I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,171 [Amazing announcement from the Olympic Organizing Committee! 】

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at night.

The outside world was noisy.

"What a bunch of experts!"

"Still scolding Teacher Zhang?"

"The gold medal was thrown away, why didn't I see you guys stand up?"

"Yeah, I'll be blind there!"

"But Zhang Ye really shouldn't trip people up."

"Zhang Ye will tarnish the image of the Chinese people!"

"Go away, it's okay for foreigners to scold him, why are we scolding him too?"

The scolding war begins!

Countless people were fighting in full swing!

The lights in Zhang Ye's studio were brightly lit, and everyone was working overtime and doing emergency crisis public relations. Some people used the studio's official Weibo to issue a statement, and some people contacted familiar domestic media public relations to divert public attention. The purpose was to put this incident The negative impact on Zhang Ye was minimized.

At this time, Zhang Ye received an important call from the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee. It was also the first time that the leader of the Olympic Organizing Committee contacted Zhang Ye to communicate with him about the matter. The person over there was the Vice Chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee. Qi Yihai, Qi Yihai's voice was serious on the phone.

Qi Yihai: "Professor Zhang."

Zhang Ye said calmly: "Chairman Qi."

Qi Yihai said: "Do you know how big a mess you have caused?"

"I know." Zhang Ye said calmly.

Qi Yihai took a breath and said: "The phone number of the Olympic Organizing Committee has been bombarded with foreign media and complaint calls, and the International Olympic Committee is also questioning us."

Zhang Ye said: "This is my personal behavior and has nothing to do with you."

Qi Yihai said: "How could it not matter? Do you think you are really an audience member? Do you think you represent yourself? You are the protagonist of the Olympic opening ceremony we invited, and you represent the image of the Republic on the stage to sing. Your every move Every move represents the image of the country and the Olympics! You are really good at it. Have you thought about the consequences before doing this? Look at the current public opinion. Foreign media are scolding you, and domestic experts, scholars and commentators are also criticizing you. You If for nothing else, why don't you think about your own reputation? Attacking the referee on the first day of the Olympics? It's really unheard of!"

Zhang Ye's tone was very casual, "Are you done?"

Qi Yihai said: "That's it!"

"Then it's my turn." Zhang Ye's voice turned cold. "Have you never heard of attacking referees? I've never heard of malicious decisions against Chinese people on the first day of the Beijing Olympics!"

Qi Yihai was choked!

Zhang Ye said loudly: "The gold medal I got is gone, and it was maliciously judged by the referee. Because the rules do not allow appeals or changes in the judgment, you should not ask me if I have thought about the consequences. You should ask those people first. Has the referee thought about the consequences?"

Zhang Ye's voice alarmed everyone in the studio.

Everyone looked over in astonishment, listening to Zhang Ye talking to officials from the Olympic Organizing Committee.

Qi Yihai said: "We will communicate with the relevant departments to resolve this matter. You can't hit people. You are trying to be a hero!"

"I'm not trying to be a hero, nor am I a hero." Zhang Ye said seriously, holding up his mobile phone: "Look at other people's Olympic Games, and then look at our own Olympic Games, I don't know where the problem lies, I don't know what our Why are Chinese people so ungrateful to foreigners? How many of the "misjudgements" in history have been resolved? How many of them finally gave us an explanation? Negotiations? Protests? It's useless! I can't control the past, but You want me to pretend not to see what happened before my eyes? That’s impossible!”

Qi Yihai said in a deep voice: "The people are angry at your kick, but what should you do? Look at how many people are scolding you now?"

Ha Qiqi looked over.

Zhang Zuo and others also looked into Zhang Ye's eyes.

Zhang Ye said directly: "I don't care. I always feel that sometimes the nation needs heroes, and for certain things, someone has to stand up. When the people need it, when no one does it, I can become that person." The hero they think of, even if this 'hero' is somewhat faceless, even if this 'hero' will be poked in the spine and scolded for the rest of his life, it doesn't matter.

I... admit it! "

Hearing this, Qi Yihai suddenly fell silent. He suddenly found that he could not refute a word, and a feeling of admiration quietly arose.

Do you admit it?

He knew the weight of Zhang Ye's words!

Qi Yihai discovered that they were acting like clowns in this matter!

as a result of?


Take responsibility?

Public pressure?

They cowardly thought too much, but when faced with Zhang Ye's "I admit it", Qi Yihai couldn't say a word!

After hanging up the phone, Qi Yihai suddenly laughed.

Would you rather be scolded for the rest of your life than vent your anger on the people?

Is this Zhang Ye?

It’s really better to see it than to hear it a hundred times!

The next day.

The second day of the Olympic Games.

Zhang Ye woke up early in the morning. Perhaps he didn't sleep much at all. He went out early to buy breakfast and gave it to those who were still working overtime when he came back.

"Come, let's eat."

"Thank you, Director Zhang."

"Director Zhang, morning."

"You guys eat first, and I'll write something later!"

Everyone had tired looks on their faces.

Zhang Ye was moved and felt sorry. Because of his willfulness, he had caused trouble to many people around him countless times. Zhang Ye sometimes felt that although he did things with a clear conscience, when he thought of his friends, relatives and colleagues around him, he would always Feeling a little apologetic.

There are still scoldings online!

Foreign media are still denouncing Zhang Ye!

Questions were flying all over the place, and all the fingers were pointed at Zhang Ye!

But at this moment, something happened that the domestic media and people could not imagine. At this moment, a sudden news shocked the whole world!

The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee issued an announcement:

1: After research, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee has unilaterally canceled the rule that no appeal can be made for the weightlifting competition system (only for the Beijing Olympics).

2: After urgent discussions between the organizing committee and relevant international referee associations, the Australian referee Cooper was given a lifetime ban, and the other four weightlifting referees including Korean referee Wan Kui were suspended for two years!

Three: Accepting the Chinese delegation’s complaint regarding the 62kg weightlifting event, after multiple discussions and discussions, Li Jiaxi ratified the gold medal and the North Korean athlete changed the medal to silver!

Three announcements shocked the world!

The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee took action, and this move made countless people look stupid!

Netizens are confused!


"Holy shit!"

"Too strong! This is so damn strong!"

"Oh my God! Is this true?"

"When have we ever had such a strong side?"

"Unilaterally changing the rules?"

"Recognize the gold medal?"

"Li Jiaxi's gold medal is back?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"is this real?"

"I'll kill you! The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee is showing off!"

"What on earth is going on? How could our Olympic Organizing Committee do this? Who told me if this is true? Am I not dreaming?"

"Paralysis, I cried!"

"Me too, why can't I stop crying?"

"Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, you are great! You are really great!"

"People all over the country applaud you! Well done!"

"I'm so excited, I don't know what to say!"

"thanks, thanks!"

"Thank you Zhang Ye! Thank you Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee!"

"You are all heroes! You are all!"

The Chinese weightlifting delegation was dumbfounded!

Li Jiaxi burst into tears and immediately posted on Weibo to thank the motherland!

Countless domestic athletes like it!

Countless coaches cheered loudly!

Countless people couldn't believe their eyes!

Zhang Ye's studio.

Ha Qiqi was stunned, "This, this!"

Zhang Zuo exclaimed: "What's going on?"

Zhang Ye was also stunned for a moment, and he didn't expect it at all.

The call came, and it was Qi Yihai!

Zhang Ye answered the question hurriedly, "Hey, Chairman Qi!"

Qi Yihai smiled and said, "Did you see the announcement?"

"Look, holy shit, what are you doing?" Zhang Ye said blankly.

Qi Yihai said: "What do you mean we are doing this? You were the first to do this. After talking to you on the phone yesterday, I thought about it for a long time. Then during the meeting above, I kept your words intact. It was conveyed at the meeting that you said that you would admit it even if you were scolded for the rest of your life. This sentence made all of us speechless. Professor Zhang, we can do what you can do. You are not afraid. We at the Olympic Organizing Committee are not afraid of being scolded! We are hosting this Olympics. This is the Beijing Olympics. How can we let our athletes be bullied at home? You are right, isn’t it just a few words? Are you scolding? Isn’t it just a matter of being questioned by the world’s media? We are not afraid! We also admit it! When the people need us, we can also be the 'heroes'!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Thank you."

Qi Yihai shook his head and said: "No, we should say thank you. Anyway, you and we will have to bear this blame for our whole lives. When talking about this Beijing Olympics in the future, countless foreign media will definitely comment that this is the most It’s a dark Olympics, beating the referee? Unilaterally changing the rules? Changing the gold medal? We will probably be remembered and scolded for the rest of our lives, so you’d better be mentally prepared.”

Zhang Ye laughed, "You should be mentally prepared. I will be scolded for three lifetimes for what I have done over the years. What should I be afraid of?"

Qi Yihai was also happy, "That's right, you have so many debts that you can't bear them down." (To be continued...)

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