On campus. [No pop-up novel website]

The students scattered.

Su Yanhong also found Zhang Ye, "Zhang Er."

Zhang Ye turned around and said with a smile: "Hey, Teacher Su."

"Are you going back?" Su Yanhong asked.

Zhang Ye shrugged and said, "Yes, get out of class is over, so I have nothing to do."

Su Yanhong looked into his eyes and said with a smile: "You are born to be a teacher. Come back and give more lectures to the children when you have time."

Zhang Ye surrendered and said: "Come on, Teacher Su, you don't know who I am? It's okay to say something else. I don't know how to give a serious lecture on the Eight Classics. I can come here once in a while and ask me to substitute for students every day. I can't I can’t come, and I’m too busy with a lot of things over there.”

Su Yanhong glanced at him and said, "There are some good talents in my class, please help me."

Zhang Ye quickly said: "Aren't you doing harm to others?"

Su Yanhong half threatened: "Will you take it with you?"

"Oh, bring it with you if you have the chance, okay?" Zhang Ye said helplessly.

Su Yanhong smiled and said: "This is what you said, I took note of it."

There were students passing by.


"professor Zhang!"



"Sign your name for me!"

"Same request!"

"Senior, I have a professional question to ask."

"I also have a question to ask!"

More and more people gathered around, and Su Yanhong had already walked away with a smile, leaving Zhang Ye surrounded in the middle, signing autographs and answering questions for the students, and did not move for a long time.

Zhang Ye's lecture video has been posted to the school website.

Many students who couldn't squeeze into the lecture theater or missed the class hurriedly opened the video.

I watched it from beginning to end and laughed from beginning to end!


"Zhang Ye's class is so interesting!"

"It's so funny!"

“Chinese is still interesting!”

"Yes, let's all study hard!"

"Our senior is so awesome!"

Communication University also has many star teachers who have been re-employed, and many famous hosts have been appointed as professional course teachers in the school. However, such a popular associate professor as Zhang Ye is the only one in the school, because among all the broadcast hosts, He is the most popular person in the country today. Although Zhang Ye also sings and writes poems, his popularity does not come entirely from the field of hosting. But after all, he graduated with a major in broadcasting and hosting, which is his old profession. , is also his job. He has won the highest host award of Silver Microphone and Gold Microphone. It is definitely not possible to say that Zhang Ye is a spiritual leader in the hosting industry, but it is said that Zhang Ye is the first person in the domestic broadcasting and hosting field. , few people would object.

So students naturally worship him.

Because what they are facing is not just an associate professor, not just an ordinary star, but the highest peak in the field of domestic hosts.

Ring ring ring, the phone rang.

There were too many people, so Zhang Ye didn't hear it, but a sophomore girl next to him reminded him, "Senior, is this your phone number?"

"Oh, it's really mine." Zhang Ye took it out and saw that it was Wu Zeqing's phone. He got rid of the enthusiastic students and quickly walked to the side to answer the phone, "Hey, Old Wu, I just finished class, what's wrong?"

Wu Zeqing said: "I'm at home. Just now my mother asked me to talk to me about meeting my uncle and aunt. Haha, I'm in a hurry. When do you want to meet?"

The two families had agreed to meet last time, but the specific date had not been set.

"I can do either."

"Are you okay over there?"

"never mind."

"Where are my uncle and aunt?"

"My parents are busy at home."

"How about today? You ask first."

"No need to ask, it should be fine."

“Where can I book a place?”

"I definitely can't go out to eat. I know people everywhere I go, and you have a special status. Let me think about it, um, if not, I'll go to your house?"

"Okay, please make sure first. If something happens to your uncle and aunt, it will be the same in a few days."

"What can they do? My mother has been urging me for the past two days. Let's settle it first. I'll make a phone call to confirm and send you a message."

Zhang Ye drove home while talking on the phone.

"Mom, are you meeting Lao Wu's parents today?"


"Is it okay at night?"

"Okay, that's great. Your dad and I can do it anytime!"

"Okay, I'll go back to pick you up. Are you ready?"

"Okay, okay, okay, I understand."

As soon as we got home, my parents even changed their clothes.

Dad also found out somewhere a Chinese tunic suit from 800 years ago. Not to mention, it looked quite stylish and not outdated at all. My mother was also giving instructions in front of the mirror.

Dad asked: "How was your class today?"

Zhang Ye said happily: "Of course it will be well received."

Mom stood up and said, "Okay, let's go."

"Ah? Let's go now? The appointment is for dinner in the evening. We'll go there in the afternoon." Zhang Ye said.

Mom smiled and said: "You know, I have to go shopping first, and I have to get my hair done. The first time we meet can't be too casual, you know?"

This time my father rarely had an opinion with his wife, "I also need to get some oil. My hair hasn't been dyed for a long time, and the white hair is exposed."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay, let's go."


Dye your hair.

Do beauty treatments.

After working for most of the day, it was not finished until four o'clock in the afternoon.

The old Wu family.

In the courtyard.

Li Qinqin kept asking, "Are you here? Where are you?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "It's almost time."

Wu Changhe said worriedly: "We can't park the car in the courtyard. Let Xiaoye park the car at the east entrance."

"He knows." As soon as Wu Zeqing finished speaking, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

"Here he comes, he's here." Li Qinqin greeted him happily.

The door opened, and Zhang Ye's family of three stepped into the courtyard.

Zhang Ye quickly introduced: "Auntie, uncle, these are my parents."

Li Qinqin was particularly enthusiastic, "Brother, sister, come in quickly."

Wu Changhe no longer had his usual rigid face, but also smiled, "Come in and sit in the room. We may be a few years older, so we can call you brothers and sisters."

Dad smiled and said: "Brother, you're welcome. I used to like to watch you play chess, but this time I can see you as a real person."

Wu Changhe's eyes lit up, "Brother, do you also like to play Go?"

Mom smiled and said: "He liked it when he was young. When Xiao Ye was in elementary school, he insisted on letting Xiao Ye sign up for extracurricular classes in Go."

"Then let's play two games later." Wu Changhe said happily.

Dad hurriedly waved his hand, "I can't do it. I'm just a bad chess player."

Li Qinqin smiled and said: "Chang He catches whoever is following him. In the past, our neighbors always fell in love with my house and visited my house. Now, none of them come."

Zhang Ye volunteered: "It's okay, I'll accompany my uncle."

Hearing this, Wu Changhe rolled his eyes and said, "I won't go down with you."

Zhang Ye smiled.

Wu Zeqing laughed softly next to Zhang Ye's parents: "My dad can't beat Xiao Ye, so he doesn't want to play with him."

Everyone laughed.

Once we entered the room, as soon as the tea was poured, everyone sat down and started chatting.

"Xiao Wu is such a good kid."

"Xiao Ye, I like you very much."

"These two kids seem to have been dating for a long time."

"Yes, we only found out a while ago."

"Tell me, what else are you hiding from us?"

"Haha, today's children, you don't even know what they are thinking."

This meeting was based on the fact that both parties recognized the relationship between Zhang Ye and Wu Zeqing, so there was nothing superfluous. My parents liked Wu Zeqing, and Li Qinqin and Wu Changhe also recognized Zhang Ye as the prospective son-in-law. As for the house? bride price? This is even more insignificant. Neither of the two families is short of money, and there will be no obstacles because of this. With these consensuses, things will naturally be much easier to handle.

dinner time.

Wu Zeqing and Zhang Ye were cooking today. Of course, the latter could be ignored. This guy basically did nothing to help Old Wu except adding trouble. He even took several bites of the food before it was served on the table.

On the dinner table.

Mom said: "Brother, sister, you see, the children's matter has reached this point, and we don't understand it. I don't know what you have to say about the engagement?"

Li Qinqin immediately waved her hand: "We don't have to talk that much."

Dad said: "That's no good. According to your rules, no mistakes can be made."

Wu Changhe smiled and said: "Our family doesn't talk about this. When I married Zeqing's mother, we didn't even get a bride price. It was just a meal between the two families."

Li Qinqin asked: "Is there anything particular about your place?"

Dad immediately said: "We don't have it either, we just want to do it according to your wishes."

Li Qinqin smiled, "What we mean is that the two families can meet and have a meal. That's a reservation. That's how we came back then."

Zhang Ye said: "So today is considered an engagement?"

Li Qinqin looked at his wife and said, "I think let's forget it?"

Wu Changhe nodded, "Forget it!"

My mother sighed and said, "We haven't prepared all the things, including sugar, wine, and betrothal gifts..."

Li Qinqin smiled and said: "That's just a formality. We won't pay attention to that. We will wait until the two children get married to be more formal."

The mother said excitedly: "Okay, then today is the engagement for the children!"

Wu Changhe said: "We will be a family from now on."

Li Qinqin asked: "Are you going to have a big or small wedding for your children?"

"It must be a big deal!" Mom said.

Dad nodded, "Yes, let's do it in a big way."

Li Qinqin also meant the same thing, "Then you are all in trouble. If you need us if you need anything, you can talk at any time and we can help."

There was a smile in my mother's eyes, "No, we will take care of this. When I get back, I will look through the almanac to see what auspicious days there are, and then set the wedding date."

Li Qinqin said: "Okay."

Wu Changhe raised his wine glass and said, "Brother, let's have a drink."

"Okay." Dad clinked glasses with Wu Changhe.

Wu Zeqing stood up with a smile, "Uncle, aunt, I'd like to propose a toast to you. I don't know how to drink, so I will drink tea instead of wine."

Zhang Ye also hurriedly toasted and said to Lao Wu's parents: "Uncle and aunt, I respect you both. If anything happens at home in the future, you can call me and treat me as your own son."

Li Qinqin smiled broadly and said, "Okay, okay."

It was originally planned that the two families would meet for a meal, but unexpectedly the meal turned into a formal engagement banquet. Zhang Ye was so happy that he drank several more cups!

[It’s stuck again and again and again! wanna die! 】

…(To be continued.)

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