The Yin Hong Award is about to be announced. 【】

Soon, the Qilu Award will also be announced.

As the two highest awards in the literary world held every four years, people in both the literary and media circles are paying close attention to this, and many people have even made their own predictions.

"Old Tao has great hopes."

"He missed out on the last Yin Hong Award."

"I hope Teacher Sheng can win the award. He is already seventy-eight years old. Among the earliest people in the literary world, Teacher Sheng has not yet won the highest honor in the literary world."

"Sun Fang is not bad either."

"Sun Fang is too young and has few works."

"This session will definitely be lively."


"Didn't you see the list? Zhang Ye is among the candidates."

"Haha, Mr. Zhang finally caught up with the selection of the highest award in the literary world."

"Yes, Zhang Ye made his debut not long after the Yin Hong Award was awarded. This is the first time he has been on the list for the highest literary award. It depends on whether the literary world is willing to give it to him."

"Yes, the suspense is too great."

"If he can win this award, Zhang Ye will be awesome!"

"Yeah, the highest award for hosting, the highest award for mathematics, the highest award for documentaries, the highest award for variety shows. If we add the highest award in the literary world, it would be really outrageous! But having said that, this guy is actually incredible now. Ah! There are many people who have won the highest awards, such as director Li Ke. He has won no less than ten of the highest domestic awards for director and best film, but Zhang Ye has won awards across different fields. This is unprecedented, and the gold content of his award is as valuable as the other five highest awards!"

"Based on his works, Zhang Ye is well-deserved. Who can be as popular as him in the literary world in the past four years? In the field of poetry and prose, Zhang Ye has no rivals at all. The "When You Get Old" two days ago was posted on Weibo It's been blocked again. But the question now is whether the Yinhong Award jury will give it to him, and whether they dare to give it to him. After all, even if the public recognizes Zhang Ye's works, the final votes will be people from the literary world, and The awarding of the highest prize in the literary world has proven one thing countless times - there are too many uncertainties in this kind of award."

"Zhang Ye will compete for the Yin Hong Award! 》

"Can Zhang Ye win another top prize for domestic literature!" 》

"The presentation of the Yin Hong Award attracted attention!" 》

"The Writers Association once again extends an invitation to Zhang Ye!" Will Zhang Ye be recruited? 》

"The Yin Hong Award will be announced tonight!" 》

The media's focus is also largely on Zhang Ye.

Because he is the most famous among those candidates. If you don’t pay attention to him, who should you pay attention to?

on Weibo.

Zhang Ye's friends also sent their blessings.

Singer Zhang Xia: "Wish Xiao Zhang good luck."

Singer Li Xiaoxian: "In the field of literature, I am a die-hard fan of Mr. Zhang Ye. My little fans here wish my idol success and his rise to the top of the literary world!"

Hot discussion outside.

However, Zhang Ye's studio is in chaos at the moment. The reason is the invitation sent by the Writers Association yesterday to recruit Zhang Ye as a member of the Writers Association. And after that, one of the chief judges of the Yin Hong Award also called and kept urging the matter.

Ha Qiqi said anxiously: "Director Zhang!"

Zhang Ye was putting on makeup and didn't speak.

Zhang Zuo also stood behind and said, "Just join."

"Yeah, we can't live without one." Ha Qiqi looked at his watch frequently, "We are going to the award ceremony tonight. If we don't reply, it will be too late for them!"

Zhang Ye said to the makeup artist: "Don't make it too heavy, it's almost enough."

Wu Yi was also advising from the side: "Have you forgotten your plan to reach the summit? This award is too important to us and must be won. If they want to accept you, they are imposing conditions. This is a good thing. It means If you agree to join the Writers Association, it means that the literary world will officially recognize you, and the Yin Hong Award will definitely not go away!"

Zhang Ye still ignored him.

At this time, Xiao Wang brought Zhang Ye's manager Rao Aimin over.

"What are you doing?" Rao Aimin said impatiently, "I'm still cooking."

Xiao Wang said with a sad face: "Sister Rao, Director Zhang's temper is getting worse again. It's useless for anyone to say anything. Please help us persuade him. The highest prize we got is almost gone."

Rao Aimin said oh.

Zhang Ye looked over and said, "Old Rao, will you follow me to the scene tonight?"

Rao Aimin sneered, "I've finally been clean for a few days. You kid, please stop making trouble for me."

"Okay, then I'll go by myself." Zhang Ye shrugged.

Ha Qiqi looked at Rao Aimin.

Xiao Wang also kept touching Rao Aimin's arm.

Suddenly, a phone call came. It was a staff member from the Yin Hong Award Jury. This was already the number one call. He was urging Zhang Ye to finish his application for joining the Writers Association.

Xiao Wang didn't know what to say, "We..."

Rao Aimin walked up in two steps and said unhurriedly: "Give it to me."

Xiao Wang quickly handed over the phone.

Then I heard Rao Aimin say to the staff over there: "I said you are sick? Are you not bothered by three phone calls a day? You, the jury, are done judging awards. What kind of mess are you making for me... I am Who? I'm Zhang Ye's manager! If you have anything to say, tell me!"

One sentence made people pout!

Everyone in the studio was dumbfounded!

"Sister Rao!"


We asked you to advise Director Zhang, why are you still doing such a disservice?

They finally knew why Rao Aimin, who was not from this circle at all, became Zhang Ye's manager. The two had so similar tempers that one was more stinky than the other!

Zhang Zuo smiled bitterly and said: "Director Zhang, this is the Yin Hong Award!"

Xiao Wang was so anxious that he stamped his feet, "Why, Director Zhang?"

Zhang Ye stood up with a smile, looked at them, and said, "Because it's too ugly!"

Because it's not beautiful?

Because it's too ugly?

What kind of reason is this?

Perhaps in this room, only Zhang Ye and Rao Aimin could understand the meaning of "too ugly". Zhang Ye wants to reach the top. He really wants to win this highest award in the literary world, but this cannot be used as a bargaining chip to hold Zhang Ye back.

That night.

Yin Hong Award presentation scene.

In the audience were reporters, media, candidates and many industry authorities.

As soon as Zhang Ye arrived, reporters immediately surrounded him.

It was Mr. Qian who came over to help him out, "Xiao Zhang, come on, come on, sit here!"

Mr. Qian, the Taishan Beidou in the literary world. Mr. Qian was a judge and guest in the couplet competition a long time ago. Zhang Ye has known him for many years. He was also one of Zhang Ye's few friends in the literary world. At that time, Mr. Qian Zhang Ye was also invited to join the Writers Association, but was politely rejected by Zhang Ye's song "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms".

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "How is your health?"

"What do you think?" Mr. Qian laughed.

Zhang Ye said: "Let me see? I think running 10,000 meters is no problem."

Qian Lao yelled, "You are trying to kill me!"

Zhang Ye: "Haha, by the way, are you a judge of the Yin Hong Award?"

Mr. Qian shook his head, "No, I will be the chief judge of the Qilu Awards in a while. I am invited here as a guest this time. Please sit down quickly."

Not long after, the awards ceremony began!

Winners announced!

A leader in the literary world announced: "I will announce that the five final winners of the 7th Yin Hong Award are: Tao Chihao!"

A round of applause below!

The writers section all looked at Teacher Tao.

"Prime years!"

Applause again!


Xueli opened her mouth wide with excitement, as if she couldn't believe it!

"Qiao Huayi!"

Old Qiao slapped his thigh and laughed.

The last name!

Only the last one left!

The leader paused deliberately and said loudly: "Chen Bang!"

All five winners were announced and all took the stage to receive their awards!

The media and many writers looked at each other in shock, and some even took a deep breath!

There is no Zhang Ye!

The Yin Hong Award was not given to Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye looked normal, with no change in expression.

Mr. Qian stared at him in surprise, "Xiao Zhang, you haven't joined the Writers' Association?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "No."

Mr. Qian slapped his forehead and said, "Oh, you are really good. I thought you were admitted. I heard that the application form has been given to you over there. Just sign it!"

Zhang Ye said: "I didn't sign."

"The Yin Hong Award is given once every four years." Qian Laodao said, "Just throw it away?"

Zhang Ye corrected him: "Mr. Qian, it's not that I don't want this award, and it's not that I threw it away, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here today. This is my greatest respect for the Yin Hong Award. Regardless of whether I can win it or not, I You are here today, and you are dressed up, right?" He pointed at his clothes, and then smiled: "I have tried my best, I have done everything I should do, and I am not selected for this award. I."

Mr. Qian was silent.

Some young writers around me also fell silent.

Yes, Zhang Ye has done everything he should do. What should a writer do?

It's creation!

It's writing!

It’s time to pick up the pen!

Zhang Ye has done it, what else can you ask others to do?

The awards are over!

Before Zhang Ye left his seat, he was surrounded by reporters swarming in!

"Teacher Zhang, I didn't win the prize this time. What do you want to say?"

"I heard that you offended the Yin Hong Award jury. Does this mean that you will not be included in the Yin Hong Award in the future? Is it a death sentence?"

"Have you joined the Writers' Association?"

"We got some news. As long as you agree to join the Writers' Association and become one of them, you will almost certainly win the Yin Hong Award this time!"

"Why didn't you join the Writers' Association?"

"Teacher Zhang, will you still come to compete for the Yinhong Award in four years?"

Zhang Ye did not accept the interview and left silently.

On the Internet, the news also spread.


"Really not giving it to Zhang Ye?"

"Holy crap! This Yin Hong Award is getting more and more unreliable!"

"I've never heard of three of those five people!"

“The gold content of this Yin Hong Award is too low!”

"No Zhang Ye? Are you kidding me?"

"Zhang Ye's poems are not even qualified to win the award. Oh my god, how high is the threshold for the Yin Hong Award? I'm scaring the baby to death!"

"Do you need to say this? They want to recruit Zhang Ye, but Zhang Ye ignores this!"

"It's over. Zhang Ye will have to wait four years if he wants to win the highest literary award again."

"The Yin Hong Award will be given to him in four years?"

"This is unethical!"

"Actually, Zhang Ye can win it. As long as he is willing to lower his head and join the Writers' Association, the conditions have been given. Zhang Ye doesn't want it! Now it's over, there's no chance!"

Countless people expressed doubts!

Some experts and scholars also questioned the Yin Hong Award, and some even directly denounced it, feeling that this year's Yin Hong Award undermines the reputation of the highest literary award!



The Yin Hong Award Jury has been pushed to the forefront!

Then, when the officials saw how serious the situation was, they immediately issued a response explaining why Zhang Ye was not qualified to win the award. For example, he was too young, for example, he had not joined any literary organizations, and for example, some of his works were too radical and too Too aggressive, too murderous, etc. In short, it means that Zhang Ye is not qualified to win this year's Yin Hong Award, and the official judges have no prejudice against him.

Just at this time.

Zhang Ye posted a poem on his Weibo.

"I Die for Beauty"

I die for beauty, for the grave

Almost, still not used to it

A martyr for the truth

became my close neighbor——

He asked me softly, "Why did you fall?"

I answered him: "For the sake of beauty"——

He said: "I am for truth, truth and beauty——

We are one, we are brothers”——

Just like this, like relatives, meeting each other in the dark -

Let’s talk across the room——

Until moss grows on our lips—

Cover it up, our names——

The emergence of this poem shocked the entire literary world, and the controversy became even more intense!

Several writers and poets who have won the Yinhong Award felt shaken and sad from the bottom of their hearts after reading this poem!

For beauty?

Dying for beauty?

They all know what Zhang Ye is expressing. They all know that as long as Zhang Ye is willing to be recruited, as long as he is willing to nod, his name will definitely be included in the Yin Hong Award!

But he didn't!

Because it's too ugly?

Such a poem and such a person are really not qualified to win the highest award in the literary world? Why is the highest award established? What are the selection criteria? Is it a selected work? Or the selector? Or is it just a product of the judges’ preferences?


The people were almost unanimous.

"Zhang Ye is so handsome!"

"What a person who died for beauty, my blood is boiling!"

"Only for this poem, among the five winners of the Yin Hong Award this time, which one is better than Zhang Ye? Ah? Let me ask which one?"

"Isn't it the highest award in the literary world? There is not only the Yinhong Award!"

"Yes, the Qilu Award in a few days is the highest award in the literary world! It is definitely more valuable than the Yinhong Award! Teacher Zhang, give us one!"

"Khan, the Qilu Award only selects novels."

"I support Zhang Ye anyway! I didn't say anything!"

"Teacher Zhang, come on, you can't win it this time. There will be another chance in the future. You will definitely win the highest literary award! You continue to work for your beauty, we like you like this!"

"Beauty - this is more important than anything else!"

"Angrily praise Zhang Ye!"

"The judges of the Yin Hong Award are blind!" (To be continued.,, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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