I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,425 [Big news! 】

the next day.

Departure day, morning.

Wu Zeqing was making breakfast, while his mother was helping Zhang Ye pack his luggage.

"Do you have a toothbrush?"

"It's over there, no need to bring it with you."

“Bring a towel, the hotel is not clean.”

"Oh, no need."

"Why did you say you were there for so many days?"

"Hey, let's go and have a look."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety when you go there."

"I know, Mom, you still don't know what I am capable of?"

"Who said anything about you? I asked you to pay attention to the safety of others. Don't cause big trouble when you get there. If the police arrest you then, how will you come back?"

"No, don't worry."

"With your temper, it's strange that I can rest assured!"

"Old Wu, please help me keep an eye on this place."

"You still have to say it? Just go your way."

The luggage is packed.

Finished breakfast.

Zhang Ye pulled the suitcase out of the door.

At the door, Yang Shu was already waiting there with Ha Qiqi, Xiao Wang and others. Xiao Sun quickly came down to help him get his luggage and load it into the car. Zhang Ye pulled away and sat on it.

The car starts.

Ha Qiqi smiled bitterly, "You didn't tell your family where you live, did you?"

Zhang Ye shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't say anything."

Xiao Wang said: "Why do you have to stay at the Asakusa Hotel?"

Xiao Zhou said: "Yes, it is right at the cusp of the storm over there. There is no way to avoid it."

Zhang Ye smiled and said,

"That hotel is pretty good."

Xiao Wang: "Pfft! How could you tell that it's going well?"

However, Zhang Ye didn't explain a word.

Everyone drove to the airport, got off the car, checked in the luggage, went through the security check, and boarded the plane.

On the plane.

Everyone talked about comics.

How to submit an article.

How to operate.

How to deceive others.

After all, this is the real purpose of their trip.


Inside Tokyo Airport.

It was the first time for Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhou to go abroad, and they looked left and right with curiosity.

Suddenly, Xiao Wang pointed, "Is that the one picking us up?"

Everyone looked over and found their names written on the pick-up board.

People from the Asian Charity Organization came to pick up Zhang Ye and his team, and the leader of the team, Zhang Ye, had met him once before, and it was Qu Huahua. Qu Huahua is a woman in her thirties, a little fat, but her facial features are very kind and her face is very kind. If you say that she is not a philanthropist, no one will believe her.

Qu Huahua stretched out his hand and said, "Teacher Zhang, you are fine."

Zhang Ye shook hands with her and said, "Sister Qu, why do you bother to come here in person?"

Qu Huahua smiled and said, "Many people know your itinerary. I'm worried. I have to come in person."

Ha Qiqi was startled, as if he didn't understand the connection between others knowing Zhang Ye's itinerary and being uneasy, but the next moment, they understood.

not far away.

Dozens of Japanese suddenly shouted loudly.

"Zhang Ye!"

"There it is!"

"It's him!"

"This gangster!"

"Get out of Japan!"

"Get out of Japan!"

"You are not welcome here!"

"Bah, who asked you to come!"

"Go back to China!"

A bunch of people howled!

Some people also held signs with Chinese characters written on them, which were full of swear words.

As soon as he was scolded, many passengers at the airport also looked over.

"Really Zhang Ye?"

"Is it him?"

"Damn, he still dares to come?"

"This bastard!"

As a result, many Japanese passengers who were not here for Zhang Ye also started to scold him.

Unlike other countries in Asia, the Japanese people themselves don't care much about the Asakusa Hotel incident. Many people don't even know about it. It didn't cause much of a stir here. Their emotions still remain in boycotting Zhang. As for Ye, whether it was the video of Zhang Ye cursing people at Peking University, whether he was cursing people in "Man Jiang Hong", or what happened when Kimura Kazu was "beaten" by him in China, everyone has accumulated a lot of anger. This month Has there ever been a day since then that you didn’t spend cursing Zhang Ye? However, this guy's popularity in Asia is increasing day by day, and he almost made them angry to death. Now Zhang Ye came to Japan, so many Japanese people came to yell at him!

Ha Qiqi and the others were very vigilant.

Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhou also kept moving closer to Yang Shu, thinking that this would be safer.

Qu Huahua said helplessly: "Well, you are very 'popular' here."

Zhang Ye also smiled and said calmly: "I didn't have so many people to pick me up at the airport in China. I didn't expect that I would be treated like this when I came to Japan."

Upon hearing this, the staff at the charity organization who picked him up at the airport also took a second look at Zhang Ye. Is this their new charity ambassador? It was also the first time for most of them to see Zhang Ye in person.

It certainly lives up to its reputation!

This teacher has such a big heart!

With all the scolding, are you still talking and laughing?

Qu Huahua said: "Let's go then?"

Zhang Ye said: "Yes."

Police officers were also deployed at the airport to escort them out.

It’s not that the Japanese police want to take care of it, it’s their duty.

in the car.

Qu Huahua said: "It's not too late to change the hotel now."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "No need to change."

Qu Huahua spread his hands, "Okay, I really don't know what you think."

Along the way, everyone also briefly enjoyed the scenery of Japan.

When the car arrived at the hotel, it was already noon. When the car stopped, Qu Huahua said: "Okay, I will send it here. Let Xiaoyan take you through the check-in procedures for the rest."

Zhang Ye said, "No, I can do it myself."

Qu Huahua thought for a moment, "Well, there are a lot of reporters there, and the situation is not small. Be careful, and call me as soon as possible if anything happens."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Sister Qu."

Qu Huahua said: "You're welcome."

Zhang Ye and others got out of the car and watched their car drive away.

Ha Qiqi glanced at the Asakusa Hotel across the road, "Is this right here?"

Xiao Wang snorted, "The scale is really quite big."

Xiao Sun said: "Director Zhang, what about us?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "You guys can move in."

Xiao Zhou said: "No, let's go with you first."

Zhang Ye said: "No, I'm going to have a good rest in the hotel these days. You can go about your business, don't worry about me, and don't come to me. Just keep your phone open."

Ha Qiqi: "Huh?"

Zhang Ye: "That's it."

Xiao Wang: “But——”

Zhang Ye: "Xiao Yang, keep everyone safe."

Yang Shu nodded, "Senior brother, don't worry!"

After saying that, Zhang Ye pulled his suitcase and crossed the road alone.

Xiao Zhou was frightened, "Can Director Zhang do it alone?"

Ha Qiqi smiled bitterly, "Forget it, never mind, he must have his plan."

They did not book the Asakusa Hotel, but stayed in a hotel opposite the Asakusa Hotel, just across the road. So as soon as they turned around, they entered the hotel door and checked in. As for Zhang Ye's plan, they didn't know. I know, but I can’t guess.

Asakusa Hotel.


Zhang Ye strolled in and found that the queue for check-in was quite long. The business was actually very good. He was not affected by the scolding from China at all. He found a queue one by one and stood in line. It took about two or three minutes to get there. When it's his turn, put down his ID and passport.

The female receptionist was smiling.



"Is it check-in?"


"Please wait."

After the female receptionist finished speaking, she looked at him a few more times and felt that he looked familiar, but she didn't think much about it. But when she got Zhang Ye's passport and opened it, she was stunned!


Zhang Ye?

That Chinese King?

The female receptionist raised her head blankly and asked in English: "Do you really want to check in?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "YES."

The female receptionist was dumbfounded, "Are you right? We are the Asakusa Hotel."

Zhang Ye said: "I know, it's your place."

When the female receptionist checked the reservation record, she was even more shocked. She actually had Zhang Ye's name. What did it mean? Why are you staying in our hotel? Don't you watch the news? However, she didn't stop and quickly went through the check-in procedures for Zhang Ye, and also asked someone to notify the president.


work area.

The hotel owner soon got the news.

"Zhang Ye has moved in?"

"Yes, president."

"Why is he here?"

"It's a cooperation order from a charity organization."

"Aren't they all cancelled?"

"It's canceled, except for Zhang Ye's."

"He's the only one living here?"


"How many days will he stay?"

"The order is for ten days."

"Is he sick?"

"President, he has a bad reputation in Japan. Everyone is scolding him. Should we give him orders?"

"Haha, let him stay. I'm worried about how to expand the publicity. After such a big incident, he still dares to choose our Asakusa Hotel? This is such a trust in our hotel! It's just right for people in China and South Korea to take a look. Look! Aren’t they boycotting us? Aren’t they canceling the order? Look, there are still people who will stay! And they are top celebrities in Asia! This is free publicity for us!”


Zhang Ye's check-in was quickly completed.

As everyone knows, he was actually recognized by many reporters from China and South Korea as soon as he entered.


"This, isn't this Zhang Ye?"

"Why is he here?"

"Awards for public service announcements?"

"But why does he live here?"

"Quick, write a report!"

"This is big news!"

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