I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1318 [Zhang Ye is cheating! 】

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Volume 1 Text Chapter 1318 [Zhang Ye is cheating! 】

outside world.

The word "Fu" continues to envelope the whole country.

On this day, the Spring Festival Gala also ushered in its first trial.



The scene of the first trial.

In the huge studio, there were only a few dozen people sitting in the first two rows. Zhang Ye sat in the middle, next to him were the leaders of the Spring Festival Gala working group, and behind him were several deputy directors and reviewers. Series staff, the remaining seats are empty. Backstage, the backstage was almost packed with celebrity artists, performance teams recommended by various departments, and CCTV Spring Festival Gala staff.

First comes the censorship of singing programs.

Zhang Ye flipped through the program list and ordered, "Let's begin."

Ha Qiqi read the names loudly, "First group of performers, please prepare."

The leaders and staff involved in the review also picked up their pens and prepared to score.

Today's program list for the first trial has actually not changed. It is still the list and programs invited by Li Ke when he took over. Of course, a large part of it was "recommended" by various departments' art troupes and other units. Zhang Ye did not change it and still followed this program. The main reason for the single review is that there is no time. Zhang Ye took over the Spring Festival Gala in a hurry. The first review time has also arrived, so he can only do this first and take a look at the situation. As for the program, he will screen it a little bit later. Zhang Ye needs First understand the level of the program and actors.

Chen Guang.

Fan Wenli.

Zhang Xia.

Spring garden mix.

vaa combination.

Singer of the art troupe.

The actors appeared one by one.

"This is not bad."

"This is good."

"Isn't this song a little old?"

"Is the VAA scene too simple?"

"This Spring Garden one won't work."

The people on the first-instance review team commented in low voices, while the actors were singing above and they were communicating below.

Then there are dance programs:

Teacher of the art troupe.

Dance school students.

There are eight art groups in total.

"It's a bit monotonous."

"Who recommended this?"

"Navy Art Troupe."

"It doesn't look good."

"Well, it's a bit similar to a dance at the Spring Festival Gala last year."

"Oh, this definitely won't work."

"That student group danced a little bit interestingly."

Acrobatic programs: There are three.

Magic shows: There are three.

Then there are the language programs: ten in total.



There is also a talk show with three people.

Etc., etc.

“This skit is okay!”

"Teacher Ci, you will continue to grow strong."

"The book still needs to be revised. There is still room for improvement."

"This talk show is not good."

"Yes, I agree, let's get over it."

"Director Zhang is the founder of talk shows. Performing a talk show in front of him is really a bit of a trick."

"The talk show of three people is fresh, but a bit nondescript."

"Hey, where's the sketch about Director Zhang and Yao Jiancai and Dong Shanshan?"

"Director Zhang is the first judge of the Spring Festival Gala's first trial. He doesn't have time to perform on stage, so he has canceled it for the time being. He should wait until the second trial."

One hour.

Five hours.

Ten hours.

From morning to night.

From dawn to dusk.

After a busy day, the first trial of the Spring Festival Gala finally came to a successful conclusion.

The actors had gone back long ago, and many staff members had also gone to rest. However, Zhang Ye and other censorship leaders did not leave and were still sitting in the first row of the studio.

Zhang Ye was silent.

Ha Qiqi looked at him.

Zhang Zuo blinked, not knowing what Director Zhang was thinking.

From the beginning of the first program of the first trial, Zhang Ye didn't say a word or express any attitude. Was he happy? Are you satisfied? No one knew it. They were all making comments and pointing and writing ratings. Only Zhang Ye remained motionless from beginning to end.

A leader of the Spring Festival Gala working group looked at him, "Boss Zhang?"

The title Boss Zhang is obviously an "official title". Strictly speaking, Zhang Ye is not a boss. With the level and status of these leaders, it is understandable to call him Xiao Zhang. However, not everyone can call him Xiao Zhang. Because Zhang Ye's wife is Wu Zeqing, in terms of level, the top one or two leaders in the Spring Festival Gala working group are only on the same level as Wu Zeqing, and the rest are not as good as Wu Zeqing. Officialdom is a place where seniority is used, so when faced with It is impossible for them to call Wu Zeqing's lover Xiao Zhang. Boss Zhang or Director Zhang would be more appropriate.

"Director Zhang, what do you think?"

"The first trial program is over, what do you think?"

The leaders of the working group asked him.

In the end, Zhang Ye made a surprising statement.

Zhang Ye said: "I just have an idea right now. Is it too late for me not to do it now? What about that? I have something to do at home. Otherwise, why don't you ask others for the job of chief director?"

Everyone fainted!


"Director Zhang, don't be joking."

"You can't say this nonsense, you can't say it nonsense!"

"Ouch, what's wrong?"

"Boss Zhang, calm down, calm down!"

The leaders were frightened!

The people on the directing team were also stunned!

Damn it!

Zhang Ye is also giving up his career?

However, Zhang Ye was even more horrified than them. He pointed at the stage and said, "This is the best 'carefully selected' program in the country? Did everyone watch it just now? Didn't everyone see every program that is good? ? If you want to comment on these programs and say they are particularly exciting, wonderful, and applaud, then I think this is insulting my intelligence as an artist, so I have nothing to say!"

Someone laughed.

Someone was slightly embarrassed.

A leader said: "Boss Zhang, don't be angry. I admit that this round of programs is indeed a little worse than previous years, but isn't this just the first trial? There is still room for effort. Please come and take charge. Isn't it just to check the program? I know that you feel that there are too many programs recommended by various departments and art troupes, which makes it difficult for you to use your hands and feet. This can be discussed. If you watch any program, you feel that it is really good. If it doesn’t work, and we think it’s just so-so, then we can cut it off if it’s time to do it, and we can all discuss this.”

"Yes, we can discuss it."

"The performances of this year's cultural troupe were a bit poor."

The leaders of the Spring Festival Gala working group also relaxed a little at this time.

Why did Li Ke resign?

One is that the funding issue cannot be discussed!

Another reason is the program list!

What funding?

What stage?

What publicity?

This is all auxiliary!

Only the program is real. In the end, the Spring Festival Gala still relies on content to attract people. If your program is not good, everything will be in vain in the end. Zhang Ye finally understood why Lao Li quit. If he had known the situation in the program list, he would never have agreed to be the general director of the Spring Festival Gala!

What kind of program is this?

In this world, Zhang Ye has reviewed the Spring Festival Gala in previous years.

last year.

The year before last.

Even those from ten years ago or twenty years ago, he has read everything he can!

Zhang Ye sometimes wonders, why is the Spring Festival Gala not as good as every year? Has our program really gotten worse? He doesn’t think so. Looking at the program list of previous years, to be honest, every year’s Spring Festival Gala has improved from the stage to the personnel to the technical level. The reason why the Spring Festival Gala’s reputation has deteriorated now is actually that the audience has become picky and the audience’s vision has become worse. Got taller. As soon as you stand on the Spring Festival Gala stage, people already know that you are great, and subjectively their expectations for you are suddenly high. Even if you disappear from the stage, people will not be surprised, and they will think that you are worthy. But once you don't Disappear, once your program falls below the audience's extremely high expectations, the audience will feel that you are not good enough and the program will not be good to watch.

How to do this?

This is too demanding for their program!

And this kind of pickiness can be said to be harsh!

To be fair, the programs that have just been reviewed in the first review can win a lot of applause and be performed beautifully at any party or competition except the Spring Festival Gala. It seems too ordinary! No surprises!

That does not work!

It definitely won’t work!

If this is the case, this year's Spring Festival Gala will be as bad as previous years!

Everyone was also very anxious and made plans one after another.

"No, add a few more shows."

"What about the alternative program? Bring it up?"

"Invite a few more big names?"

"There is not much time until the second trial. Is it too late?"

"You have to do it even if you don't have time. I agree with Director Zhang. The pass rate of these programs in the first trial is at most 30%, and the remaining 70% are not suitable!"

"But the key is that there are no good programs!"

"Where are the screenwriters? How many more please?"

"The writing team is already very strong."

"Let them write a few more good programs. The technical level of the actors is actually very good. As long as they can write it, someone will definitely act in it. The problem now is that there are no good programs, and there are some programs that we think are good. Ordinary people may not necessarily think it’s good!”

"Yeah, this is the hardest part."

The meeting lasted until past ten o'clock at night.

Everyone was very stressed and exhausted.

Finally, Zhang Ye spoke, "That's it for today. Tomorrow, I will make a program list!"

"You do it yourself?"


"Which part?"



Everyone was shocked!

At this time, no one realized the weight of Zhang Ye's words, and no one knew how determined he was. Originally, Zhang Ye wanted to put his hope in the world's own things. He thought that China is so big, it wouldn't be easy to find a few exciting programs? Originally, Zhang Ye didn't want to touch his earthly works. One of those things would be one less thing. Anyone who knows Zhang Ye knows that he is very picky. These works are all reserved for him. He is very fond of them. Shao would give it to others. Even if Zhang Yuanqi came to ask him for a song sung by a woman that Zhang Ye would never use, Zhang Ye would never be happy once, and he would grind every time.

But not this time!

Zhang Ye was forced to use more tactics!

The show is not good, right?

You really can’t find a good show, right?

Okay, then I'll do it!


I'll make it up!


I'll come out!


I'll do it!


I'll write it!


I'll do it!


I'll guide!

For those things that I don’t use or that are not suitable for me, I will write and compile them for you one by one. I will teach you step by step. I will make my Earth Spring Festival Gala the most popular, the most topical, and have been tested by the market. The programs are presented to you one by one and compiled into a party from beginning to end!


I don’t fucking believe it!

This year’s Spring Festival Gala will be a smash! ?

——Zhang Ye, who was forced to panic, was going to cheat!

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