I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,265 [Zhang Ye changes songs! 】

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Volume 1 Text Chapter 1265 [Zhang Ye changes songs! 】

Home. s

My mother couldn't stop laughing, "What a brat!"

Dad also enjoyed listening to it and said, "This song is good."

"He is happy singing." My mother said while eating melon seeds.

However, Wu Zeqing next to him looked at Zhang Ye's seemingly happy smile in the close shot on the screen, but felt distressed and said: "He is actually not happy."

Mom was startled and looked at her, "Why?"

Wu Zeqing said: "Because this is not the song he wants to sing."

on site.

"This is creating a new genre!"

"It's quite powerful."

"But this song is useless."

"Well, if you don't get the ranking, Zhang Ye won't be able to win the title of Singer."

"Returning to the King of Songs? You probably won't even make it into the top five, right? But I quite like this song. It's lighthearted and funny. If there's no competition, it would be fun to listen to it."

"Yes, aren't they all like this when he sings songs on stage?"

"These two golden partners in the cross talk industry have come together to sing together. The ratings are probably going to explode right now, right? Haha! They are so naughty! This kind of song will definitely be popular if it is here, and it also has the most dazzling ethnic style. Little Apple must be a must-have song for the common people."

"Pfft, have you seen Zhang Ye's current nickname?"


They all call him the King of Songs, haha! "

"His singing skills will certainly thrill the room, but on this kind of stage, singing skills are still more important than art."

Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai walked off the stage.

Many spectators crowded forward.

"Teacher Zhang!"

"I like you so much!"

"You are too funny!"

"Can I give you a hug, Teacher Zhang?"

"You sang very funny! But I won't give you the ticket."

"As for singing, there are several other singers who sing better, but I like your songs."

Zhang Ye hugged them one by one, "Thank you, thank you."

After hearing this, Yao Jiancheng wanted to get votes for Zhang Ye. The microphones of the two of them were still on, but old Yao just opened his mouth and said, "Please give me your votes."

Zhang Ye pulled him.

Yao Jiancai was stunned and shut up.

Zhang Ye didn't say anything and left with Lao Yao from the side.

No need to canvass for votes.

That's fine.

that's it.


Singer's room.

Zhang Xia came out specially to welcome him, "Old Yao, have you joined our music scene too?"

Yao Jiancai smiled and said: "Why should I join the music scene? I came here with all my strength. Zhang Ye called me and I was stunned. I said I wouldn't go, and he said he was going to demolish our house. I thought about it, I might as well come, our house was just renovated last year."

Zhang Xia said: "The song is very good. Only you two can sing this kind of song."

Yao Jiancai cheered, "I'm just here to cheer this guy up."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Grandma Zhang is the third one?"

"Yes, I got number three." Zhang Xia has seen a lot of big events, and she is one of the singers with a relatively good attitude. "Xiaodong is number two, has he already been on stage?"

Zhang Ye said: "Okay, then I'll go back to the house and listen. Come on, I hope you and Lao Chen win the championship."

Zhang Xia smiled and said, "Come on, try your best."

Yao Jiancai returned to the lounge where the guest singers were.

Zhang Ye himself entered Room 1, which was his room. Xiaodong on the TV had already started singing. Her singing guest was also Li Xiaoxian, another member of the Spring Garden group. She made the audience laugh as soon as she opened her mouth. When they got excited, they suddenly forgot about the musical crosstalk between Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai. Xiaodong and Li Xiaoxian performed a love song, a love song about two women competing for a man!

"Please leave."

"No, please leave."

"Don't hurt him."

"It was you who hurt him."

Excellent singing skills!

The song is moving!

The camera showed the audience's faces, which were filled with astonished faces.

Zhang Ye also thought it was good, but his fists clenched again unconsciously.

Xiaodong finished singing.

Zhang Xia also appeared.

Then there is Huang Cheng.

Then there is Chen Guang.

After that.

Finally, there is He Huan.

Everyone gave their best and everyone performed well!

Either moving, touching, exciting, or sad, it was truly a unique feast. This musical feast moved countless people!

There has been a lot of debate online.

"Zhang Xia must be the king of singers!"

"Go away, Chen Guang will win!"

"Keep an eye on Xiaodong!"

"Maybe it's hanging."

"Huang Cheng chose this song poorly."

"Whoever wins the championship won't be Zhang Ye, haha."

"Nonsense, what do you say? Those songs of his are rubbish!"

"Yeah, it's so rubbish! It's all a mouth-watering song!"

"Zhang Ye can't do it."

"After listening to other people's songs, I look back and think about Zhang Ye's songs. It's true that they are not on the same level. He really can't write those good and touching songs!"

"The end of a hero."

"His nonsense makes sense and makes me sleepy."

"What happened to Zhang Ye?"

"Who knows! He lost all his talent overnight, and he is still unwilling to sing the songs of the past or the songs of other singers. Who can blame him?"

The first round of singing is all over.

Now we are waiting for the ranking of the first round of votes. The one with the lowest ranking in the first round will be the first to appear in the second round, and so on. Every singer is waiting in the room at this time, and everyone must not want to be too early. Show up because that means they're not getting the votes they want.

Zhang Ye, however, was not waiting for the results. Instead, he was flipping through his phone and looking at people's comments.


Is your talent exhausted?

Lost your talent?

His face was expressionless, and he felt as if he was holding a breath. He couldn't swallow it or spit it out. He felt very uncomfortable. This feeling had never happened before.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

Da Fei and Xiao Lu ran in, "Director Zhang!"

Zhang Ye looked at them, "How's it going?"

Xiao Lu said in surprise: "It's passed! It's passed!"

Da Fei was also excited to death, "The ratings have passed 4! It just passed! We have broken the variety show ratings record! We have smashed the ceiling of the variety show industry!"

Zhang Ye smiled, "Okay, very good!"

At this time, Dong Shanshan at the scene suddenly announced the ranking. She said: "The results are already in my hands. Unfortunately, the singer with the lowest vote in the first round is Zhang Ye. So, please make some preparations, Teacher Zhang Ye." Just a moment, the second round of singing will begin soon."

The sound came out clearly from the screen in the room.

Da Fei was stunned.

Xiao Lu stopped talking.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay, it's my turn, you guys hurry up and get busy."

Xiao Lu said: "Director Zhang!"

"Go." Zhang Ye waved his hand.

Da Fei and Xiao Lu looked at each other and walked away silently.

There were still five minutes of preparation time. Zhang Ye sat in the room for a while, then slowly stood up, straightened his clothes, cut his hair, and walked out gently.

The staff along the way were hesitant to speak when they saw Zhang Ye.

Director Zhang is the last one!

Many staff members feel uncomfortable!

"Director Zhang..."

"Director Zhang..."


Zhang Ye smiled and nodded to everyone.

The ratings broke 4! I am a singer making history! His task was finally completed, and it was completed beautifully and perfectly, with no faults to be found!

I've done all my work!

As for the last song, can I be willful?

I don’t want a ticket!

I really don’t want it!

I just want to sing!

I just want to sing a song I want to sing seriously!


Facing us, Hu Fei came over happily, "Come on, come on, Director Zhang."

Zhang Ye suddenly stopped, "Is it too late to change the song now?"

Hu Fei asked in astonishment: "Change the song?"

Zhang Ye shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'll just say it casually."

Hu Fei grabbed him and said seriously: "What's going on?"

Zhang Ye smiled mockingly, "Just pretend you didn't hear it."

The surrounding staff and cameramen were frightened after hearing this!

There are two minutes left before the show starts. This is a live broadcast. Do you want to change the song? How is this possible! How can this be done in time? No one can agree!

No one knows what happened to Zhang Ye!

No one knows what Zhang Ye is thinking!

Hu Fei fell silent and said no more.

Zhang Ye walked forward on his own.


Two steps.

Three steps.

Ahead, the stage is close at hand.

Suddenly, Hu Fei called him from behind, "Zhang Er!"

Zhang Ye turned around.

Hu Fei looked into his eyes, "...Sing what you want to sing! Leave the rest to me!"

Everyone around was shocked!

"Mr. Hu!"

"You're crazy!"

"I go!"

"This this!"

Zhang Ye looked at Lao Hu, "Is that okay?"

Hu Fei smiled, "You are the chief director and I am the chief producer. If we say yes, who dares to say no?" Then he looked at a staff member next to him, "Tell Shanshan! Let her drag her up no matter what." five minutes!"

The man was about to cry, "Mr. Hu, this!"

Hu Fei shouted: "Go quickly!"

The man wiped his sweat and said, "I understand!" To be continued.

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