunned, "Huh? What's wrong?"

Dean Pan also came up, "What did you say?"

Wang Yiming couldn't laugh or cry, "We are really convinced by you!"

"What's wrong with me?" Zhang Ye didn't know why.

Xinya glared and said, "Didn't you find that the speech you said when you answered the first reporter's question sounded a bit familiar? Ah?"

Zhang Ye thought about it and said, "Yes, it sounds a bit familiar!"

Han Henian smiled bitterly and reminded: "Yesterday's Go press conference."

Zhang Ye suddenly came back to his senses, slapped his forehead and said: "Oh, I seem to have used this paragraph yesterday. Hey, I said it sounded familiar to me, so I said it, and it became smoother and smoother!" He really wasn't. On purpose, this guy has too many things going on recently, and they are all rushed together. Every day, there are countless reporters asking questions and countless interviews. Sometimes he forgets what he said, "Oh, I am such a noble person who forgets things." ah!"


"How can anyone call themselves noble?"

"Forget it, it's been live broadcast anyway, so let's leave it at that."

"Well, your reputation has already become bad, and everyone doesn't take it seriously."

Many domestic mathematicians have expressed their opinions.

Zhang Ye couldn't stand listening anymore and said, "Why did I get such a bad reputation? That reporter asked me if I was a hero. I can't say I am a hero. Why don't you give me a thumbs up to a hero?"

Everyone was so happy!

Who can give you a kowtow?

Dean Pan smiled and said: "Okay, don't be in need of Professor Zhang. I have something serious to do with you."

"What's going on?" Zhang Ye asked.

Dean Pan laughed, "Of course it's a great thing!"

Zhang Ye nodded and said, "I like to hear good things."

Dean Pan said: "Okay, then you come with me."

The others dispersed. Dean Pan and several leaders of the Peking University Mathematics Department went to the department and walked into an unknown office. Pan Yang searched in the drawer, took out something and handed it to Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Take a look."

Zhang Ye was also startled when he saw it, "Professor Teague?"

Dean Pan hummed, "That's right."

This professor is not the same professor as before!

Zhang Ye used to be an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at Peking University. However, in this application, it was recommended that Zhang Ye be promoted to a full professor in the Department of Mathematics. He is a full professor in the Department of Mathematics. This is a huge difference, no matter in terms of salary, qualifications, or status in the industry. , cannot be compared with each other, and this is a full professor in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University. How many full professors are there in the entire Academy of Mathematics? Those under forty-five are almost invisible!

Zhang Ye was a little embarrassed, "Hey, is this suitable?"

Dean Pan said: "If you think it's okay, I'll submit it. It's not yet certain whether it will be approved or not. This was also decided unanimously after our meeting at the School of Mathematics."

Zhang Ye laughed and said: "The associate professor before me was an exception, right? I have only been a full professor for a year, and now I am talking about a full professor? Will others gossip? I am only twenty-five. Which university have you seen with a twenty-five-year-old? Associate professor? Not to mention a full professor, or a full professor at Peking University?"

Dean Pan snorted, "If you think it's inappropriate, forget it."

"No! Don't interfere!" Zhang Ye was anxious, "Old Pan, you have already submitted this application and you have the nerve to take it back? Mention it, it must be mentioned! Am I still afraid of people gossiping? If I care about other people's gossip, I have spent all these years I should have died two hundred times!" This sentence is actually the truth.

Lao Pan?

Dean Pan rolled his eyes!

Zhang Ye said happily: "Then it's settled!"

Dean Pan said: "It depends on whether the superiors agree."

"You have such a great reputation, how can the school leaders disagree?" Zhang Ye felt that Lao Pan was very righteous and would really miss him when something good happened. This real title of full professor is more practical and more useful than anything else!


Parents' house.

As soon as he came back, his mother caught him and scolded him!

Mom wanted to grab his ear, "Why are you so careless about such a big occasion? You can even copy the speech? Do you want to piss me off?"

Zhang Ye sweated and said, "Didn't I forget?"

My mother pointed in the direction of the computer, "Look at the Internet, you are being trampled to death. Several experts are scolding you, saying that you have a bad attitude toward academics and that you are fooling around!"

Zhang Ye smiled and shrugged, "I have so many enemies. There are less than 180 people who scold me every day. I feel like the sun is rising in the west. Let them scold them if they want. What do you care about them? By the way. Mom, Dad." Looking at his parents, he announced: "Peking University is going to make me a full professor!"

As soon as these words came out, both parents exclaimed!

Dad said excitedly: "Is it decided?"

My mother was stunned, "Really?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Really, but I haven't decided yet. It should be fine."

My mother said anxiously: "You shouldn't do it! Is such a big thing confirmed or not? Don't make me and your father happy in vain!"

"**Never leave ten." Zhang Ye said.

Mom immediately beamed, "Okay! Okay! Great! I'll tell your grandparents quickly!" After saying that, she ran to the landline, picked up the phone and called, "Hey, mom, are you watching TV?" Yes, that conjecture has been solved. Xiao Ye is now a top mathematician in the world. Also, tell my dad and family that Xiao Ye will be promoted to full professor at Peking University soon. Seriously, why did I lie to you? "

In the media, the gossip has also spread!

Here in China, there are no airtight walls. They are interconnected and the interpersonal relationships are complex. There are always some well-informed people!

Until 5pm!

Peking University finally announced that Zhang Ye would be given the title of full professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University!

And what no one expected was that this wasn’t the end yet!

Peking University: Grant Zhang Ye the title of associate professor in the Chinese Department of Peking University!

After working in the Chinese Department for two years, the lecturer qualification has also become an associate professor?

Full professor in the Department of Mathematics?

Associate professor of Chinese Department?

The only dual-department professor at Peking University? ? To be continued ( )

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