Yao Jiancai's family.

Yao Mi is staring at the computer and typing furiously.

"Mimi, what are you doing?"

"Dad, watch the live broadcast."

"Who's doing the live broadcast?"

“Uncle Zhang’s online debut!”

"Really? Let me take a look. Can this guy still play live broadcast?"

"Uncle Zhang is in danger now. Many people are besieging him."

"Haha, okay, I just like watching this."


Rao Aimin's family.

Rao Aimin was practicing when the sound of a mouse in another room came to her ears.

"Chenchen, have you done your homework?"


"Write quickly."

"I watched Zhang Ye's live broadcast."

"He still plays live broadcasts with his appearance? What's so interesting about it?"

Dong Shanshan’s family.

Hu Feifei, Yu Yingyi, and several old classmates are all there.

"It's about to start."

"Here we go."

"Let's see how he plays."

"Does he really know how to live broadcast online?"

"Who knows?"

Time is up!

The live broadcast has begun!

Zhang Ye’s relatives and friends,

Zhang Ye's fans and many people from all over the world gathered to watch Zhang Ye's live broadcast debut. They have seen Zhang Ye host TV programs a lot, and they have seen Zhang Ye sing on TV a lot, but what about online live streaming? This is the first time for everyone to meet. This industry is very hot this year. Many big-name celebrities have come to test the waters. Some have received mediocre responses, and some have been slapped in the face. I don’t know what Zhang Ye can do this time. Many people They all came in out of curiosity and novelty.


The screen flashed and lit up.

Zhang Ye was already sitting there with a smile.

Everyone discovered that there was only Zhang Ye in the camera, and there was no host and no staff. This meant that this would not be a pseudo-live interview under the guise of a live broadcast, but Zhang Ye's one-man show. , is a serious webcast.

Zhang Ye's opening speech was very formal. The platform gave him money, so he knew what to say, "Hello everyone, I'm honored to come to Meihe TV. This is the first time to meet you in this way. It's my first time to play. I’m not very professional in this new thing like live broadcasting, so please bear with me if I can’t go to places. If you think it’s good, everyone and I will come often in the future. Let’s have fun together, it’s quite interesting.”

Countless barrages.

Real person, wow, so handsome. Teacher Zhang, hello. Goodbye, Teacher Zhang. Gifts are coming. Come on, people, people. Come on, the live broadcast has started. It’s a bit serious. Zhang Ye has never played live broadcast before. Haha, sing a song. Don’t be serious, get high. There are several female anchors over there who are doing their best. The one with a low neckline is full of flesh, right? I'm going to see Lao Zhang. Come on, the girls have been excused. If you don't do your best, you'll be abused.

The number of people in the live broadcast room continues to soar!

Half a million!

one million!

Two million!

Extremely popular!

j86 sent a plane.

Xiaoguang77 sent 999 roses.

I also bought some gifts, but not many. It seems to be equivalent to 70,000 to 80,000 yuan in RMB.

Ha Qiqi, Xiao Wang and the platform staff were all in another room, and they were also anxious to watch. The data showed that although the number of people in the rooms of hi fans, hooo and sister Yiyi was not large, the gifts were overwhelming, with the most It’s Sister Yiyi. Two wealthy people actually gave her a gift of 500,000 yuan. In just half an hour, Sister Yiyi’s name has topped the gift list on today’s platform, followed by hooo, and third Zhang Ye, the HI fan who once overpowered Chen Guang, could only be ranked fourth.

An A-lister.

Was pushed to fourth place by several anchors?

This is really ugly!

Zhang Ye looked at the screen and smiled: "Hey, there are already so many people? It's my first time here, and I don't understand the rules. What should I do at the beginning?"

There was a barrage.

Singing is right, let’s sing a song

Zhang Ye looked at it and said, "Sing a few lines? That's okay."

Anchors from many platforms were also watching the show in Zhang Ye's room. When they heard this, everyone couldn't laugh or cry. Singing? This is indeed the case. After these mainstream stars come to the live broadcast platform, they either sing or sing. It is so boring. If this is a concert, if it is a TV station, and the equipment and speakers are all ready, everything you sing will sound good, but it can be broadcast live. The equipment in the room is not that good at all, and this is not that kind of place. What is needed here is atmosphere, interaction and motivation. As expected, it is still an amateur!

Some people are worried.

Some people gloated.

But the next scene made the platform staff and everyone watching the live broadcast dumbfounded!

Zhang Ye on the screen laughed and said: "The atmosphere is not very lively now, okay, I'll look for it, okay, this is the song, here it comes."

The exciting music suddenly sounded!

Many people were stunned!

What's this?

DJ music?

What are you going to do?

Suddenly, Zhang Ye's expression changed, he pulled the microphone closer, put it to his mouth, and loudly followed the rhythm of the music: "Ladies and gentlemen, there are people coming and going, don't miss it when you pass by. If you have money, please support me with money. If you don’t have money, support me with personal support. If you like it, please call 666!"

The music rhythm is coming in!

Zhang Ye opened his mouth and sang:

"One person, I drink and get drunk."

"Drunk that beauty into a pair with me."

"Two eyes, alone and together."

"I just hope that one day I can return home together."

"Dear girl, let me hold the piano gently!"

"Yan Xi, I am Zizhu Lin!"

"I am infatuated with beauty and I am willing to travel thousands of miles to find you!"

Ha Qiqi was dumbfounded!

Fan Wenli was stupid!

Chen Guang was stupid!

The platform staff were stupid!

Everyone watching the live broadcast was dumbfounded!

What's this?

Shout out to Mai!

I'm confused!

You can still fucking call me Mai! ?

Zhang Ye became more passionate as he sang:

"When you talk about beauty, I smile infatuatedly."

"The music is moving, and the sound of my piano is wonderful."

"I'm arrogant and arrogant, I'm ignorant and I only blame my youth!"

"Abandon the country and I will forget the world."

"I have no worries about cutting off the ties of love."

“Leave a name and tell a story through the ages!”

"After two years of fighting, my hair has turned gray!"

"Who will accompany you in your lifelong battle?"

"Whoever I am, who I am, and who I am, follow me!"

"For whom do we serve as soldiers all our lives?"

"How many times can I love you and how many times can I hate you!"

The barrage has exploded!

Damn it, 6666666 is so fucking 6, I’m convinced, I’m completely convinced. This is shouting. Even the professional network anchors who rely on this to earn a living can’t shout well. Teacher Zhang is so down-to-earth, right? So awesome - I was so horny that my mother asked me why I was kneeling down to watch the live broadcast. I thought he was going to sing a love song or a rock song. I got so high that my blood was boiling. It was so powerful.

Many people want to dance along!

The gifts were also maxed out in an instant!

One hundred thousand!

Two hundred thousand!

Half a million!

On the gift list, Zhang Ye ranked first in every minute!

The number of people in the live broadcast room suddenly went crazy!

three million!

Three and a half million!

four million!

five million!

the other side.

Sister Yiyi’s live broadcast room.

She sang and danced at the same time and said: "How is it? Do you like this dance? If you like it, buy a gift to keep the first place. Don't let me fall. Hey, where is the person?" She suddenly realized that something was wrong and hurriedly When she sat back in front of the computer, she saw that she was already second on the gift list. When she looked at the number of people in her live broadcast room, she suddenly dropped from 170,000 people to 20,000 people. What a waste to live broadcast with such a small number of people. !

What's wrong?

What happened?

I saw the message saying:

"Sister Yiyi, I'm leaving first."

"I'll leave home for a while too."

"Paralysis, Zhang Ye is shouting!"

"Go and have a look, I heard it exploded over there!"

"I'll watch Zhang Ye's live broadcast first, and then I'll give you a gift when I get back."

Hi fans live broadcast room.

The hi fan was stunned and said: "Where are the people? Why are there suddenly so few people? Where have they all gone? Is there a problem with the network? Then let me call the administrator!"

User Comments:

"Everyone went to watch Zhang Ye's live broadcast."

"There's an explosion over there!"

"Zhang Ye has launched his ultimate move!"

"Sister Hi, please stop, there's no one left."

There is really no one left!

In a room with more than 100,000 people, only 10,000 people are left!

These popular anchors are going crazy, calling Mai? What a joke! That's our network anchor's big move. You, Zhang Ye, are so stupid! How is that possible?

hi fans stopped the live broadcast!

Hooo, Sister Yiyi and others also stopped!

They all ran to Zhang Ye's live broadcast room with anger and disbelief to find out. The moment they entered, they heard passionate DJ music!

Just listen to Zhang Ye calling Mai:

"Misty rain, I'm doing ordinary things."

"In this life, I have great ambitions."

"I made this oath just for the beauty to look back and smile!"

"Hundred flowers, I produce fragrance."

"Looking back, I mourn."

"I look back at the sea and sing a song of sadness and feel the fragrance of flowers!"

"The general is out on an expedition!"

"Who will be there when I return!"

"Brothers, let's talk about how heroic we are over wine!"

"I want to be defeated when I'm galloping on the battlefield!"

At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet!

hooo knelt down!

Hi fans are on their knees!

Sister Yiyi knelt down!

The network anchors on Meihe TV and other live broadcast platforms who came to watch the excitement all knelt down at this moment!

Call me Mai?

Can you really fucking call me Mai?

And it’s a word we haven’t heard before?

And it’s better than what we shouted?

I’m going to fuck your sister!

Are you a network anchor or are we?

You are so damn professional!

[ ]

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