I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,424 [I will stay at the Asakusa Hotel! 】

Chinese netizen:

"Damn, what a provocation!"

"This is obviously a provocation!"

“This hotel is too arrogant!”

"Asakusa Hotel? I stayed there when I was traveling last year!"

"Paralysis! What does this mean?"

"Apologise! You must apologize!"

"This is bullying!"

"If we talk about smaller hotels, this is the Asakusa Hotel. How could you do such a thing? Many agencies and travel agencies have cooperated with them! Oh, they are making money from us Chinese, and they are still secretly in the hotel Post right-wing books to scold us? I’m so stupid!”

"There must be an explanation!"

"Yes, this is so disgusting!"

Korean netizen:

"Let the hotel manager come out!"

"Is anyone in charge?"

"This kind of behavior is simply shameless!"

“I can’t believe there is such a hotel?”


“Boycott check-in!”

"I suggest that South Korea permanently cancel all cooperative relations with Asakusa Hotels!"

"The books must be destroyed!"

"Such remarks are simply unacceptable!"

"History is not something you can erase just because you want to!"

People in many Asian countries stood up and cursed. They had long forgotten about the boycott of Zhang Ye. On national issues and in the face of major issues of right and wrong, there was no room for negotiation. Everyone was suddenly on the same page. It’s about Japan!

There are many Asian celebrities who also stood up!

Xu Meilan made a modest comment: "Extremely shameless!"

Zhang Yuanqi made a modest comment: "Let's see when your hotel is finished!"

Jiang Hanwei Studio commented modestly: “Respect is mutual.

Don't be so shameless! "

Another king: "All Chinese people, please remember the name of this hotel and don't give it to them even if you throw away your money!"

The people fired!

Stars fired!

The media fired!

The incident suddenly intensified!

Zhang Ye's studio.

They also saw the news.

Ha Qiqi was stunned, "Asakusa Hotel? Isn't this the hotel where Director Zhang will stay?"

Wu Yi scolded his mother: "These little Japanese! I'm going to bully their uncle!"

Zhang Zuodao: "This is causing trouble!"

Xiao Wang said: "The key to these problem books has been there for who knows how long. This is intentional! They are deliberately disgusting us!"

Everyone is scolding!

This is indeed a bit much!

If you don’t want to make money from Chinese and Korean people from the beginning, okay, you can, you can make your attitude clear from the beginning. You don’t have to accept cooperation from Chinese tourists or travel agencies from other countries and athletes from other countries, and others will not stay in your hotel! But no, the hotel actively contacted many cooperation and actively attracted many Chinese and Korean tourists. As a result, it secretly placed such problematic books in everyone's rooms, deliberately bullying foreigners who could not understand it, but there were many who could understand it. But the Japanese and hotel staff were laughing there and didn't say anything!

What does this mean?

Treat people like idiots?

Everyone was stunned. Only Zhang Ye was calm because he found that this incident was a bit familiar. It had happened once in his previous world. It was also in Japan. It was the same book with the same problem, but the hotel was different. Well, it seems that some things will still happen even if the world changes, and accidents are inevitable. There will always be a few blind fools who do some blind things.

The situation keeps getting worse!

The protests are getting louder and louder!

Sports organizations, charity organizations, tourism agencies, and many units that cooperate with Asakusa Hotel have asked them to remove the problematic books!

Chinese officials also protested!

The Japanese media is also paying close attention!

But in a leaked interview, a Japanese official answered like this.



"What do you think about the Asakusa Hotel?"

"This is the hotel's own business and we have no right to interfere."

"But many countries in Asia have already lodged serious protests!"

"I said, the hotel has its own management methods, and we won't interfere."

A few hours later.

A press conference was held at Asakusa Hotel.

Many reporters from China, South Korea, and Japan came to the scene!

As a result, the first thing the hotel owner said was: "We will not take away the relevant books! These books and periodicals will always be placed in every room!"


Too arrogant!

Chinese and Korean reporters were furious!

A Korean female reporter loudly said: "Aren't you afraid of losing foreign tourists?"

The hotel owner looked at her and said: "Our hotel welcomes every guest. If you don't want to stay, you don't have to come. We don't force you to stay. We have our own way of operating. We only need to maintain the true As long as the guests are satisfied, the hotel will not suffer any losses. On the contrary, our performance every year is very good, and the hotel is still considering expansion, which will not have any impact on us!"

Japanese officials don’t care!

Asakusa hotel has a bad attitude!

——This is the answer they gave!

Both China and South Korea are calling it crazy.


"Who is this!"

"Can't we cure them?"

"Remove problematic books from shelves immediately!"


Things are getting bigger and bigger!

Many Chinese and Korean travel agencies immediately announced the termination of all future cooperation with Asakusa Hotels, and many travel service websites also announced that they would immediately remove the search and booking services for Asakusa Hotels!

one day.

Two days.



Cancel cooperation!

Wave after wave of attacks were aimed at them!

But it's completely meaningless. The Asakusa Hotel has a tough attitude. No matter what the outside world thinks, they just don't remove the books from the shelves and still go their own way. They also use this incident to publicize it everywhere, hoping to attract Japanese guests who also have right-wing tendencies. No one can do anything to them!

It seems that things are about to end like this.


Zhang Ye never spoke a word from beginning to end.

Everyone on the Internet was scolding, and celebrities were boycotting, but Zhang Ye was the only one who didn't make any move, which surprised the people in Zhang Ye's studio.

Xiao Wang blinked, "Director Zhang, let's express our stance too!"

Ha Qiqi also suggested: "Yes, we have to curse a few times."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "So many people have scolded me, and I am not the only one left."

Xiao Wang was a little anxious, "But that's different. We have to show our attitude. Otherwise, what will others think of us? Every time this happens, do we do our part?"

Zhang Ye shrugged and said, "What does it matter what other people think of me? You have also seen the attitude of the Asakusa Hotel. What's the use of scolding them? They don't care either."

Ha Qiqi: "But!"

What's wrong with Director Zhang?

Why are you so low-key this time?

They don't understand or figure it out.

At this time, the call from the Asian Charity Organization also came, because tomorrow is the day to leave for Japan.

The call is connected.

Qu Huahua: "Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Hey, Sister Qu."

Qu Huahua: "There are too many things these days, and I didn't bother to contact you. We have negotiated with the Asakusa Hotel countless times before, but to no avail. We have decided to terminate our cooperation with them, so we need to Change to a hotel. If you find something you like, we will arrange it for you."

However, Zhang Ye said something shocking!

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I think the Asakusa Hotel is pretty good."

Qu Huahua was stunned: "Ah?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Just leave it as it is. I won't change it."

Qu Huahua took a breath, "But no Chinese dare to stay in their hotels anymore. Don't you know about their problem with books? This -"

Zhang Ye said: "No one dares to live here anymore? I dare."

Qu Huahua: "..."

People from Zhang Ye's studio: "..."

Zhang Ye said happily: "Sister Qu, I live there."

Qu Huahua was speechless: "Since you said that, fine, but have you thought about it?"

Zhang Ye: "Haha, I've thought about it."

Don’t dare to live?

Why should I not live there?

You should worry about them, dare you let me live!

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