I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,203 [Zhang Ye’s new novel! 】

The next day. 【】

The Yin Hong Award has been finalized. This is the cruelty of the highest award. Even if the public continues to question it, even if everyone complains about Zhang Ye, the four-year award has been awarded and no one can change it. Those five names will be recorded in the history of the Yin Hong Award and the history of the literary world, but Zhang Ye missed the only opportunity. Most people in the literary world have still not recognized him as Ye Luzi for so many years.

Everyone thought it was over.

Everyone thought that Zhang Ye completely fell for the so-called "beauty".



Several colleagues came to work listlessly.


"Well, morning."

"Hey, did you read Director Zhang's poem?"

"Look, this world has always been so cruel."

"After reading that poem, I think Director Zhang's decision is right. Today's entertainment industry is too ugly. There are compromises, betrayals, and bottomless hype. There is nothing wrong with being more beautiful!"

"But I lost the top prize."

"The plan to reach the summit has been ruined!"

"Alas, I didn't get the first step of the plan, and it will be even harder after that."

"I think there is no chance of reaching the top this year. Director Zhang has offended too many people and industries in the past. The higher we go, the greater the pressure. Now we are just repaying the debt of the past. I don’t know how many people are waiting for Director Zhang." He fell down, and I don’t know how many people are clapping and applauding at this time, and are still climbing to the top? As long as our Director Zhang is not careful, you see, countless people will rush up and bite him!"

Everyone is chatting.

Ha Qiqi bought breakfast and just came in.

Just then, footsteps came from upstairs, "Then let them bite. After so many years of fighting, I have never lost. Let's see who can bite whom."

It's Zhang Ye!

Zhang Zuo: "Huh?"

Xiao Wang was surprised: "Why are you so early?"

"What's the morning?

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I haven't left since I came back yesterday. Hurry up. Who brought breakfast?" "

Ha Qiqi subconsciously said: "I bought it from here."

Zhang Ye hurriedly came up and sat down, grabbed the steamed dumplings and stuffed them into his mouth. After eating several, he quickly said politely to Ha Qiqi: "You can eat too, Sister Ha."

Ha Qiqi: "..."

What should I eat?

You didn’t leave any for me!

Wu Yi was surprised and said, "You didn't sleep this night?"

Zhang Ye put on the straw and drank the soy milk, "Yeah."

Zhang Zuo saw that Zhang Ye was in a good mood, but he was also very puzzled. According to Director Zhang's temper, Lei Lei must be furious at this time, why are he still so calm? He asked tentatively, "Director Zhang, is our previous summit plan cancelled? Our future plans are still..."

Zhang Ye said in surprise: "Why was it invalidated?"

Zhang Zuo smiled bitterly, "But now the first step has not been completed."

After drinking the soy milk, Zhang Ye smiled and said: "I said, you just make plans. How to implement them is not your concern. That is my business."

Everyone simply sat down for a meeting.

Ha Qiqi said: "The previous plan was to win the highest literary award in the first step, lower my qualifications, and push the popularity up again, and then just take advantage of the popularity of the highest award, and the second step is to produce a film similar to " The novel "Ghost Blowing Out the Lamp" can also be written in other genres. Try to make it a big seller. You haven't written a book for a long time. It's just right to increase the popularity in the literary field and reach a new height. In this case, we We are a big step closer to realizing the summit plan, but now that we have not won the highest literary award, the next step is..."

Zhang Ye pointed to the upstairs, "I've already started writing the novel."

Zhang Zuo'a said: "Have you started writing yet?"

"Yes, otherwise what do you think I would do all night?" Zhang Ye remembered, "By the way, contact the publishing house as soon as possible. It can be launched now."

Ha Qiqi asked: "When will it be finished?"

Zhang Ye looked at the date and said, "I'll try to finish it in two days."

Two days?

Short story?



"I'll contact you!"

No one asked much.

Zhang Ye didn't say much, and hurried upstairs after eating. Everyone only heard the door of his office being closed with a bang, and no one saw Zhang Ye coming out at night.

the next day.

It's about five o'clock in the afternoon.

The office door opened, and Zhang Ye walked downstairs with disheveled hair.

Everyone stood up.


"Director Zhang, come out!"

"Hurry up and eat, you've already bought it!"

"You scared us to death, and you didn't even open the door."

Zhang Ye was smiling, with bright eyes, "Xiao Wang, print out the manuscript."

In less than two days, he had finished writing. The cost was also very high. Zhang Ye hardly slept in the past two days and spent almost twenty hours a day sitting in front of the computer typing. Zhang Ye has always been like this, never risking his life when he works. Everyone knows him.

Xiao Wang hurriedly went upstairs to print.

Twenty sheets.

Fifty sheets.

One hundred sheets.

The manuscripts came out one by one.

The people in the studio became more and more dumbfounded.

Ha Qiqi asked in astonishment: "Why so many?"

Zhang Zuo also hurriedly turned over the printed manuscript, "Here, how many words are these?"

"About two hundred thousand, I don't know, I can't count." Zhang Ye said casually.

Two hundred thousand!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

In less than two days, you wrote 200,000 words? I've seen fast shooters before, but I've never seen one as fast as you! Are tomb robbing novels so easy to write?

When everyone gathered around and saw the manuscript, they were stunned again!


"This, isn't this a tomb robbing novel?"

"Director Zhang, what's going on?"

"Is this a romance novel?"

"Is it still about marriage?"

"This is different from what was promised, Director Zhang!"

The people in the studio looked at each other and thought it was too risky. You can't write a marriage novel just because you are getting married? There is no market for this kind of novel now, it’s hard to sell! He has written "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". With this foreshadowing, the public's expectations will be higher. As long as there is a name like "Ghost Blowing the Lamp 2", the sales will definitely not be too bad. They can't figure out how Zhang Ye can Let’s touch on the marriage theme!

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "That's it. Contact the publisher and we will publish it as soon as possible."

What he said was very certain, and everyone could only do it.

After devouring dinner, he even took a rare drink of Erguotou when he was happy. Then he walked into the empty conference room and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

It's for money.

Beep, the phone went through.

"Mr. Qian, have you eaten?"

"Xiao Zhang, you just finished eating. What's wrong? Do you want to ask me for anything?"

"You said you were a judge of the Qilu Awards?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"How to be shortlisted for the Qilu Award?"

"Why do you ask? The shortlisted works for the Qilu Award will be reviewed. We will review the relatively outstanding literary works within four years, and then each judge will be responsible for recommendations. Each judge can recommend one or two books to be included in the long list, and then participate in the final selection. Compete and vote for five books to receive the final award.”

"Oh, then you can also help me shortlist one book."

"Whose book?"

"It's Mine."

Qian Lao over there was stunned and laughed, "Yours is not good. Your "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" or "The Legend of Wukong" do not meet the shortlisting requirements. They are not literary works in the traditional sense. The Qilu Award emphasizes literature. If your sex is stronger, I can’t open this back door for you.”

Zhang Ye said happily: "Don't worry, it's my new book."

Only then did Mr. Qian pay attention, "You want to compete for the Qilu Prize?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ye said.

Mr. Qian: "Are you serious?"

Zhang Ye: "Do you think I'm joking?"

Qian Lao didn't understand, "Why?"

Zhang Ye replied with a smile: "For the sake of beauty."

Why did you fall?

For beauty!

Then why did you get up again?

——It’s still for the sake of beauty!

Mr. Qian was silent for a few seconds and said, "What's the name of the book?"

Zhang Ye said calmly: "... "Fortress Besieged"." (To be continued.,, Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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