I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,326 [Highly anticipated! 】

The next day.小 ΩΔsayΩ

The final program of the second round of the Spring Festival Gala has been exposed.

Doorbell rang.

"Brother Gao! Brother Gao!"

"Sister Chen, what's the matter?"

"Hurry up and watch the news!"

"What news?"

"You don't know yet? Your Xiliang is going to the Spring Festival Gala!"


"The program list is out!"


the phone is ringing.

A few minutes later.

"Old Hu!!!"

"What are you shouting for? You scared me to death."

"Lao Hu! Lao Hu!"

"What's wrong? Whose phone number is it?"

"My daughter's phone number! She, she is going to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Ah? How can she attend the Spring Festival Gala with her half-assed skills? Who will she dance with?"

"It's not a backup dancer! It's a show tailor-made for her!"

"What are you talking about? Impossible! When did the Spring Festival Gala have such low requirements for actors?"

"Go away! Why are you so unsure of our daughter!"

"Our daughter is made to stand every day by the leader in the Navy Art Troupe. She can't dance any difficult moves well and can only spin in circles. Me, how can I have any confidence?"

Another thing was also announced to the public. A notice was issued that Zhang Ye, the general director of this year's Spring Festival Gala, was included in the Spring Festival Gala leadership working group and served as deputy team leader. This news has caused many media and industry insiders to be surprised. The Spring Festival Gala director is originally the head of the directing team, and his rights are also in a series of matters such as program production. The one who supervises them is the Spring Festival Gala working group. If you have any opinions When there are disagreements, the final decision rests with the leadership working group. But now, Zhang Ye is also the deputy leader of the leadership working group?

what does that mean?

What does this mean?

In history, there has never been a Spring Festival Gala general director who has been in the leadership working group!

Zhang Ye is the first and only special case!

The signal reflected by this incident is so worth recalling!

"Program list exposed!" 》

"Zhang Ye joins the leadership group!" 》

"Zhang Ye's right to speak is further increased!" 》

"This year's Spring Festival Gala, the surname is really Zhang!" 》

An interview was also broadcast on CCTV News.

It was a brief conversation between a CCTV reporter and Vice Minister Zhou of the Ministry of Culture.

Reporter: "Why did Zhang Ye serve as deputy team leader?"

Vice Minister Zhou smiled and said, "Of course it's out of our trust in Director Zhang."

Reporter: "Can you tell us a little bit about the program for the second trial?"

Vice Minister Zhou said: "This has to be kept secret, but I can only say that we are very relieved that this year's Spring Festival Gala is left to Director Zhang. Zhang Ye is the most serious and responsible director I have ever seen. We believe that he can bring everyone this year A different Spring Festival Gala.”

Very reassured?

The most serious and responsible?

——This evaluation is really too high!

The leader expressed his support for Zhang Ye!

The people were also surprised!

"What happened in the second trial yesterday?"

"I do not know."

"Has the higher ups given full authority over the Spring Festival Gala to Zhang Ye?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised too. Isn't this too trusting?"

"The Spring Festival Gala is an advertisement, and the program is temporarily changed. With so much negative news, do the higher-ups dare to give Zhang Ye more power?"

"Isn't the second trial show pretty good?"

"Zhang Ye is really the most powerful person in the entertainment industry now!"

"Well, it was just a rhetoric before, but now it's real."

"That's awesome. How did he do it? Even Hao Guang, the Spring Festival Gala director three years ago, who has such a good relationship with the higher-ups, has never been in the Spring Festival Gala leadership working group. Regardless of the program or the work, he has to watch the higher-ups. He had to seek the opinions of the working group, but Zhang Ye actually did it!"

"The program must have caught the eye of the higher-ups."

"But if you look at the program list, there's nothing special about it."

"What kind of songs are these? I've never heard of them."

"They are all new songs, written by Zhang Ye."

"And magic? Singing and dancing? You can't tell just by looking at the name.


"Yeah, what kind of show is this? You won't reveal the content?"

"I'm so anxious, I want to know too."

“I don’t know many people this year.”

"Yes, many newcomers?"

"I know Zhang Yuanqi, Zhang Xia, Chen Guang, and Fan Wenli."

"I know Gao Xiliang, how can he attend the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Deaf-mute dance team? Khan!"

"How can you dance if you can't hear music?"

"I don't understand this program."

"Teacher Ci Xiufang is a regular visitor."

"Well, the cast of language programs has not changed much."

"It looks the same as in previous years, right? Nothing much different?"

"Yeah, I didn't see any surprises either."

"There are no Korean stars this year. I have to give Zhang Ye a thumbs up for this."

"Haha, I don't know about other people's Spring Festival Galas, but if the Spring Festival Gala directed by Zhang Ye could have Korean stars joining the cast, I would jump off the building right now."

"Who is Xiao Hudie?"

"do not know."

"Lao Chen and Lao Fan all performed chorus shows. Zhang Xia and the singers all performed on the same stage. How come this person who has never heard of her has a solo show? This is the treatment of a king and a queen! She is a newcomer. what?"

"Damn it, what is the estimated performance time of Xiao Hudie's show?"

"Ah, my eyes!"

"Fuck, this, this--"


"Four hours?"

"I'm dizzy!"

"'Time'? What the hell kind of show is this?"

"The Spring Festival Gala is just over four hours, holy shit?"

"Is she going to act from beginning to end? It's all her show?"

"How is it possible that other people are not acting? Are they all watching her show?"

"You must have written it wrong, right?"

"Khan, what is Director Zhang doing?"

"I always feel a little jumpy."

"This Spring Festival Gala, don't be in trouble again!"

As soon as the program list was released, the public started to discuss and complain about everything. Many of the programs in it were analyzed and studied, especially Xiao Hudie's program "Time", which attracted a lot of attention. Countless speechless complaints, many people fainted!

A program of the Spring Festival Gala can only last two or three minutes for singing, and about ten minutes for sketches and crosstalk. These are the maximum. Sometimes if there is not enough time, they have to be cut off. Some songs only leave one or two minutes for the stars to sing. Where the hell are there four hours of programming!

Four hours?

Why don’t you act for four weeks?

It's all yours from New Year's Eve to the end of the first month!

Later, netizens unanimously came to the conclusion that it was written incorrectly. Then they all left messages below to report the situation, and some people complained, but the news was lost to nothing. Although there was no response from CCTV, they did not believe that there would be a four-hour program. Although the public knew that Zhang Ye was someone who never followed the routine, they still kindly thought that even if Zhang Ye continued No matter what, you wouldn't be so frivolous, right?

Countless flaws!

There are endless jokes!

After the final program was revealed, the topic of the Spring Festival Gala was once again pushed to the peak!

Or scolded!

Or approved!

Or like it!

Or expected!




an expert!

No matter who it is, no matter what voice is shouting, no matter what thoughts they have, there is one thing that no one can change - all the Chinese are waiting for the arrival of the New Year's Eve, and they want to see, Zhang Ye What kind of Spring Festival Gala can we create! (To be continued.)

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