I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,336 [This is a sketch! 】

on tv.

on the screen.

Thousands of households are staring at the sketch master Ci Xiufang who has changed her image from previous years. They are surprised and pleasantly surprised. This is so fresh!

Main control room.

Zhang Ye looked at the screen silently.

Kind aunt.

It's up to you.

Please give me a shock.

If "Little Hu Die" is to increase topicality, "Flying" is to increase word-of-mouth, then "Dance as You Want" is to increase joy, and this burden must be heard!

The skit begins.

Ci Xiufang sat there leisurely.

At this time, a young couple quarreling came.

Man: "Baby, baby, don't be angry!"

Woman: "Stop following me!"

Man: "Oh, honey, I beg you, don't be angry!"

Woman: "Oh, stop following me!"

Ci Xiufang: "Hey, hey, hey, go home and get tired of it!"

Man: "Hey, what are you doing with us talking here?"

Ci Xiufang: "Of course it's bothering me."

Man: "Then I'm only bothering you today! Whatever, I'll be in your way! I'll be in your way! I'll be in your way! I'll be in your way! Hmph——"

The audience laughed!

Ci Xiufang looked to the side: "Did you hear that, girl?"

The woman came up angrily, "You have such a strong taste!"

Man: "I--oh! I didn't mean that!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"


Then, a young man running came up.

Bending over, expanding chest, working out.

Ci Xiufang didn't look sideways, she took out something in her hand, and opened it with a tearing sound, making the sound of her crotch opening!

The young man was just about to cross his arms and was shocked when he heard the sound. He was so embarrassed that he quickly pulled his clothes down to cover his pants and ran away!

Ci Xiufang said with satisfaction: "Well, I'm finally clean."



"What a loss!"

"Auntie Ci is so sinister!"

"Killing me!"

"This is the rhythm of one coming and taking away the other!"

"It's wicked, hahahaha!"

At this moment, famous sketch actors appeared together!

Lian He is not young anymore, he is short, thin, and has a lot of personal characteristics. This is the first time that Ci Xiufang and Lian He have appeared together, so many people are paying special attention to it, not knowing about the first time of these two sketch masters. Can cooperation create sparks?

Now it’s finally time for the reveal!

The main event is here!

The audience applauded!

On stage.

Lianhe came happily leading a tape recorder.

Ci Xiufang glanced: "Hey, hey, hey, that kid!"

Lianhe was stunned: "Call me?"

Ci Xiufang took a closer look: "Oh, this child looks really old!"

Lianhe: "Um...I'm an adult."

Ci Xiufang sighed: "What a disaster for adults! What are you doing here?"

He twisted twice: "I'm practicing the national standard!"

Ci Xiufang: "National standard? I think you look like a mouse!"

At the other end of the stage, Xiao Hudie was still spinning around, but her face couldn't hold back any longer!




No more, no more!

Can't laugh!

Hold it! Hold it!

At this time, Lianhe had already turned on the music!

Ci Xiufang, who was in a wheelchair, lifted the blanket on her legs, turned off the music under Lianhe's stunned gaze, and walked back leisurely!

Lianhe was stunned: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, can you stand up?"

Ci Xiufang sneered: "Who said I can't stand up?"

Lianhe: "Then why are you in a wheelchair?"

Ci Xiufang: "I do! I feel dizzy standing up! Ah, I feel dizzy."

Lianhe: "You feel dizzy, you can go home."

Ci Xiufang: "It's too deserted."

Lianhe: "If it's too deserted, go sit in a lively place!"

Ci Xiufang: "I find it annoying."

Lianhe rolled his eyes: "Hey,

You old lady is more difficult to take care of than Cixi! "

As a result, Ci Xiufang looked at him strangely, "Hey, have you ever served Ci Xi?"

Lianhe was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

The audience at the scene was stunned for a moment, and then instantly sprayed!

Zhang Ye’s grandma’s house.

Grandma held her stomach: "Hahahaha!"

Grandpa couldn’t stop laughing too!

The second sister laughed and patted the sofa!


"It's so funny to me!"

"Served Cixi? Hahahahaha!"

"Eunuch, co-author?"

on tv.

Lian He was anxious: "Hey, big girl, what's going on? I have to hurry up and practice here for ten minutes."

Ci Xiufang: "No."

Lianhe: "Because I made an appointment with my dance partner to meet here in ten minutes."

Ci Xiufang: "Hey, you're the only one who still has a dance partner! You don't have eyes, do you?"

Lianhe: "Seven, seven old ladies are chasing me every day, demanding to be my dance partner, but I don't want to. They are all long, snow-white, like princesses!"

Ci Xiufang: "Seven Snow White Princesses?"

Lianhe: "Ah!"

Ci Xiufang looked at him: "With a dwarf? Or is it a fairy tale?"

The old Wu family.

Wu Mo laughed and said: "Pfft hahaha!"

Li Qinqin also covered her mouth and smiled, "Isn't this a story written by Xiao Ye?"

Even a serious person like Wu Changhe was amused!

Who came up with this sketch book?

on the stage.

Lianhe snorted: "You look down on me, don't you? Look at my movements below! One click, two clicks, three clicks, four clicks, oh, did you see it? Just this movement, the top dance step that is popular in the community , I invented it, and my stage name is Little Top!"

Ci Xiufang: "No wonder I want to whip you so much!"

Lianhe: "..."

Audience: "Hahahaha!"

Ci Xiufang: "I said little radish."

Lianhe: "What a little carrot!"

Ci Xiufang: "Small screw?"

Lianhe: "What little screw, Xiaotuo..."

Ci Xiufang: "I know! Little Ostrich!"

Lianhe Qi said: "Don't do this, I'm just practicing here today, what's wrong? Hey, I don't believe in that evil!" As he said, he started singing and dancing, "You are mine Little, little Apple, I can never love you too much——"

Ci Xiufang sang mischievously, "Always sing the most dazzling national style, which is the most beautiful gesture in the entire sky."

Lian Lian's actions were also taken astray.

Lianhe ignored her and continued to dance and sing: "The red little face warms my heart——"

Ci Xiufang made trouble: "It is the most beautiful gesture in the whole sky."

Lianhe naturally danced to Ci Xiufang's song again!

He sang loudly without belief: "Spring has come again and flowers are blooming all over the hillside——"

Ci Xiufang hummed: "It is the most beautiful gesture in the whole sky."

The audience was already laughing so hard!

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Lianhe was about to cry, "I beg you, sister, can you stop causing trouble?"

Ci Xiufang spread her hands and said, "Okay, okay."

Lian He then cleared his throat and continued singing: "You are my little one, little Apple. I can never love you too much. Your little red face warms my heart. It is the most beautiful beauty in the whole sky - eh , eh, eh!" He slapped his forehead and collapsed and said: "It's over, it's over, I've been practicing this song for half a year, and you can kick me into the river with just one sentence and I can't climb out!"

The audience burst into laughter!

The audience burst into applause!




There were cheers everywhere!

Main control room.

The baggage rings!

The audience laughed!

Zhang Ye also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, because there is no HIGH song in this world, so this part of the sketch was modified by him, not the original version.

On stage.

Lianhe took out a rag doll and said, "Sister, look, this is my grandson."

Ci Xiufang nodded: "She looks exactly like you."

Lianhe: "My grandson asked me to buy him a doll!"

Then Ci Xiufang took the doll and started dubbing.

This part was so funny, many people at the scene laughed so hard that they burst into tears!

"This old lady talks so bad! Can she live alone?"

"Aren't you single too?"

"Hey, how do you know?"

"Look at the looks."

Audience: "Hahahahaha!"

One baggage after another!

Classic lines one after another!

Finally, the plot reaches a turning point!

the phone is ringing.

Lianhe was very happy: "Haha! My dance partner called me! Hahahahaha, hello! Dance partner, where are you? Do you need me to pick you up? Ah? You're not coming? No, what's wrong with you? Why don't you come? Then we have agreed, you have decided to be Lao Zhangtou's dance partner? No, how can you say what you agreed to do... Oh, okay, it doesn't matter, don't consider me, okay, I wish you success in your cooperation! good."

hang up the phone.

Lianhe was depressed: "Why did this thing that was promised change just because it changed?" He stretched out his hand and took off the fake hood, revealing a head of silver hair!

Ci Xiufang was surprised, "Are you living a long life?"

Lian He smiled and said: "Me? I'm still young this year, only 70."

Ci Xiufang: "You are already seventy years old, so why bother?"

Lianhe said: "Life lies in movement!"

Ci Xiufang shook her head: "Wrong! Life lies in stillness! Look at that bastard, how many years has he lived there motionless?"

Lianhe pointed at himself: "Don't look at the bastard, look at me!"

Ci Xiufang looked at him and glanced at him: "I'd better watch the bastard!"

Audience: "Hahahahaha!"


"It's so funny!"

"I'm already laughing so hard!"


"Aunt Ci is too poisonous!"

"Oh, why do I like her so much!"

"Lianhe was tricked! Hahaha!"

A certain newspaper company.

Several reporters who were working overtime were laughing so hard!

"Absolutely awesome!"

"It's fucking amazing!"

"What a wonderful old lady!"

"Auntie Ci acted so well!"

"It's a sketch book!"

"Killing me!"

When the old man was rejected several times.

Ci Xiufang got angry and threw her phone on the stage!

The sketch finally reached its greatest climax!

Lianhe bent down and chased the remains of the phone: "Hey, eh, eh, this seems to be my phone."

The audience laughed from ear to ear!

"come here."


"I told you little pineapple!"

"Little spinning top."

"Change it from now on!"

"I've wanted to change it for a long time!"

"I told you little slippers!"

"What is my name?"

"I'll call you whatever I think of you!"

"I listen to you!"

"Listen to me, little camel!"

"Oh my God! There are three of us now. Hey, big sister, why did you stand up?

Ci Xiufang said coldly: "People like you, who don't even stand up when they stand up, have already stood up. What reason do I have for not standing up again?"

The audience applauded!


"well said!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ci Xiufang: "From now on, I will be your dance partner!"

Not long after, the music started and the stage changed instantly. Dozens of dancers appeared behind Lianhe and Ci Xiufang, and everyone jumped!

The song "The Most Stunning Little Apple" shocked the audience!

The audience’s applause suddenly engulfed the stage!

Chinese people all over the world are laughing crazy in front of the TV!



Chat group.

Circle of friends.

As soon as the sketch aired, everyone exploded!


"That's awesome!"

"How did you write this book?"

"This line is really outrageous!"

"Zhang Ye is amazing! Really amazing!"

"Auntie Ci and Uncle Lian also acted brilliantly!"

“I really can’t believe that a skit of this level can appear on the Spring Festival Gala!”

"Me too, it's incredible!"

"I wasn't looking forward to it before watching it. Who would have thought that I would burst into tears after watching it! Oh no, I have to laugh for a while, hahahahaha!"

"What the hell is "The Most Stunning Little Apple"? Hahaha!"

""The Most Dazzling National Style" plus "Little Apple"!"

"Zhang Ye is really having fun!"

"Yeah, this guy actually wrote a skit for square dancing!"

"Hahaha, is this guy trying to vindicate square dancing?"

"This grandmaster of square dancing is not! Wrong! Sick!"

"This skit is really great!"

Thinking about the Spring Festival Gala skits in previous years and the traditional routine skits in previous years, countless viewers had to sigh from the bottom of their hearts:

This is a skit!

This is a fucking sketch! (To be continued.).

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