I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,325 [The review team’s shock! 】

8am. [Big\u003eBook\u003eBao\u003eSmall\u003eSpeaking\u003eNetdASHUbao]

time up.

The second review of the Spring Festival Gala has officially begun.

Zhang Ye sat down and said, "Singing, Master."

The first trial is the preliminary election, and the second trial is to finalize the program, so music and stage effects must be included. Even if the new stage has not been built yet, the equipment in Studio Three is not enough to achieve the best effect, but It also needs to be displayed, so that the review team can review the pros and cons of a program as a whole. The second trial was basically the same as the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal except that there was no host and the order of the programs was different.

The first group came out.

Chen Guang, Fan Wenli.

The music started and the couple started singing.

Ha Qiqi clenched his fists nervously.

The palms of Zhang Zuo and Xiao Wang were also sweaty.

Come on!

come on!

"Hey, is this song good?"

"Yeah, it sounds good."

"Who wrote the song?"

"Well, it was all written by Director Zhang."

Vice Minister Zhou nodded slightly.

The second show is also coming.

A family of three appeared.

Vice Minister Zhou asked strangely: "Have you never seen this family before?"

A person next to him said, "Well, he's not particularly famous."

But when the family started singing, many people were stunned.


"This song is interesting!"

"this is not bad!"

"The arrangement of the songs is really good, and the audiences are different."

The inspection leaders unanimously praised it.

The leaders of the Spring Festival Gala working group were also extremely surprised!

its not right?

Shouldn't it?

At this time, Deputy Director Zhou looked at the leader of the working group and said, "Isn't this great?"

Director Yang wiped his sweat, "It's mainly about the following programs."

Director Zhao also hummed, "There's a problem with the latter part."

Deputy Director Zhou nodded, "Okay, look at the back."

The third program.

"This song is amazing!"

"The dance is great!"

“This program must be used!”

"I agree, this is something new!"

The eighth program.

"Who is this woman?"

"Yeah, it's really good!"

"It's not a woman, this, this is a man!"



"Leader, this is really a man."

"What is this show?"

"Director Zhang said it's called cross-dressing."

"It's very good. Many people have never seen this art form. It should be brought up for everyone to see and see the talented people among us. By the way, Lao Yang, Lao Zhao, what about the problematic program you mentioned? ?”

"Uh, in the back."


The tenth program.

"Oh my God!"


"Are they all deaf-mute?"

"How did you dance? This, this is amazing!"

"Shocking! It's really shocking!"

"Well done to the kids!"

The fifteenth program.

"This dance?"


"How did you do it?"

"They can't fall?"

"Is this tenable? What method was used?"


"Lao Yang, Lao Zhao, the program in question hasn't been released yet?"

"Ah, back, back."

"Still later?"

The twenty-second program.


"This magic is amazing!"

"It's absolutely amazing!"

"This, how did this change?"

"Then you have to ask Director Zhang. The magic design is his plan."

"Lao Yang and Lao Zhao, are you here?"

"Ah, still, it has to be at the back."

Program twenty-nine.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Oh, you made me laugh so hard!"


"quite funny!"

"Ouch, I can't do it anymore!"

The thirty-second program.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"This book is so wonderful!"

"This line is definitely going to be popular!"

"It's really good! This skit is really good!"

"Lao Yang and Lao Zhao?"

"Uh, right behind."

"Yes, right away."

At the beginning, the people on the review team kept it in check and looked at each program with the mentality of finding faults. But as they went on, everyone became more and more shocked!

Some people cried while listening to the song.

Some people laughed at the skit.

Some people were shocked when they saw the dance.

Some people are dumbfounded by magic tricks.

Too beautiful!

They are all so pretty!

Zhang Ye did all this alone?

Everyone couldn't believe it!

Ha Qiqi was stunned!

Zhang Zuo's eyes widened!

Xiao Wang stood stunned!

Everyone on the directing team was so shocked that their jaws dropped!

It's not like they haven't read Zhang Ye's program book, and they even occasionally caught a glimpse of the actors rehearsing. They also prepared some props, but how about watching the program from beginning to end? They have never done it before. This is the first time for them to see these complete programs today. Their mood at the moment can be described as shocked. These programs have exceeded everyone's expectations!

And this is Studio Three!

This is not the final new stage!

If we were to go on a brand new stage, with music, lighting, and choreography all matched perfectly, what would these shows look like! ?

They simply couldn’t even think about it!

Wu Zeqing smiled and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Zhang Ye also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. It was not bad. Although some parts of the program still needed to be adjusted, and some teams made small mistakes during the performance, they were all within the acceptable range. After all, the time was too tight, so Zhang Ye was basically satisfied. The remaining work is to keep them rehearsing, running in, and minimizing mistakes. There is still a lot of room for improvement and practice.

Several sketch actors on stage left.

Many of the leaders who came to inspect were amused from ear to ear.

Vice Minister Zhou looked aside, "Old Zhao? Old Yang? Where is the problematic program you are talking about?"

Lao Zhao wiped his sweat and said, "Here, in the back."

Lao Yang could only bite the bullet and said: "Yes, yes."

At this time, Ha Qiqi slapped her face and said: "The skit just now is the last program."

The whole place fell silent.

The faces of Lao Zhao and Lao Yang turned green!


Have all forty shows been performed?

Vice Minister Zhou suddenly put away his smile, looked at them, and stood up with a thump on the table, "What are you doing! What are you doing to me!" He pointed to the stage and said, "Still behind? Where is it? What? After all the performances, tell me where they are? These are the problematic programs you told me? These are the programs you said are not good? Do you have eyes? Do you have ears? Tell me which program is not good ! Ah? If this kind of program doesn’t work, then what program will? Find it for me! What program?”

Both Lao Yang and Lao Zhao were almost crying!

Wu Zeqing smoothed things over, "Minister Zhou, forget it."

Vice Minister Zhou waved his hand and said: "Bureau Wu, don't speak for them. I'm really angry today." He said to the leaders of the Spring Festival Gala working group: "My lover, Director Wu, worked hard and conscientiously to produce the program. , even a blind person can see that every program is done with care and hard work. No one knows whether the audience will buy it on New Year's Eve, but at least those of us here have watched it, No one says it’s not good, right? No one thinks it’s not good, right? Then this is a good show! But what have you done? You haven’t done anything. You report to me every day, tell me this doesn’t work and that doesn’t work. What a mess!"

Lao Zhao quickly said: "Leader, we didn't understand clearly."

Lao Yang said, "This is our dereliction of duty." He turned to Zhang Ye and said, "Director Zhang, I'm sorry."

Zhang Ye shook his hand and said, "It's not that serious. There is no distinction between high and low works of art. Some people like it and some don't. It's normal."

Vice Minister Zhou said with emotion: "Director Zhang, you have worked hard."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Serve the people."

Vice Minister Zhou said excitedly: "These programs are really good. I really didn't expect it. I really didn't expect that the Spring Festival Gala you took over could be like this. Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Zhang Ye said: "The leader has given me the award. In fact, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Some of the programs just had some minor problems and were not in the best condition. Now I can't even go to the official Spring Festival Gala. I still have to make adjustments and strive for the New Year's Eve." Let’s put on the most perfect performance that day.”


Isn't this perfect?

Could it be better?

Vice Minister Zhou was very excited, "Okay, just go ahead and do it without any pressure or mental burden. This year's Spring Festival Gala will be left to you, please."

Zhang Ye was flattered, "You're welcome, I should."

Vice Minister Zhou looked at him and said seriously: "I'm not being polite. The Spring Festival Gala is not as good as every year, and the ratings are getting worse year by year. We see it in our eyes and are anxious in our hearts. We have the Spring Festival Gala in our hands." It's getting worse and worse, and we have nothing to do, but this year is different. I think this year's Spring Festival Gala will be different from previous years! Teacher Xiao Zhang, I leave it to you for the Spring Festival Gala. Don't let it... in the hands of our generation. It’s over!”

Zhang Ye didn't expect that the other party would say these words to him, so he became serious for a moment, "Okay, I can't guarantee anything else, but I will do my best."

The leader is gone.

The work team left.

At this moment, the talents of the Spring Festival Gala directing team are excited!


"It's over! It's all over!"

"Director Zhang, you are so awesome!"

"These shows are amazing!"

“Several of the sketches were so hilarious!”

“The dances are also amazing!”

"I have a hunch that our Spring Festival Gala will be a hit!"

"I hope this year can be really different!"

"With Director Zhang here, it will definitely be different!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Don't speak too early. Times have changed. It's not certain whether the audience will like it or not. Okay, everyone has worked hard these days. Go back and have a rest. We will be busy starting tomorrow. There are many programs." We have to go through it all over again, and some of the choreography also needs to be redesigned." He turned to Ha Qiqi and said, "Old Ha, hurry up and inform the actors. Haha, they must be waiting impatiently."

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Ha Qi, Zhang Zuo and others went to the backstage.

Not long after, countless shouts came from the backstage!



"All passed?"

"So, that means we are sure we can go to the Spring Festival Gala?"


"I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Oh my God!"

"I need to call my mom! I need to call my mom!"

"Is this true? Is it true?"

There was great joy!

Little sister Qi is crying!

Hu Die yelled!

Gao Xiliang stood there blankly, his mind went blank!

It’s really like a dream! (To be continued.)

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