I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,169 [God’s Kick! 】

Zhang Ye’s house.

My parents watched the news with great interest.


"The video is here!"

"Hey, does this person's back look familiar?"

"Damn it, isn't this Xiao Ye!"

Mom and dad were stunned!

Olympic village.

Many athletes and coaches are watching the live broadcast.


"This kick is amazing!"


"Zhang Ye!"

"I am Zhang Ye!"

Scenes of people being shocked were being staged all over the country. Seeing this figure, seeing this face, seeing that evil kick, the people were shocked and actually became happy. They actually found that they were not surprised at all, and they did what they did. Is Zhang Ye the person who did this? This is obviously a reasonable thing. Zhang Ye has done such immoral things many times before. This guy has always had this kind of image that makes people both love and hate him!

Meager and then fried!

But this time, the people unanimously praised Zhang Ye!

"Oh, I'll go!"

"It's Teacher Zhang!"

"Ahh! It's Zhang Ye!"

"Killing me!"

"I said, who is so bold as to be a referee in the Olympic Games?"

"Yes! I was shocked which hero took action! It turned out to be Teacher Zhang!"

"Like! Give Teacher Zhang a year of likes!"

“I watched the video five times, it’s so awesome!”

"This kick is just perfect!"

"I tripped and knocked down five people! Oh my God! How did Zhang Ye do that?"

"Only the devil knows! This kick is so amazing!"

"I'm shocked! This is the kick of a god!"

That kick in the video is so wicked.

It was so accurate, as if calculated by a computer. With a slight stumble, five referees were thrown to the ground. Countless people were really stunned. Even foreigners were shocked by this video. If the Olympics There is a tripping competition on the Internet. This is definitely a well-deserved Olympic champion. Who can you see who can trip five people with just one kick? This kick is simply...


This is the kick of God!

Because Zhang Ye played an earth-shattering "God's Kick" against PETER in the man-machine battle, everyone was inspired and gave this kick a resounding name - "God's Kick"!

So cool!

It’s so refreshing!

"Teacher Zhang is mighty!"

"As expected, it's my Zhang Ye!"

"Master Zhang, I just love your bad temper!"

"Master Zhang is so domineering!"

"I have scolded Zhang Ye before, but today I must praise him!"

"No need to say, these feet are amazing!"

"Zhang Ye is striving for the rise of the nation!"

"This trip shows your style! This trip shows your level!"

"Hahahaha! I knew it was him! No one but Zhang Ye can do this! No one but Zhang Ye has the guts to do this!"

"This is a real man!"

"Just this one kick, and I will obey Zhang Ye in the entertainment industry!"

"Oh, please stop causing trouble. Why aren't you worried about Teacher Zhang? The police have already investigated. This is a big deal. Don't let Teacher Zhang get implicated!"

"Friends upstairs, calm down."

"Haha, why are you so anxious!"

"Zhang Ye has done countless things more outrageous than this. When have you ever seen this guy get into trouble? Isn't this a normal thing? This is not a beating, it's just a trip. What's the matter? . Teacher Zhang has been through many battles for a long time, so there is no need to worry about him, he knows it well, do you think Zhang Ye is a vegetarian?"

"That will also affect the image."

"Does he have an image?"

"But if foreigners scold him..."

"Laughing and pissing, that's Zhang Ye, sister! When have you ever seen Zhang Ye afraid of being scolded? He is like a stone in the pit - smelly and hard!"

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet!

Or to be more precise, it’s a joy to hear!

The media reports cannot be so casual. Even some reporters from the Republic applauded, but the reports cannot be written like this!

State media: "Zhang Ye appears in surveillance video!" 》

British media: "Is the singer of the Olympic theme song to blame?" 》

Australian media: "Shocked!" indignation! protest! 》

Korean media: "Republic superstar takes revenge?" 》

Canadian media: "Unbelievable! Never seen before! 》

The Chinese are not surprised, they understand Zhang Ye!

But foreigners were dumbfounded. No one could have imagined that it was the Chinese star who represented Beijing's image and sang with Lilian at the Olympic opening ceremony!

What the hell is this?

Who is this?

How did you sing the opening song?

You and I, heart to heart, we are a family!

Heart to heart, your sister!

The whole family is your sister!

What you sing and what you do are completely different, okay? ?

Listening to this song now, it makes many foreign media and foreign athletes dumbfounded!

After seeing the video, several injured weightlifting referees found out exactly how they were injured and how they fell. They were all indignant for a moment and immediately complained and protested to the authorities, demanding severe punishment for the perpetrators and demanding that the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee Let’s bring justice to them!

However, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee did not say anything, and simply replied that the matter had been handed over to the public security agencies.

Seeing the lack of positive attitude of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, the injured referees were very angry!

But they also don’t think about it. They deliberately made misjudged insults at the Beijing Olympics, causing the Chinese delegation to lose a gold medal, causing physical and mental injuries to Chinese athletes, angry people, and a situation that was against the spirit of sports. Now you are encountering Now that something has happened, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee still has to actively seek justice from you? Ask for an explanation? What's the point! What you think is too good! Does the earth revolve around you?

Besides, there’s nothing wrong with the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee!

Who is Zhang Ye?

coach? He is not!

athlete? He is not!

He's not even a staff member!

Zhang Ye is not under their control at all. He is not an official member of the Olympic Games at all. He was also invited to sing the opening song of the Olympic Games as a guest. After singing, it has nothing to do with them. After all, he is just an ordinary audience member. Their Olympic Organizing Committee What rights do you have to deal with others?

Those referees can only hope that the public security agencies of the Republic will be shut down!

Many people also want to know how the police will handle this incident!


There was a knock on the door, and four policemen came.

Xiao Wang's expression changed, "Who are you?"

The veteran policeman at the head showed his ID and said seriously: "Hello, we are from the Chaoyang Branch. Is Zhang Ye here? We need to know something about the situation."

Zhang Ye walked up and said, "I'm here."

The old police officer nodded, "Hello, after our investigation of what happened at the Olympic Games today, we found that the person in the surveillance video is indeed you, right?"

Zhang Ye said: "It's me."

Ha Qiqi immediately said: "Please talk to our lawyer about this matter, we have no comment now!"

Zhang Ye waved his hand to her, "It's okay." Then he said to several police officers, "You can ask."

The old officer said: "Thank you for your cooperation."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "It should be."

The old police officer asked again, "When you came to Olympic Stadium No. 3 at 8:10 tonight, was it because you took the wrong way? Or did you go there for other reasons?"

Zhang Ye said directly: "Of course I went to those five referees."

"Director Zhang!" Ha Qiqi pulled him.

The veteran policeman hummed, turned to the policeman next to him who was responsible for recording, and said, "He went the wrong way."

The young police officer nodded and recorded it.

Zhang Ye: "..."

Studio person: "..."

The old police officer looked at him, "You stretched your leg in the video. Was it intentional? Or was it unintentional? Did something trip you under your feet? That's why you couldn't stand firm and stretched your leg?"

Zhang Ye said something, "It must have been intentional. I just went after the person."

"Yes." The old policeman turned his head and said to the recorder: "Something tripped him under his feet, and he stretched out his feet before he could stand firmly."

The young policeman wrote it down.

Zhang Ye: "..."

Ha Qiqi: "..."

Zhang Zuo: "..."

In five minutes, the police finished asking questions.

What Zhang Ye said was completely different from what they recorded!

The old police officer finally said: "This matter should not involve any criminal liability. The referees were not seriously injured, they were all scratches and the like. The monitoring is not so clear. At most, it involves some compensation for medical expenses. It won’t be too much money. Well, if things change again, we will come over again or ask you to go to the branch to assist in the investigation. That’s it. That’s it for today. Don’t bother us. We have other work when we go back.”

Ha Qiqi said hurriedly: "I'll see you off!"

"No need." The veteran police officer smiled.

Ha Qiqi thanked her in a low voice: "Thank you."

The veteran police officer waved his hand, "We have business to do, and we have nothing to thank you for. Let's go."

Ha Qiqi is now the person in charge of external affairs of the studio, so she still followed a few policemen downstairs and sent them out.

[By the way, my old book "Rebirth: Playful Life" has been released. You can go to Qidian Chinese website or Qidian Reading APP to watch the original version. It is very beautiful, don't miss it! 】

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