I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,298 [Big Wedding (Not Exactly a Puppy)]

Passed the first level.

The question is too weird!

But Zhang Ye's answer was even more bizarre!

Xinya glanced at him, "Second level, are you ready?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Can I eat something first?"

"You can eat whatever you want to supplement your nutrition." The fat girl said with a smile: "Anyway, if the wedding time comes and you don't pass the three tests, the bride will have nothing to do with you."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll eat quickly."

Grandpa and grandma over there were very anxious.

Grandma said: "Isn't it true that the bride can't come out?"

Zhang Ye's mother said happily: "It's just a small show to add to the fun, make jokes, and cause trouble. How can I really not let my daughter-in-law come out?"

Dad said: "Let's just watch the fun."

Grandma breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good."

Everyone knows this is for fun.

Journalists know.

The guests know it too.

For example, in the first level, the group of relatives and friends actually didn’t expect Zhang Ye to pass the level. They thought they would stump him with the first question. If he couldn’t answer it, they would give them red envelopes or call out a few nice words and say a few soft words to beg them. , they naturally let it go, and then came to the second level, which was to deliberately make things difficult and get a red envelope. But they never expected that Zhang Ye could answer that kind of question without blinking. The bride's relatives and friends How can you give up? Everyone is holding back their energy, preparing to give Zhang Ye some points in the second level.

"Good-looking", otherwise they would be too embarrassed.

However, everyone who knows Zhang Ye knows that this guy is born to be a competitive master.

Make him admit defeat?

That's impossible!

After eating two mouthfuls of food, Zhang Ye was full and said, "Okay."

Xinya smiled, "Then we have a question?"

Zhang Ye smiled lightly and said, "Come on, I'll take over."

Xinya said with evil eyes: "Then in the second level, there are three questions. We will come up with keywords, and you will write songs on the spot, compose the music on the spot, and sing on the spot."

Zhang Ye was speechless, "Three questions? Then you should count them as three levels?"

The fat lady snorted, "We'll just pass it."

Zhang Ye spread his hands and said, "Okay, I'm speechless."

Everyone laughed.

The reporters are also excited!

Writing songs?

Or three songs?

Can we hear Zhang Ye's new song again?

But many music people around me looked at each other, writing songs on the spot? It's easier said than done. It's a problem even if you create a random one yourself, let alone a specific topic given by someone else. How many singer-songwriters in the industry are capable?

As a result, Xinya added: "And the requirements for passing the test are: first, it must meet the questions we gave, and second, the song cannot be sung blindly, it must be good, and at least more than 95% of the people at the scene agree. It doesn’t matter if the song is not well written.”

Holy shit!

Isn't this fatal?

Chen Guang and Fan Wenli are speechless!

Zhang Xia couldn't laugh or cry!

Ning Lan is also ready to see Zhang Ye's jokes!

Writing songs is hard enough;

It is difficult enough to write according to your topic, but you still ask others to write a classic? To write a song that almost everyone finds good? how could it be possible!

Xin Ya said: "Of course, you can ask your relatives and friends for help."

Chen Guang, Zhang Xia, Xiaodong, Amy and others are all musicians, so they can come up with ideas.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Come on the question."

Lao Wu's niece said: "First question, uncle, have you written many poems?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "It's quite a few."

They had obviously already discussed this.

The fat girl smiled evilly and said, "Then use one of your poems to write a song for my family, Zeqing."

Everyone was stunned.


How to write this!

Zhang Ye was also silent for a moment.

Xin Ya smiled and said, "Is that okay?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and looked at the instruments over there. There were pianos, drums, and guitars. He lowered his head and chose an acoustic guitar and tuned it.

Xinya was stunned.

Fan Wenli was dumbfounded.

Don't you have to think about it?

Don't you need to think about it?

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Zhang Ye had already started playing, in a folk style!

The melody is melodious!

It filled the venue!

"When you get old, your hair turns gray and you become sleepy."

"When you get old and can't walk anymore, take a nap by the fire and reminisce about your youth."

"How many people loved you when you were young and happy."

"I admire your beauty, fake or true."

"Only one person still loves your pious soul."

"Love the wrinkles on your old face."

The garden is quiet!

Everyone is mesmerized!

Many people were touched!

It's that poem!

"When You Get Old"!

It was the poem that Zhang Ye posted on Weibo when he announced his engagement that went viral all over the country!

He can really sing!

He actually turned that poem into a song!

Zhang Ye sang:

"When you get old, your eyebrows will droop."

"The lights are dim."

"The wind is blowing."

"Your news."

"This is the song in my heart."

The singing is over!

The applause erupted immediately!

More than a hundred reporters nearby also cheered loudly!


sounds amazing!

It’s so memorable!

Chen Guang gave a thumbs up!

Zhang Xia also raised her thumb high!

Many people took it again!

Zhang Ye put down his guitar and said with a smile, "Is this considered a pass?"

The applause has said it all. This song is so good. If it wasn't good, then there really aren't many good songs!

Xinya rolled her eyes, "This is the first song, the second one is titled Love Song."

love song?

This is easy to write!

But the fat girl quickly added: "Love songs are not a genre, but I want to write a song for Zeqing around the word love song, haha."

Write a love song using the words "love song"?

What kind of question is this!

This question is getting more and more tricky!

Everyone is a little dizzy!

Zhang Ye smiled. This time he sat in front of the piano. Without even a moment's hesitation, the music was played and he started singing a cappella:


"It's a simple little love song."

“Singing the white dove in our hearts.”

"I think I'd be a good fit."

"Be a singer."

"Youth is blowing in the wind."

"You know even if the heavy rain turns the city upside down, I will hold you in my arms."

"I can't stand it anymore. When I see you coming from behind, I write down the feeling of separation that lasts for a second as hard as a year."

"Even if the whole world is kidnapped by loneliness, I will not run."

"There is no escape. In the end, everyone will grow old. Write about me, the castle where time and the sound of the piano intersect."

A "Little Love Song".

Zhang Ye's singing was flawless.


"Well done!"

"That's great!"

"I'm drunk!"

"Zhang Ye is Zhang Ye!"

"Hahahaha, cow!"

"Kneel down!"

“Boss Zhang’s spirit!”

Xin Ya was anxious, "The third question, aren't you having a Chinese-style wedding? Write a song about 'bridal sedan' to Lao Wu. No, the sedan chair is too simple. Write 'hijab' and use hijab to write a song!"


That hijab curtain on the bride’s head?

Where on earth can I find a song about hijab!

Your question is too weird!

Everyone vomited blood!

However, Zhang Ye opened his mouth and came.

He played the piano playfully:

"Lift your hijab."

"Let me see your eyebrows."

"Your eyebrows are thin and long."

"It's like the moon bending over the treetops."

"Your eyebrows are thin and long."

"It's like the crescent moon on the tree."


You are really good at co-writing!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Subconsciously, many people followed the beat!

Some people even jumped on it!

Zhang Ye laughed and sang:

"Lift your hijab."

"Let me see your eyes."

"Your eyes are so bright."

"It looks like the waves in the water."

"Your eyes are so bright."

"It looks like the waves in the water."

Lao Wu’s family and friends were completely shattered!

Is this okay?

Is this fucking okay?


you win!

Zhang Ye, you really won! ! (To be continued.)

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