I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,316 [The most daring director of all previous Spring Festival Galas! 】

( ) Have a meeting!




Two days!

The above discussion lasted two days!

Now that the Spring Festival Gala has arrived, it is already an urgent matter. The appointment of the last chief director has been delayed for a long time. It is already the latest in previous years. As a result, the last chief director resigned after only a few days of work and took up another job. It was delayed again until Now Zhang Ye has been invited to take charge, and the seconds are ticking by. This is a time when every minute and every second is extremely precious and cannot be wasted. However, the higher-ups have held meetings for two days in a row. Discussing the possibility of implementing an advertising model for the Spring Festival Gala, you can already see how big of a deal this is!

No one dares to make this decision!

No one dares to bear this infamy!

But now, Zhang Ye has stood up, and he will bear all the consequences. Moreover, he has come up with an advertising plan that shocked everyone. He has even communicated with the partner in advance and has already made initial arrangements with the partner. After the negotiations were completed, everyone in the Spring Festival Gala leadership team was very impressed with this plan after seeing it. Even the leaders above had to admire Zhang Ye's fantastic ideas - he is really a good at advertising and marketing. , if the advertising plan given by Zhang Ye is adopted, not only will the advertising fees be paid, but it will even increase the ratings and popularity of the Spring Festival Gala!

Do it or not?

Can this hole be opened?

The higher ups are also hesitating!

Even the people in the Spring Festival Gala leadership group can’t decide on such a big matter. It may take a higher-up leader to make the decision!

Spring Festival Gala directing team.

Zhang Ye is working on the stage design plan.

"Director, this is not okay."

"As long as I say yes."

"But this design is too expensive."

A bunch of designers were chirping there.

Zhang Ye is actually waiting too. He has been waiting for two days.

Without money, all the designs are in vain, and no work can be done on the stage.

Not okay yet?

Not yet?

He was also anxious to get angry.

Suddenly, Ha Qiqi ran in, "Director Zhang!"

Zhang Ye looked at her, "How is it?"

Ha Qiqi shouted excitedly: "Approved! Approved!"

Zhang Ye immediately said: "How did you say that?"

Ha Qiqi said quickly: "We can accept up to five advertisements, and we cannot exceed the upper limit of this number. Among the advertising fees, one billion is allocated to us as funding. The leaders require that every penny be spent wisely. The specific decision on the use of funds It’s up to you to decide, and submit it to the superiors for approval!”

For a moment, everyone in the Spring Festival Gala directing team screamed!


"Is it really approved by the higher authorities?"

"Very good!"


"We have money! We have money!"

Some lesbians were so excited that they wanted to cry!

Once upon a time, those in the Spring Festival Gala directing team were jokingly called the poorest directing team by their colleagues in the industry. They occupied the world's largest gala stage, but they had less production funds than a large variety show and could not buy anything. , nothing can be done, nothing is approved, even ordering equipment has to be calculated over and over again to see if the money is enough. If you spend more, you will be criticized by the media for extravagant and wasteful use of taxpayers' money, so the higher-ups are also very cautious. , they are also very careful. Who can understand that feeling? It’s simply unbearable to look back!

But it’s different now!

Their chief director’s plan was actually approved by the superiors!

This means that they will have money immediately, and it is not as simple as 100 or 200 million, but one billion! It’s still capital money, and you don’t have to worry about anyone chewing your tongue when you spend it! From the poorest director group, they are about to become the richest director group in the world!

What does this feel like?

This is a fucking heavenly feeling!

Zhang Ye suddenly felt confident, "Haha, contact the advertiser over there immediately and ask the person in charge to sign a contract. The advertising plan will be rolled out immediately!"

Ha Qiqi: "Okay, I'll do it!"

Zhang Ye said: "I only have one request for them!"

Ha Qiqi said: "You said?"

Zhang Ye said: "The advertising fees will be paid within a week!"

Ha Qiqi said: "Okay, I'll talk to them!"

Everyone is busy!

Some people are very motivated, while others have a bitter look on their faces.

Director Zhang has gone too far this time. Is there really going to be advertising in the Spring Festival Gala? What kind of consequences will this have? No one dares to predict now!

outside world.

The media is boring.

For two days, there has been no movement from the Spring Festival Gala. They have been waiting for Zhang Ye's first move after taking office, but nothing came. Many reporters couldn't believe that this was Zhang Ye, a notorious gangster in the entertainment industry. If you say that other chief directors have made no sound at all after taking office, they would believe it! But Zhang Ye didn't make any move? Impossible! He didn't fight with anyone? He didn't curse? When did this guy become so calm? This is not his style!

Beijing Times.

There was a lot of discussion in the editorial office.

"It's too quiet over there at the Spring Festival Gala."

"Yeah, it's so quiet."

"Why do I feel like a storm is coming?"

At this time, a person ran in!

"Oh no!"

"What's wrong, Xiao Li?"

"I just came back from CCTV. Something big happened during the Spring Festival Gala!"

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

"Zhang Ye, he——"

"What's up with him?"

"He wants to do advertising!"


"Holy shit!"

"I knew it, I knew something big was going to happen!"

Xinhua News Agency.

"Something happened! There is an advertisement for the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Get out of here, it's impossible."

"It's true!"

"Haha, who dares to advertise in the Spring Festival Gala?"

"How dare Zhang Ye!"

"Damn, are you serious?"

"It's absolutely true! The news has been confirmed!"


"Is Zhang Ye crazy?"

People's Daily.

There was silence in the editorial office!




"This, this is crazy!"

"Is there going to be an advertisement for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Oh My God!"

"I'm afraid this Spring Festival Gala is going to be chaotic!"

"Who asked them to invite this stupid and bold Zhang Ye!"

The media was shocked!

The industry is vomiting blood!

They waited for two days but there was no movement. As a result, Zhang Ye's first move on the Spring Festival evening shocked the whole country! Zhang Ye is indeed still the same Zhang Ye. If he doesn't make a move, he will shake the world. How about advertising for the Spring Festival Gala? Who would dare to make this idea except him?

The common people were also confused!


"I'm so shocked!"

"Zhang Ye is so courageous!"

"This is such a fucking bear's heart but a leopard's courage!"

"I knew that letting him take charge of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala would definitely lead to big things. Look, look, in just a few days, the Spring Festival Gala will be accepting advertisements? If it takes another two months, Zhang Ye will not be allowed to dismantle the Spring Festival Gala. Oh! Hey, let me go, the Spring Festival Gala never advertises!"


"Zhang Ye is a swindler!"

"This is great, it has dragged the Spring Festival Gala into the sea!"

"He has to cause trouble wherever he goes!"

"This is a big deal!"

"Why did he move the variety show to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"If the Spring Festival Gala is advertised, how much advertising fee will it cost? It would cost 100 million to show up, right?"

"This cheating Zhang Ye! When I asked you to take charge of the Spring Festival Gala, I asked you to do a good job in the Spring Festival Gala, not to make money. Ouch, I laughed to death!"


"Zhang Ye is indeed 'eclectic'!"

"The leaders above also approved this plan?"

"Yes, the higher-ups really gave Zhang Ye face."

"This year's Spring Festival Gala is really different from previous years."

"Then, with Zhang Ye here, can things be less troublesome?"

"The earth can no longer stop me, Master Zhang!"

"Let him do it. In the past years, it was too traditional and everyone cared too much about status. It might as well let Zhang Ye make trouble. He might be able to come up with some new tricks. Besides, this year's Spring Festival Gala is surnamed Zhang. How much trouble will it cause?" It has nothing to do with anyone else. Zhang Ye is responsible for it, so he must have considered the consequences."

There are praises.


Some scolded.

There are batches.

Zhang Ye's action caused an uproar in the country!

Domestic news is coming out one after another!

Even Asian media have reported one after another that a world-class stage like the Spring Festival Gala is also very popular in Asia. What’s more, Zhang Ye is still a first-tier star in Asia. In other Asian countries, although Zhang Ye’s appeal is not good , but there are too many people who know him!

mixed reviews!

The debate continues!

But there is one point of view, many media are unified!

The media unanimously rated Zhang Ye as the most daring director among all the previous directors of China CCTV Spring Festival Gala!

Advertising also requires courage!

What’s more, on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

This decision is not something ordinary people can make! (To be continued.)

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