I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,317 [The cheating 5 blessings are here! 】

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Volume 1 Text Chapter 1317 [The cheating Wufu is here! 】

One billion is in place.

Stage construction begins.

Advertising Negotiation.

Design program.

Prepare for the first trial.

The Spring Festival Gala director team led by Zhang Ye suddenly became busy.

During this period, there has been no shortage of doubts from the outside world.

Xiao Wanghui reported: "Director Zhang, there are a lot of people scolding us outside."

Zhang Ye said: "I know, let them talk."

Tong Fu snorted, "Don't we give some response?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "No, they are talking about us. It just shows that the Spring Festival Gala is attracting a lot of attention. This is better than no one paying attention to it, right? It is also a disguised form of propaganda, and where is this? This little curse is not enough." What's the point? The time for them to really scold us hasn't come yet." There was something in the words.

Everyone was stunned.


"not yet?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Is it about advertising?"

"Still have a problem with the ad?"

They quickly asked if not all the people in the Spring Festival Gala directing team had as good a psychological quality as Zhang Ye.

However, Zhang Ye did not answer them directly.

He laughed sarcastically and said, "You will know later."

In order to increase the viewership of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Ye made a killer move. This killer move is one of those big moves that can kill one thousand enemies and damage oneself two thousand. This was the most controversial marketing case in Zhang Ye's world. It was very popular. It is also very deceptive. People in this world must not know it, but when people on Zhang Ye's planet hear this marketing advertisement, eight out of ten people will jump and curse!


Such a deceptive marketing!

Now, Zhang Ye is ready to show it out in this world!

Time passes day by day.

The production of the Spring Festival Gala is speeding up.

this day.

National fryer!

Everyone was shocked by the sudden news!

The advertising partner of the Spring Festival Gala and the largest payment platform in China, "One Pay Pass", released an amazing news: a cash pool of 200 million, and the Spring Festival Gala red envelope and blessing card activity were officially launched.

What are the five blessings?

Wealth, strength and happiness.

Harmony and blessing.

Friendly blessing.

Patriotic blessing.

Dedicated blessing.

Introduction to the rules: When a user adds 10 new One Pay Pass friends, he or she can obtain 3 lucky cards. The remaining 2 cards need to be given and exchanged among One Pay Pass friends. In the end, if all 5 lucky cards are collected, 200 million yuan can be divided equally. Cash, and this is not something you have a chance to draw, but if you collect it all, you will definitely be able to share the money. If only one person collects it, then one person will get the 200 million cash. If two people collect it, then they will share it equally. Two hundred million!

Real money!

Children and old men are not deceived!

Spring Festival Gala official WeChat repost!

Spread the word on all major forums!

The promotion of One Pay Pass was overwhelming in an instant!

The people had never seen such a formation before. They were all dumbfounded!

"I'm saved!"

"Two hundred million?"

"Am I right? Are you crazy about Pay Pass?"

"Is this an advertisement for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Haha, I like this ad!"

"Nonsense, who wouldn't like it when you have money?"

"Really give out two hundred million red envelopes?"

"Do you want to play so big? Hey! Can't you?"

"This is forty times higher than the first prize of the sports lottery!"

"Oh My God!"

"Ahhhh! Two hundred million! Two hundred million!"

"Well done to Pay Pass! Well done!"

"Two hundred million, here I come!"

"Go away, this is mine!"

"I'll try it!"

"Hurry up and add friends! Hurry up!"

"If you are slow, you will be gone. Please have ten friends!"

"Exchange and help each other, comrades!"

"It's so exciting!"

The whole people is excited!

The red envelope war started all of a sudden!

Tsinghua University.

A certain classroom.

The English teacher is giving a lecture above.

"How to play?"

"You add me as a friend first, and I'll tell you."

"Wow, I have three blessings!"

"Me too, just two short!"

"Who has the blessing of professionalism? I'll exchange it for the blessing of wealth and strength!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, let's go to class."

some company.

"Old Li, I have gathered all four blessing characters."

"What blessing? Why collect it?"

"You don't know? Two hundred million!"


"Hurry up and open Pay Pass."

"Okay, I'll come too, I'll come too!"

A certain hotel.

The waiters gathered together in twos and threes.

"Give me patriotic blessings! Quick, quick, quick!"

"I only have two!"

"I'll give you the blessing of harmony in exchange!"

"Okay, change it!"

"Where's Jingyefu?"

"I don't know, no one does!"

Crosstalk world.

"What are you doing?"

"It's time to brush up on the Five Blessings."

"Hey, are you still playing this at your age?"

"There's no chance of going to the Spring Festival Gala. It's better to just have fun with it, just in case you get a red envelope."

There are more and more people collecting blessing words!

Even many old comrades in the cross talk world have joined, just think about this trend!


A Weibo photo went viral.

The first person in the country to collect all the five blessings finally appeared. The person posted a photo, and the five blessing characters were all bright. The comments below were full of envy.

"You're so big!"

"so fast?"

"Brother, please hug me!"

"Two hundred million, brother!"

"If no one gathers them, the two hundred million will be yours!"

"Hey, Jingyefu is here!"

"I'm looking for it too, there are too few dedicated blessings!"

"Come on, you bastard's dedicated work!"

"Receive the blessing of professionalism, fifty yuan a piece!"

"I'll take one hundred yuan!"

"Whoever is dedicated enough to chat with me privately can act cute and warm the bed!"

"He won't be the only one who gets 200 million in the end, right?"

"No way, right? There must be someone who can gather them all, and I heard that at the same time as the New Year's Eve Spring Festival Gala is broadcast live, there will be signs on the TV, and the host will also hand out blessing words. Everyone can grab it at that time, and it should be returned A lot of professional blessings will be released, it just depends on luck!"

"What? In sync with the Spring Festival Gala?"


“This ad is really good at playing!”

"Zhang Ye is so shady!"

"Yeah, he can only come up with this advertisement!"

"Pfft, Zhang Ye is really good at business. I asked him why he suddenly wanted to accept an advertisement. It turns out that this advertisement can also drive ratings and attention to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"I don't care about his attention, I want Jingye Fu now!"

"Whoever gives me the blessing of professionalism, I will be his girlfriend!"

"Damn, is it really fake upstairs?"

"The Spring Festival Gala is coming soon, I can't wait!"

"I hope I can send out more professional blessings during the Spring Festival Gala!"

One pass to ten.

From ten to one hundred.

Some people do it for red envelopes, some do it for fun, and some people just follow the trend and somehow join this army after seeing their friends writing blessing characters. This kind of spread through social networks is quite scary. When a friend is collecting blessing characters, the ten friends he adds will also know. When this friend also joins the army of collecting blessing characters, these ten friends will bring a hundred friends, and a hundred friends will also know. One brings a thousand, one thousand brings ten thousand, and so on, ad infinitum!

This is viral marketing!

In a short period of time, the whole country was caught up in the crazy atmosphere of the Spring Festival Gala!


Just crazy!

Unparalleled madness!

the other side.

Zhang Ye also received countless calls from relatives and friends these days.

Mom’s phone number:


"Mom, I'm busy."

"Wait a moment, I haven't spoken yet."

"You say you say."

"Give me Zhang Jingyefu."


"Jingyefu! Hurry up!"

"I do not have it."

"How could you, the first director, not have the word "Fu" in your Spring Festival Gala?"

"I really don't. It's a one-stop service. We are just a cooperation platform."

"Okay, then I'll ask someone else."

Rao Aimin’s phone number:

"Xiao Zhang!"

"Sister Rao, what are you doing?"

"Give me a professional blessing."

"What? Are you playing this too?"

"If you have money to take it, a fool won't play with it!"

"How much money do you have, and I don't have any either."

"You kid, stop talking nonsense and get me one quickly!"

"I really don't."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye smiled bitterly and looked at Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and the Spring Festival Gala director team who were resting. Many people were whispering to each other. When he went over to take a look, they all used their mobile phones to exchange the word "blessing". , one was more playful than the other, and even their Spring Festival Gala director team was captured by Wufu’s craziness!

The whole country fell!

No one is spared!

They've all been tricked!

Play big!

This time it’s really big time!

Zhang Ye was secretly frightened, wiped his sweat, and called Ha Qiqi, "Sister Ha, what about that? Come here, I have something to do with you."

"Here comes Director Zhang." Ha Qiqi hurriedly exchanged the word "blessing" with Xiao Wang, and immediately came over, "The lunch break is over? Shall I inform everyone to start work?"

Zhang Ye coughed and said, "Is it you who contacted Yitongtong?"

Ha Qiqi nodded, "Yes, I am responsible."

Zhang Ye cleared his throat and hesitantly said: "Then what? Just tell them quickly and say it was me who said it. Let them do another activity and create a bonus pool on the day of the Spring Festival Gala. It doesn't need to be too much. How many times?" Ten million is fine, even 100 million is fine, or you can cooperate with various celebrity studios, invite celebrities to join, and send red envelopes to people in the name of celebrities. Anyway, this is the routine. There is no need to collect the word "福" and there are no restrictions. Anyone can do it. Anyone can participate in grabbing red envelopes, try to let everyone have a share, and the Spring Festival Gala can also help them promote it."

Ha Qiqi was stunned, "No need, Director Zhang. This activity of collecting blessing characters has gone crazy now. Everyone is playing it. Do we still need to send out red envelopes directly? Now that the publicity effect is in place, your advertising and marketing case, the entire advertising industry was shocked!"


Now they are shocked!

But they were even more shocked later!

This marketing plan is simply a pit, a bottomless pit!

Zhang Ye said: "Just do as I say."

"Okay, I understand, I'll contact them." Ha Qiqi said.

Zhang Ye said: "Tell them, this is to build their character. Don't be afraid of spending money. We have spent hundreds of millions, so we don't care about it anymore."

Ha Qiqi went to do it, "Okay."

The plan given by Zhang Ye is to pull the One Pay Pass out of this fire pit. After the event is over, the One Pay Pass should be able to benefit a lot. The Spring Festival Gala will not be implicated, whether it is collecting blessings or grabbing red envelopes from celebrities. , will increase the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala, and the Spring Festival Gala is also the party that benefits the most. So after thinking about it, Zhang Ye must take the blame for this. He is not only the general director of the Spring Festival Gala, but also the planner of this marketing plan. This guy You can already imagine how many people will vomit blood and curse at their mothers when the event ends!

Alas, come on, he has already been mentally prepared. Who told him to trick the whole country this time for the sake of ratings for the Spring Festival Gala!

Five blessings?

Wufu shit!

This is simply five pits!

But now, no one knows about it! (To be continued.)

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