I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,168 [Surveillance video exposed! 】


Several referees lying on the ground had bruises and swollen noses and faces, crying and howling. They were in so much pain that they couldn't stand up at all. They were all knocked unconscious!



"my leg!"


The Australian referee screamed for help. (WWW.mianhuaang.LAGood-looking novel marshmallow

However, when the volunteers and Chinese athletes next to him saw it was him, they were about to subconsciously go up to help the person. They stopped immediately and did not go over. Instead, they took out their handbags one after another under the dumbfounded gaze of the weightlifting referees. Take a video with your phone!

"The referee was beaten!"

"It's those weightlifting referees!"

"Come and see!"

"Hurry up and take a picture!"

"Holy crap, who did this?"

The security personnel came running too!

Staff from the organizing committee also arrived in a hurry!

"What happened?"

"how so?"

"What happened?"

"Quick, help people up first!"

"Where are the medical staff? Check if everything is okay!"

"Fortunately, there are no broken bones!"

More and more people gathered around, and people from the media also came!

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked and unbelievable. This is the Olympic venue. This is the most secure Olympic venue. How could this happen? How could this happen? Who is so blatant? Who is so bold!

The media was shocked!

The Olympic Organizing Committee was shocked!

Athletes at home and abroad were shocked!

Refereeing at an Olympic venue? No one has ever seen such a thing!


My parents are yelling at the TV!

Dad said angrily: "It's a good thing I didn't go to watch the weightlifting finals tonight, otherwise I would have been really pissed off!"

Mom said: "These foreigners are so grandsons! How dare they challenge us on our home court? Who gave them the courage? Who gave them the rights?"

The Internet is still criticizing me!

The entertainment industry is scolding!

The Chinese media is scolding!

Netizens are scolding!

"There's no point in reasoning anymore?"

"These people are so damned!"

“Brothers, human flesh them

! "

"Human flesh has been released, it's these five judges!"

"Nasi, who will follow me to block the door?"

"I'll go! Beat them up!"

"Yes, I absolutely can't stand this!"

"Count me in! I'll go too! I'm really angry today!"

"What are you going to do? That's the work area of ​​the Olympic venues. Who can go in?"

"Then let this matter go?"

From the end of the weightlifting competition to now, people have been scolding them for a full hour, but at this moment, countless news articles suddenly appeared. It was so sudden that all netizens were caught off guard. Everyone was simply Jaw-dropping!

"Five weightlifting referees were attacked!" 》

"An emergency occurred in the Olympic venues! 》

"The referee fell and was injured, or it was caused by man!" 》

"The police have intervened in the investigation! 》

"Will surveillance video be restored to the scene?" 》

"What happened at the scene?" 》

CCTV Sports Channel: "Oh, we just got some news..."

Beijing Satellite TV said: "Another big incident happened at the Olympics. Please watch a video!"

The video was also exposed!

The five weightlifting judges who were "showing off their power" on TV just now were in terrible condition in the video. Some had noses bleeding, some had swelling on their heads, and they were all lying on the ground screaming!

Now, Weibo is very lively!

In an instant, the number of likes on the video on Weibo suddenly exceeded 200,000 times!

Netizens are simply overjoyed, as if it’s the Chinese New Year!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I'm so awesome at this!"

"You deserve it! You deserve it!"

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end! Who will God spare?"

"Relieve your anger! Damn it!"

"Oh, I laughed so hard! It was so cool!"

"Isn't it true that I'm trying to beat a referee in an Olympic venue? Ordinary spectators can't get in, right? Who did this? What's going on? Like 10,000 likes first.

I'll look at it again! "

“Did volunteers do it?”

"Haha, I just want to say, well done!"

"Which hero did it? Let us worship him!"

"That's so fucking awesome!"

“This is the most depressing news I’ve seen this year!”

Yao Jiancai gave a meager thumbs up to the video: "Haha, the record of supernatural powers."

! "

Like Zhang Xia!

Zhang Yuanqi’s agent likes it!

Huo Dongfang likes it!

Like from a king!

A certain diva sent a winking emoji!

Forwarded by Jinghua Times official WeChat account!

The official Weibo account of the Beijing Public Security Bureau forwarded it, liked it, and then deleted it in seconds!

The public has no scruples and can say whatever they want, but many of the entertainment stars and officials are not comfortable speaking out on this matter because they are public figures and anything they say is wrong, but they are also using their own way to express your attitude!

Dad was shocked, "The referee was beaten?"

My mother shouted, "Well done! Well done!"

Very happy!

This thing is really satisfying!

Although many experts and media people came forward to make false comments and said that this should not be the case, the public ignored them at all. Everyone's focus was on who did this, whether it was volunteers or staff member? Are they Chinese athletes or coaches?

Foreign media are also paying close attention!

"Police are investigating surveillance!" 》

"According to eyewitnesses, no one was hitting anyone at the scene! 》

"The injured referee has lodged a protest with the Olympic Organizing Committee! 》

"Being beaten?" Or accidental injury? 》

"The truth is about to come out!" 》

Later. (Marshmallow Novel Network provides Txt for free download)

Zhang Ye's studio.

Zhang Ye drove back after a bumpy ride. He opened the door and saw that Haqi, Zhang Zuo and the others hadn't gotten off work yet. They were all chatting in the studio and turning on the TV.

Zhang Ye was startled, "Hey, are you working overtime?"

Ha Qiqi said hurriedly: "Oh, Director Zhang, why did you come back just now!"

Zhang Zuole said: "I just saw a piece of news. Everyone was so happy that they didn't leave."

"Isn't this considered overtime pay?" Zhang Ye pressed.

"Why do you need overtime pay? Director Zhang, you are too picky. The latest chapter of Lightning Summoner

. "Xiao Wang said happily: "Have you read the news? Something big happened just now! Those weightlifting judges are all injured! "

Zhang Ye shrugged and said, "Of course I know."

Wu Yi laughed loudly, "They are trying to find out which hero did it!"

"That's awesome!" Xiao Wang said: "I really hope the surveillance camera didn't catch it, otherwise that person might be in trouble. If he were an athlete from our country, he would probably be banned."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm not an athlete."

Ha Qiqi immediately said: "Director Zhang, hurry up and post a like on Weibo. We are now guiding you to develop a positive public image. You can't miss this kind of thing."

Zhang Zuo nodded, "Yes, yes, you have to say a few words to at least show your presence."

Zhang Ye shook his hand and said, "No need to check your existence."

"Why?" Ha Qiqi was stunned.

Suddenly, the screen in the CCTV live broadcast room changed. The screen that was just reviewing today's Olympic Games disappeared. It turned back to the live broadcast room. The host said: "Let's interrupt. We just received news that the weightlifting referee has been injured." This is a major development and we have a set of live videos."

The video is aired!

People across the country are in high spirits!

"who is it?"

"Look, look!"

At this moment, I don’t know how many people across the country are watching the TV.

Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and others also gathered in front of the screen.

Then, five referees appeared on the surveillance screen. They were the injured ones. They were seen walking forward quickly, talking and laughing among them. The next second, the key point in the camera was The characters appeared, and the two parties got closer and closer. The moment they passed each other, there was no scene of violent beatings as rumored in the news, nor was there the fight scene that everyone imagined!

Just a brush!

The young man under surveillance extended an evil kick and got over!

The next moment, people all over the country were stunned to see the five referees lying on their backs on the ground!

The young man had his pockets inserted and seemed to be humming some song. The surveillance screen showed a close-up of the young man's face. Immediately, the people across the country jumped in shock as if their tail had been stepped on!

Ha Qiqi turned around in shock!

Xiao Wang screamed!

Zhang Zuo and Wu Yi also stared at Zhang Ye behind them in shock!

It’s Director Zhang!

The person in the picture is actually Director Zhang!

Everyone in Zhang Ye's studio almost fainted!

Ha Qiqi held on to the table and forced herself to stand firm, "Director Zhang, is it you!?"

Zhang Zuo almost cried, "Director Zhang, where is the positive public image promotion we agreed on? We just talked about it this morning. Read the full text of President Entering for Love

! "

Zhang Ye was also a little embarrassed, "I was impulsive."

Ha Qiqi said angrily: "You knowingly committed the crime!"

Zhang Ye laughed dryly, "You all know my temper. I won't be an example next time."

The people in the studio looked at each other and sighed. Come on, they really have to work overtime this time. They know that being Zhang Ye's management team is not that easy. Everyone in Zhang Ye's studio wore a wry smile and were ready to face the coming storm! (To be continued.)

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