I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,159 [International Superstar Lillian! 】

same day. ?〔 ?

The news leaked out.

"Olympic opening ceremony song confirmed!" 》

"Zhang Ye will take over the opening theme song! 》

"With the unanimous approval of the Olympic Organizing Committee, Zhang Ye's lyrics and music will be used! 》

"Zhang Ye replaced Jiang Hanwei and Shu Han to join the opening ceremony! 》

"The Olympic Committee has confirmed the authenticity of this news! 》

Netizens expressed their disbelief after seeing it!

"Teacher Zhang?"

"Oh no!"

"How could it be him!"

"I do not believe!"

"I don't believe it either, it can't be him!"

"I have a friend with the Olympic Committee. I heard that this matter has been confirmed. They held a meeting and decided that Teacher Zhang Ye's song will be sung by him!"

"Pfft, but who doesn't know about his relationship with the sports world?"

"Yeah, Zhang Ye attends the opening ceremony? This is too ironic. Can people in the sports world agree? I thought before that no matter who the cake falls on, it won't fall on Zhang Ye. The scolding war between him and the sports world after the New Year was so intense that there were very few scolding wars of this scale in the history of the entertainment industry! Come on, what kind of song did Mr. Zhang come up with? Ah, did you impress the Olympic Committee?"

"Only the devil knows!"

“It’s really lively this time!”

"Yeah, it's fun again, hahahaha!"

"I think Zhang Ye is quite suitable!"


"Because Go is generally considered a sport, right? Teacher Zhang is now the best Go player in the world, and he can sing. It's normal for him to play!"

"Well, that makes sense."

"Has Professor Zhang turned on the screen dominance mode again?"


Some of the athletes who had scolded Zhang Ye earlier expressed their protest!

The head coach of the table tennis team angrily posted on Weibo: "How can someone who disrespects sports sing the opening song? This is simply incomprehensible!"

A table tennis player: "Unacceptable!"

A badminton player: "Zhang Ye sings on behalf of the country? Is there any mistake?"

But then, the head coach of the table tennis team deleted the Weibo post. I don’t know if he was told something by the Olympic Organizing Committee.

In fact, I don’t blame them for being shocked!

Even Zhang Ye’s relatives and friends couldn’t believe it!

Mom came over with just one phone call!



"Did you win the Olympic opening song?"

"Haha, yes."

"are you sure?"


"Oh, that's great! You are such a good son of mine!"

"So I have to be busy during this period, and I probably won't be able to go home."

"It's okay! It's okay! You go about your business, arrange the music quickly, rehearse quickly, and don't go home! You must sing well at the opening ceremony! This is a world-class stage!"

"I see."

Ning Lan also called in shock!

"Sister Ning."

"Zhang'er, are you really fake?"

"Olympic theme song? Really."

"How did you do it?"

"They ran out of songs, so they came to me."

"You are also used for singing?"

"Yeah, maybe it's my personal charm that impressed them, haha."

"What kind of personal charm do you have? By the way, my new movie will be released soon. You can use your meager salary to advertise it for me later."

"no problem."

Chen Guang’s phone number:

"What kind of song do you have?"

"Haha, this needs to be kept secret."

"You are so cruel, Jiang Hanwei probably hates you to death!"

"It's like he didn't hate me before."

"I'm still stunned now, how could it be you!"

The calls from friends came one after another. While everyone was in disbelief, they were also happy for Zhang Ye, because everyone knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This opportunity to sing at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in his country would not be available for decades. I didn't even meet them once. I couldn't even compete with several kings and queens. Even Jiang Hanwei, a veteran with huge connections in the industry, was ultimately defeated. You can imagine how fierce the competition is. This is not a matter of high popularity and wide connections. Yes, sometimes you really need some luck, and Zhang Ye just happened to be there!

Go battle!

Mathematical conjecture!

The Masked Singer!

There is no doubt that these three battles pushed Zhang Ye to this position!

If Zhang Ye hadn't been able to write songs, if he hadn't won the championship of "The King of Masked Singer" with his astonishing ability and demonstrated his extraordinary singing skills, if he hadn't just shown his face in the man-machine battle, if it weren't for Dell's guess has just been announced and confirmed to have been cracked by Zhang Ye, making him famous all over the world. So it is conceivable that the opportunity to sing the theme song of the opening ceremony will never be his. These three are indispensable, and it is precisely in recent years. Zhang Ye's continuous reputation over the past few months has made the Olympic Committee finally give him the go-ahead!

Maybe this is luck!

This is what Zhang Ye has been accumulating and exploding!

The Olympic opening ceremony will undoubtedly be the biggest stage for Zhang Ye in history. Although there is only one chance to sing, it is enough. It is an opportunity to show his face in front of the whole world!



Zhang Ye was alone in his office, looking through information. He was choosing a partner, someone who would sing with him on the Olympic stage. On his earth, the version of "You and Me" sung by Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman was really amazing. Although Zhang Ye's singing style was different from that of Mr. Liu Huan, he was also more inclined to find a foreigner. The female singer performed it, and she was able to maximize the charm of the song. But the problem is that Zhang Ye doesn't know anyone, and he doesn't know who to look for!



These are all relatively famous female singers in the world!

But after thinking about it, Zhang Ye shook his head and denied it. One of the two people has an unclear attitude towards China, and the other is more alternative. Rumor has it that they are not easy to get along with. This kind of international star must be avoided first, no matter how popular Zhang Ye is He didn't dare to invite him because he had to put safety first. The most important thing about his ideal candidate was his attitude towards China, followed by popularity and singing skills. These days, it's not easy to find an international star with a friendly attitude towards China.

Who to look for?

Who is the most suitable?

After searching for a long time, a name finally appeared in front of Zhang Ye.

The office door opened.

Ha Qiqi said hurriedly: "Director Zhang, the Olympic Organizing Committee has urged me again."

Zhang Zuo also stood up and said, "I've just made three phone calls. Have you chosen someone? The rehearsal is about to begin. It's a race against time now!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "The person has been chosen."

Ha Qiqi blinked, "Who is it?"

Everyone looks over!

Zhang Ye said calmly: "Lillian."

Everyone was shocked!



"Who are you talking about?"

Zhang Ye repeated: "I said, Lilian."

Ha Qiqi laughed and said: "Director Zhang, are you kidding us?"

Zhang Ye sweated, "I'm not joking."

Zhang Zuo was stunned, "Which Lilian?"

"The most famous Lilian in the world." Zhang Ye said.

Everyone: "..."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Xiao Wang wiped his sweat, "Here, can I invite you here?"

Wu Yidao: "The wrist you are talking about is too big!"

Zhang Zuo smiled bitterly, "It's not just too big? This is simply... the person you are talking about is an international superstar ranked among the top twenty in the world!"

Everyone felt that Director Zhang was too courageous!

But Zhang Ye's words made it impossible for everyone to refute, "It's not like we pay for it? There is the Olympic Organizing Committee, let them go and spend money, why should we worry!"

Everyone was a little dizzy!

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "That's it, let's make a call!"

Ha Qiqi had no choice but to respond, then turned around and called the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee.

Sure enough, when the people from the Olympic Organizing Committee heard this, they had exactly the same reaction as before!

Someone from the Olympic Organizing Committee: "Who are you talking about?"

Ha Qiqi said: "Director Zhang said he wanted to invite Lilian."

The people from the Olympic Organizing Committee almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!


Damn it!

You're fucking risking our lives! (To be continued.) 8


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