I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,172 [The sports world’s friendly attitude towards Zhang Ye! 】

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The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee did something earth-shattering. An announcement brought the entire Beijing Olympic Games to the forefront. According to the rules, in this world, the organizers of the Olympic Games have the right to make such limited rule changes. and punishment, but no one expected that the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee would actually do this. The United States, which considers itself the police of the world, did not temporarily change the rules of the competition during the Olympic Games, not to mention that the change would still be beneficial to their own country. The appeal was punished, which is even more shocking!

Zhang Yuanqi gave me a small thumbs up!

Yao Jiancai likes it!

Like Zhang Xia!

The whole country applauded!

Everyone was delighted!

"That's how it should be!"

"Yeah, it's long overdue!"

"Good correction, good punishment!"

"Hahaha, banned for life? Beautiful!"

"I wonder who dares to deliberately target us in our Olympic Games!"

"This announcement is so crucial! I never thought that our country could do such amazing things, oh! I still can't believe it is true!"

"it is true!"

"It's really true!"



These words cannot describe the mood of the Chinese people at this moment. The bad energy they had been holding in for a day finally burst out. They felt very good, from head to toe! In the past, faced with this kind of misjudgment and similar misjudgments with malicious intent, they had no choice but to protest. What next? Then, no matter what others do, it is of no use at all. But now it is their turn to become the organizer. It is the turn of this Beijing Olympics. The so-called thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, the situation has changed. This year is coming. In my family, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee used an announcement that shocked the world to tell everyone - this is our attitude!

Simply proud!

But at the same time, there was a lot of criticism from foreign media!

British media: "haT?" What happened? 》

US media: “The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee made a shocking and unacceptable decision! 》

Korean media: "Strongly protest against the organizer for seeking personal gain!" 》

Japanese media: "Can't believe it!" This is the darkest moment in Olympic history! 》

Australian media: "Lifetime ban?" Change the gold medal? 》

People from all over the world also reacted fiercely!

Especially countries such as Australia and South Korea!

Australian people:


"The Chinese are so shameless!"

"How could this be?"

"What kind of sportsmanship does this have? What kind of Olympic spirit does this have?"

“Unilaterally changing the rules,

What a despicable act! "

Korean people:

"Skip the judging panel and change the gold medal directly?"

"Why ban our weightlifting referee?"

"I'm furious!"

“The Chinese people’s decision makes people angry!”

"Shady story!"


"This is using power for personal gain!"

"This kind of decision has more negative consequences than beating the referee!"

“What are the Olympic organizers doing!”

"Serious protest!"

"This decision is a joke!"

Foreign media are scolding, and foreign people are also scolding! No one paid much attention to yesterday's controversial incident of the injured referee at the Olympic Games. Now the focus of the public and public opinion has shifted to this announcement from the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee. Everyone is discussing and questioning this matter!

Many foreign Olympic delegations and athletes have quit and have lodged protests with the International Olympic Committee. The athletes, led by the Australian delegation, have been the loudest and even threatened Australia with a collective withdrawal. This may be due to pressure. It may also be for other purposes. The International Olympic Committee has also spoken out: expressing confusion and condemnation of the organizers' unilateral decision!

Delegations from many countries now have support, and the criticism becomes even more joyful!

However, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee ignored it and did not withdraw the announcement. They even held a gold medal replacement ceremony for Chinese athlete Li Jiaxi in the men's 62kg weightlifting event before the start of the Olympic competition the next day. Media reporters from all countries were present. Faced with the pressure of public opinion from all aspects, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee still goes its own way. Officials also made it clear when facing the media that this decision will not be changed!

The trend is set!

Everyone has lost their temper because of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee's forcefulness, because they are not the organizers. No matter how they protest and curse, the matter will still be decided by the organizers in the end!

The Olympics must go on!

The game must go on!

It is impossible for the Australian delegation to really withdraw from the competition!

That afternoon. ?[?〈[

Zhang Ye strolled to the Olympic venue humming "Beijing welcomes you". He came to return the work permit he had been given before and to deal with the "accidental injury" referee issue.

The morning game is over, and the afternoon game has not yet begun.

There were foreign athletes warming up and training. After seeing Zhang Ye, many people recognized him!


"It's that person!"

"damn it!"

"I really want to teach him a lesson!"

A tall Australian swimmer glared at Zhang Ye, as if he was about to charge over, but was stopped by his teammates!

A group of foreign referees also stared into Zhang Ye's eyes!

It seems that he is protesting against Zhang Ye?

Zhang Ye ignored them and walked over slowly.

Several swimming referees in Australia and South Korea are still staring at him!

Zhang Ye glanced at them and felt a little annoyed. When he walked to them, he suddenly stopped and stretched his feet to the side!

Several foreign referees were startled. They all jumped back in shock as if they had stepped on their tails. They all watched yesterday's video. Everyone was deeply impressed by Zhang Ye's "Kick of God". At this moment Seeing him stretching his legs again, everyone was like a frightened bird! The Australian swimming referee accidentally had a big heartbeat and tripped himself and fell to the ground!

"what are you doing?"

Several referees shouted angrily!

As a result, Zhang Ye lowered his head, knelt down and straightened his shoelaces, got up and left.

Tie your shoes?

Several foreign referees almost vomited blood. They knew that the opponent did it on purpose, and they were so angry. At the same time, they also felt a little embarrassed. They just tied their shoelaces and did nothing. As a result, they were so scared that they pissed themselves off and even fell down. Someone fell!


This person is so wicked!

Countless athletes and referees looked at Zhang Ye with hatred!

How could Lilian, the most beautiful woman in Britain, sing on the same stage with such a gangster! ?

Not far ahead, many Chinese athletes and coaches walked across from him. After seeing Zhang Ye, everyone was slightly stunned!

Zhang Ye also saw them.

Is there a swimming team?

Is there a diving team?

Zhang Ye didn't say anything and was about to walk over. During that shocking scolding, Zhang Ye was at loggerheads with everyone in the sports world. Many athletes and coaches were scolded by him. The relationship between the two parties has never been good. , Zhang Ye was honored at the Olympic opening ceremony, and countless people in the sports world protested, so Zhang Ye didn't prepare to say hello to them, so he just walked over as if he hadn't seen it.

But he ignored her, and she spoke!

A female swimmer smiled and waved, "Professor Zhang."

Zhang Ye was stunned and said subconsciously: "Hey."

A diving coach next to him also nodded gently to him, "Teacher Zhang, good afternoon."

"Ah, good afternoon." Zhang Ye said in a daze.

"Why are you going?"

"The police asked me to deal with what happened yesterday. "

"Is everything okay?"

"Haha, nothing."

Along the way, whenever Chinese athletes and coaches saw him, they would say hello to him. A few athletes were even very enthusiastic and ran over to chat with Zhang Ye for a long time.

Zhang Ye was really unprepared.

It seems that overnight, the attitude of the domestic sports world towards him has changed!

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Zhang Junbao's new work "The Vitality Boy", the most popular youth campus god, has received 100% positive reviews and 100% wonderful reviews. Everyone, go read it! (To be continued.)

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