I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,158 [Zhang Ye is going to the Olympic opening ceremony! 】

the next day.

News is out!

East of Jiaomen, Zhang Ye's studio.

Xiao Wang took several newspapers and shouted: "This is today's morning paper!"

Everyone gathered around, and Zhang Ye also came over and looked down.

"Olympic opening ceremony rehearsal postponed! 》

"There may be major mistakes in the opening ceremony!" 》

"Temporarily change the theme song and singer for the opening ceremony!" 》

"Jiang Hanwei's Missing Theme Song?" 》

"Who will be the singer of the opening song?" 》

On the Internet, netizens were also shocked!

"What went wrong?"

"This is about to begin!"

"Foreign Olympic delegations have arrived in Beijing one after another!"

"Why do we need to change the theme song? Isn't the previous one not working? Haven't we already decided on Jiang Hanwei and Shu Han? Oh, then Jiang and Sister Shu's work was wasted!"

"I don't know what's going on?"

"Changing songs and people temporarily?"

"Is it still too late?"

"Who's going up?"

"This is a good job. How many people are watching it!"

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to fight over it!"

The people are very concerned. After all, this is the first time that the Republic has hosted the Olympics at home. It is a unique event in history. Everyone wants this Olympics to be a success.

Artists in the entertainment industry are also very concerned about who can go on the stage of the Olympic opening ceremony to sing a unique opening song. This is really important for an artist, especially for those who are interested in entering the international stage. For celebrities, this temptation is really too great!

In the studio.

Ha Qiqi was shocked: "It turns out something really happened!"

I just finished saying this,

There was a knock on the door outside.

Xiao Wang went over to open the door, and then he was stunned because there were seven or eight people outside the door. Everyone was in suits and ties, and they looked like official personnel. She didn't know most of them, but there was one person she recognized immediately because he was so famous!

——Li Ke!

One of the most famous film and television directors of the Republic. This one is not one of dozens of people, but one of three or four people. When it comes to film directors of the Republic, he can be ranked among the top three, even internationally. Li Ke's works have also achieved some success. He is currently serving as the chief director of this Olympic opening ceremony!

"Is this Zhang Ye's studio?"


"We are from the Olympic Organizing Committee."

"Ah, please come in."

Xiao Wang let people in.

Zhang Ye also walked up slowly.

Li Ke smiled and stretched out his hand, "Director Zhang, I have admired you for a long time."

Zhang Ye shook hands with him and said, "In front of Director Li, I dare not say that I am a director."

Li Ke is also in the celebrity funny group, and he occasionally comes out to talk. The two of them have chatted a few times online. Although they have never met in person, they are not strangers.

Then, Zhang Ye saw the famous lyricist and composer Wang Zhuishu also in the crowd, "Old Wang?"

Wang Zhuishu and Zhang Ye have known each other since they were in "The King of Masked Singer", and their relationship is not bad.

Wang Zhuishu smiled bitterly, "Teacher Zhang, I say you are really good!"

Zhang Ye pretended to be stupid, "Huh? What's wrong with me?"

Wang Zhuishu said helplessly: "Let me introduce you first. This is Qi Yihai, the deputy chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee."

Qi Yihai smiled and said: "Teacher Zhang, I have long admired your name."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "If I had known that Chairman Qi would be here, I would have gone downstairs to greet him!"

Li Ke smiled and said, "You won't welcome me when I come?"

"Haha, take it too, take it too." Zhang Ye said with a smile.

Several other people were introduced. Except for one person who seemed not to be so enthusiastic, that person was probably from the sports world, the others all greeted Zhang Ye politely. If he was an ordinary star, everyone wouldn't be so concerned. But firstly, Zhang Ye was asked for help, and secondly, Zhang Ye's status was different from that of ordinary celebrities. Let's just say that he was a professor in the Department of Media and Peking University. Because of his identity, everyone has to politely call him "Professor Zhang" or "Teacher Zhang". No one will call him "Xiao Zhang" or call him by his first name.

After everyone exchanged a few words of courtesy, Zhang Ye coaxed the people in the studio upstairs, leaving only Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and Xiao Wang. Ha Qiqi is now Zhang Ye's studio's external contact. The person in charge, Zhang Zuo, is the person in charge internally. Xiao Wang is naturally responsible for serving tea and water.

Everyone sat down.

Wang Zhuishu said: "Director Zhang, how are you thinking about it?"

Zhang Ye blinked, "What are you thinking about? Oh, I remembered about the date with Ge!"

Wang Zhuishu rolled his eyes.

Zhang Ye said: "Can I ask why you are looking for me?"

Olympic Vice Chairman Qi Yihai looked at him, "Mr. Zhang, I won't hide it from you. There was a temporary problem with the theme song of this opening ceremony. There was a personnel problem and a song problem. I won't go into details. Anyway, Several songs we prepared before were rejected. We thought that the lyrics and songs were not suitable for performing on such a world-oriented stage. For example, one song contained too many Chinese elements. This should have been a good thing, and it should have been a good thing. It shows the charm of our country, but it seems a bit inappropriate on the Olympic stage. After much thought, our organizing committee still hopes to have a more international theme song. There has been no suitable song, and it has been delayed for a long time. .”

Wang Zhuishu added: "I am helpless. I have already written seven or eight editions. The same goes for some other domestic musicians. It is really difficult to find an entry point for international songs, and the music is not easy to compose, so now The problem lies here, and everyone is at a loss. Later, Director Li mentioned you, and I suddenly remembered that you are the best at writing songs. Director Li and I highly recommended you to the organizing committee."

Just write songs, okay?

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I'm not bad at singing." There was something in his words.

Wang Zhuishu snorted.

Li Ke smiled and said nothing.

A sports leader frowned.

Qi Yihai, on the other hand, said: "I know this. My daughter is a fan of yours. She is so obsessed with you. Haha, she doesn't even listen to what I say now. Alas."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Am I just lying down?"

Qi Yihai said: "I don't like her chasing stars, but you are an exception. I have always admired Teacher Zhang's values ​​on big things."

It was hard for Zhang Ye to accept these words.

I only heard Qi Yihai say: "The opening ceremony is getting closer and closer, and there is not much time left. Director Li and Teacher Wang said that if anyone can write the opening song in such a short time, it is probably you, Teacher Zhang. I agree with this, so we paid a visit today to ask you if there is anything you can do. Our requirements for songs are international, good-sounding, positive, and songs that can show the country's attitude."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Your demands are not low."

Qi Yihai said: "That's why I came to find you."

Wang Zhuishu asked, "Director Zhang, can this be done? I'm really in a hurry!"

Zhang Ye thought for a while and said to Xiao Wang: "Xiao Wang, go to my office. There is something in the first drawer on the right. Help me get it."

"Okay!" Xiao Wang quickly took it back.

Zhang Ye held the sheet of music and put it on the table, "You guys, take a look at this song."


Already have a song?

I rely on you too fast! I know you are a fast shooter, but you are not as fast as you! Do you have a machine gun?

Everyone was shocked, even Ha Qiqi and Zhang Zuo didn’t know!

"Me and You"?

Wang Zhuishu took the score and immediately started humming!

Qi Yihai and Li Ke also watched and listened very seriously!

ten minutes later.

Everyone was shocked!

Li Ke laughed, "Okay! Great!"

An Olympic Committee official exclaimed: "Great!"

Wang Zhuishu slapped the table, "That's it! This is simply a theme song tailor-made for the Beijing Olympics!"

Zhang Ye said: "I ordered it just for the Olympics."

Wang Zhuishu: "..."

Zhang Ye smiled and asked, "Chairman Qi, what do you think?"

Qi Yihai gave a thumbs up, "It's impeccable! Teacher Zhang is really amazing!"

Zhang Ye said: "That's good."

Qi Yihai was also a smart man. He looked at him and said, "Teacher Zhang, we definitely want this song, and we won't want it in vain. Then tell us your request?"

Zhang Ye said: "I only have two requests. Forget it, I can't say requests. It is not a good word to use in national affairs. I only have two wishes. The first one is that I hope that this song will be sung by me. It will be my own. The song must be sung by myself and I can perform it to the best of my ability. Secondly, I hope that I will choose the other female voice for this duet."

The man from the sports world immediately said: "No!"

Zhang Ye looked at him and remembered that when he was introduced, he said his surname was Qian and he was a director.

Director Qian said: "The singers were decided a long time ago. They must be Jiang Hanwei and Shu Han. They have rehearsed for the theme song for a long time."

Zhang Ye said: "But the song has changed now, right?"

Director Qian looked at him, "Then we have to take care of the emotions of the two teachers."

Zhang Ye snorted and asked, "I understand that you want to take care of other teachers' emotions. You can do whatever you want, but don't use my songs to take care of other people's emotions. It's so natural."

"Did I say that?" Director Qian was also annoyed. "This Olympics is a national event and a political task. Can't you write a song for others? For the sake of the country, you can't do this. Are you unwilling to sacrifice?"

Zhang Ye said: "I can sacrifice. I can do many things for the sake of the country and the nation, and it's not just words like you. Everyone knows that I have done a lot, but don't use this to pressure me, and don't engage in moral kidnapping." ! Why do I have to sacrifice in the end after I have done everything? Why do some people do nothing and always end up in glory? In the end, I still have to be insulted by others, and I am the one who was wronged? "

Director Qian said angrily: "You!"

Ha Qiqi quickly pulled him, "Director Zhang!"

This was Zhang Ye's style of starting fights when they disagreed. No one here was surprised. They knew that Zhang Ye had such a bad temper that no one wanted to do anything to him.

Qi Yihai looked at the two of them helplessly, "I also watched the fight between Teacher Zhang and Ti Tan. The fight wasn't over yet? Haha."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "I guess the fight will be endless. Don't be offended, Chairman Qi. I don't have any bad intentions, but I speak more straightforwardly and can easily offend people."

Qi Yihaixin said, are you speaking outright? Every word of yours carries a knife! However, Qi Yihai had a good impression of Zhang Ye. He was not from the sports world, but was parachuted in for a temporary job. He had also heard about the stiff relationship between the sports world and Zhang Ye, but it had nothing to do with him and he didn't care. No, what he has to do is to do a good job in this Olympics and the opening ceremony, that's all.

Li Ke was facing Zhang Ye, "Director Zhang's singing skills are much better than Lao Jiang, and his popularity is higher than Lao Jiang."

Director Qian still said: "But Mr. Jiang's international reputation is definitely much higher. His movies are influential overseas. This time it is an international stage. This must be considered, as well as the choice of partner. Shu Han must... ..." He started gesticulating.

Li Ke didn't like hearing it anymore, "Director Qian, it seems that I am the chief director?"

Director Qian choked and his face turned red!

Zhang Ye also spoke at this time, "Chairman Qi, can you decide this matter?"

"Of course I can decide." Qi Yihai said.

Zhang Ye nodded, "If the organizing committee really has nothing to do, if it really feels that I cannot be used to represent the country on stage, it's okay. You can take Ge'er and we can do whatever we want when we meet in the future. It doesn't matter. My hometown I can contribute to the Olympic Games and don’t ask for anything.”

Director Qian said: "Chairman Qi!"

Another person from the sports world also said: "Chairman Qi, let's..."

Qi Yihai glanced at Zhang Ye and suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, I'm just talking about you. I agree to the two requests you just made. What do you mean by Director Li?"

Li Ke said: "I have no objection."

Qi Yihai said: "Okay, I'll say hello to the top, and that's it!"

Zhang Ye stood up and stretched out his hand, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Qi Yihai chuckled, shook hands with him and said, "Then you have to prepare now. After the postponement, there are only three days left until the opening ceremony rehearsal."

Director Qian looked frustrated!

The other organizing committee members looked at each other in shock!

Let Zhang Ye sing the opening song of the Olympic Games? Isn’t this your mother’s slap in the sports world’s face? Who doesn't know that Zhang Ye had fierce fights with many coaches and athletes in the sports world, and even scolded them with a skit. What was the result? But he wants to sing on behalf of the athletes? Will this work? Alas, forget it, Chairman Qi has already decided, so let’s leave it to that. Anyway, the opening ceremony must be done well, and everything must be done in the interests of the country.

The people in Zhang Ye's studio almost screamed with excitement!


It’s really done!

Director Zhang will represent the country at the Olympic opening ceremony! (To be continued.)

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