I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,242 [Advertising upgrade! 】

Announcement of this site

The next day.

Many people are waiting to see Zhang Ye's jokes, such as the celebrity team who has been robbed of endorsements by him, the competing companies in the same industry, his enemies, and even many people in the advertising and marketing circles who are very unfavorable to Zhang Ye. Ye’s endorsement effect this time.

"He takes too many endorsements."

"Yeah, so the quality is gone."

"The first advertisement is average, let alone the following ones?"

"Alas, Zhang Ye's sign is going to be smashed."

"Who made him too gluttonous?"

"People's Shanquan predicts a huge loss."

"Well, what's the use of giving Zhang Ye such a high endorsement fee?"

"This ad is really lame, it's at the level of an intern."

However, the opportunity to see a joke didn't come, what they were waiting for was a loud slap in the face!

Many media broke the news.

"Yesterday, Renjia Spring was sold out across the board! 》

"Zhang Ye continues the advertising myth!" 》

"Reporter Investigation: The sales of mountain springs are crazy!" 》

"Is Renjia's Spring Sweet?" 》

"Zhang Ye's new advertisement produces a phenomenal effect!" 》

"The sales volume of Renjia Spring has soared!" 》

"Renjiashan Spring may become the sales champion of mineral water brands in the fourth quarter!" 》

Other mineral water brands were stunned!

People in the advertising industry were stunned!

what happened?

Sold out?

You're fucking kidding me! ?

Your mineral water advertisement went crazy after saying "it's a little sweet"? If we follow this logic, then why wouldn’t an advertisement selling salted duck eggs be sold to the moon if it was “a little salty”? This makes no sense at all! This is completely inconsistent with their advertising experience and logic!


They couldn't believe it!

And those competing brands are all a little impatient as they are facing a formidable enemy. They are all mineral water brands. If Renrenshanquan sells one more copy, it means they will sell one less copy. This is not like Brain Gold. In the health care products industry, if someone buys brain gold to replenish their brain, that doesn’t mean they won’t buy other health care products to supplement calcium, iron, and zinc. However, the bottled drinking water industry is different. This is the most direct market war. Got it!

Netizens were happy.


"The myth continues?"

"I seem to see the shadow of my brain gold back then!"

"Shangquan has made a lot of money."

"This money from Zhang Ye is really not in vain!"

"I really like this advertisement. The mountain spring is a bit sweet, and the image and taste come out instantly. I bought two boxes last night."

"I didn't even buy any yesterday."

"This water is on fire now."

"The key is that it tastes good, it's pretty good."

"Haha, I bought it because of Zhang Ye. No problem. I am a die-hard fan. I will buy whatever he endorses."

An advertisement shocked the industry again!

And it’s not over yet, the ads were upgraded on the third day!

Maybe it was because Renjia Shanquan had stocked up before and needed to get rid of the stock before it could put on new packaging. So the crazy sales in the past two days have exhausted the stockings at Renjia Shanquan. The new packaging is on the market. In addition to Zhang Ye’s photo, the packaging also has There is something new, and the TV commercial that was launched also has an additional sentence.

"The mountain spring is a bit sweet."

"For every bottle of mountain spring you drink, you will donate a penny to children in impoverished mountainous areas."

The rest of the advertising content remained unchanged, except for the addition of an additional slogan and the details of the public welfare event written in small letters on the product packaging. As a result, Renjia Shanquan actually increased its shipments overnight. The time was out of stock again, everything came so unbelievably, everything came so shockingly, as if Zhang Ye had used magic!

No one has ever used this trick before!

People in the advertising world don’t even think about it!

After seeing the advertisement, many people in the industry were dumbfounded!

Could it still be like this?

It turns out advertising can still do this! ?

The response from the people has been very good.


“A conscientious brand!”


From now on, I will drink from other people’s mountain springs! "

"Yes, we can also do charity."

"Yes, it's not something to drink. Besides, this water is really sweet like a mountain spring."

Beijing is selling like crazy!

Shanghai is selling like crazy!

Shenzhen is selling like crazy!

Sales are soaring across the country!

As if overnight, Renjia Spring stood out from the competition with the other two largest drinking water brands in the industry and instantly occupied the market!

Zhang Ye creates a legend again!

An advertising miracle is born again!

The people in Renjia Shanquan are already laughing crazy!

The brand cooperation companies that had previously questioned Zhang Ye's acceptance of too many endorsements were concerned when they saw this situation. They were looking forward to their own advertising more and more, and there was only one sentence left in their hearts. : Teacher Zhang Ye really deserves his reputation!

A few days.

The advertising world has come to its senses.

In a lecture hall in the circle, a senior advertising and marketing director in the industry stood in front of the podium and said to nearly a hundred practitioners who came to listen to the lecture: "I believe everyone knows about the commercial that was just shown, and I believe everyone has already seen it. I’ve seen it ten times or even twenty or thirty times.”

Everyone in the audience nodded.

More than that?

Some people have seen it forty times!

The advertising director smiled and said: "Many people saw this advertisement for the first time and thought it was very ordinary, very simple, and very unprofessional. It did not introduce the brand culture of Renjia Spring nor the excellent quality of their water. On the contrary, It’s a bit sweet to say that, isn’t this nonsense?”

Everyone nodded again.

Yeah, what’s so good about this ad?

The director said the next moment: "Then I can tell you now, yes, a little, sweet - just these three words, each word is worth 20 million!"

The audience was in an uproar!


"Twenty million?"

"I go!"

"Twenty million per word?"

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"It should be because the water from someone else's mountain spring is good. It seems to be really sweet."

The director laughed out loud when he heard this, "Is this water really a little sweet? I have specifically consulted experts in the water industry for this purpose. I can tell you clearly that the sweetness comes from sugar, and water including Renjia Spring All domestic mineral water brands cannot contain sugar or similar sweet substitutes, so the spring water cannot be sweet, not even a little bit, not even a trace of sweetness!"

The employees looked at each other.

The director said: "After seeing the advertisement, I also bought a bottle of Renjia Mountain Spring. I drank it and tasted it. It seemed to be a little sweet. Some of you may have felt this way. In fact, this is an illusion. It is the simplest. Psychological suggestion. The water in other people’s mountain springs comes from Yuhu Lake. It is a natural spring water that is collected from springs in many mountains and produced through the self-purification and purification of Yuhu Lake. Zhang Ye must have read this information at the time, and he must have been thinking: How can I How to let consumers intuitively and vividly recognize the origin and brand of Renjia Spring? How to form a beautiful impression of Ganquan? How to convert it into consumption? This requires a simple and vivid marketing communication concept. And Zhang Ye is worthy of being praised as The smartest man in the world, he quickly thought of a way, just these three words - Yes! Point! Sweet!"

Someone questioned: "Isn't this false marketing?"

The director shook his hand and said, "That's wrong. Sweetness is not synonymous with sugar. Sweetness does not require that the water must have a sugary taste. Sweet water is synonymous with good water. Just like stinky tofu is inherently smelly, but many people But they say it is very fragrant. Is this false marketing? Sweetness not only conveys good product quality information, but also directly reminds people of sweet and refreshing spring water. It naturally feels a bit sweet when you drink it. Therefore, there is no introduction at all in the advertisement of Renjia Spring Their brand image does not describe how clean their water is, how much better than others, because they don’t need it, they don’t need it at all, and they have all three words: a little sweet!”

Thinking about it carefully, everyone gasped!

A document and data appeared on the projector.

The director pointed, "This is the sales growth and net profit of Renjia Spring that I roughly calculated. This is the miracle that Zhang Ye's advertisement has created in the past few days!"

Everyone was shocked!

"so much?"

"This this……"

"Sales nearly doubled?"

The director said: "Now do you still think that these three words are not worth 60 million?"

The employees laughed bitterly.


And it’s so worth it!

Twenty million for one word is less!

The director looked at the people in the audience and said, "The advertisement has been upgraded and a new slogan has been added. For every bottle consumed, one penny will be donated to children in disaster areas. Zhang Ye only dared to think of this kind of advertisement. Is one penny a lot?" A penny is nothing, and this money is not from Renjia Shanquan at all. They don’t need to donate millions to charity galas like many big companies to do image projects. Renjia Shanquan actually doesn’t need a penny. It turns out that they use the money that is still in the pockets of consumers to do charity. A penny donated by consumers to the disaster area is equivalent to a few cents of profit contributed to other people's springs. The more sales, the more donations, and they earn The more people read, Zhang Ye is too smart and powerful. This is not a simple advertisement at all! You think it is simple because the level you are at and Zhang Ye is so far apart!"

Someone is taking notes with a notebook.

Someone raised his head and listened carefully. (To be continued.) 8

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