I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,432 [1 communist fighter! 】

Two hours later.

In the hotel room opposite.

Xiao Wang wiped his sweat and said, "He's gone."

Xiao Zhou was still frightened, "My heart."

Xiao Sun almost peeed out of fright, "If I had known, I wouldn't have come!"

Ha Qiqi smiled bitterly, "When I go back, I have to say hello to the people in the HR department. Anyone who joins Zhang Ye's studio in the future must pass the recruitment prerequisites and psychological quality, otherwise I will encounter such big people like this in the future. Who can stand this scene?"

Xiao Wang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Director Zhang has such a mouth, no one else can!"

Asakusa Hotel.

The crowd faded away, leaving only a mess.

The Asakusa Hotel, which has experienced heavy winds and heavy rains, is now in terrible shape. The exterior walls of the hotel are stained, covered with graffiti and curse words, and there are traces of rotten eggs on it. Almost half of the glass below the fifth floor of the hotel is broken, and many windows The wind is blowing in, the glass door and revolving door of the hotel lobby are covered with spit from the troublemakers, and the ground is even more messy, with stones, packaging bags, glass slag, sanitary napkins, wooden sticks, thermos cups, you can Basically everything you see in the supermarket can be found here.

The president cried!

The hotel staff cried!

How much is the loss?

Even millions of dollars can’t stop it!

If I had known this, I wouldn't have let him live there!

If they had known this, they wouldn't have let Zhang Ye move in even if they were killed!

They had heard about Zhang Ye's notoriety for a long time, but it wasn't until they saw it with their own eyes that they realized that the rumors were just bullshit. Zhang Ye's notoriety was far worse than what the news said. He just said, In one sentence, it was this sentence that made the hotel what it is now!

Who is this!

What kind of bastard is this!

They were finally afraid, really afraid!

If someone had told them before,

Without using hands or punches, just one mouth could cause such an earth-shattering disturbance. Even if they were beaten to death, they would not believe it. But now that they have seen it, they believe it. Zhang Ye's mouth is so damned. It can kill people!

The president yelled: "I'll fight him!"

Everyone hurriedly hugged him.


"Calm down!"

"Don't do anything stupid!"

The president shouted: "My hotel! My hotel!"

A senior hotel executive yelled, "Why don't the police arrest him?"

Another person said: "Yes, he was the one who asked the troublemakers to smash it!"

One person hesitated and said, "He seems to be saying don't destroy the hotel."

Everyone: "..."

"What a bastard!"

"He's messing with us on purpose!"

"How can this place be open for business?"

"All orders have been cancelled!"

"We have no business now!"

"President, is it because of those books?"

"President, otherwise we-we will take the book-"

As soon as someone suggested it, he was immediately interrupted by the angry hotel president, "Impossible! Don't touch any of these books! The surname is Zhang! I'm going to fight him!"

Now, only the staff are left in the Asakusa Hotel. After the troublemakers left, all the guests in the hotel packed their luggage and checked out collectively. Some people just checked in and didn't even ask for a refund. I grabbed my luggage and ran away in a panic, not wanting to stay here for another minute!

Who can bear it?

Beating and smashing, this is life-threatening!

Many residents were still sleeping in the room just now, and sanitary napkins and instant noodles were flying in from the window. Who came here?

All the residents are gone!

There is only one exception!

Zhang Ye was the only one who didn't leave!

He is still living there calmly and calmly, and he is the only guest in this huge hotel!


It's time for dinner.

Zhang Ye strolled downstairs and came to the restaurant.

It’s empty, not to mention the guests, there’s even no food!

The staff looked at him one by one, wanting to bite him!

Zhang Ye exclaimed, "Where's the food? Where's the buffet?"

Everyone almost vomited blood!

And a buffet?

You are the only one who has to change hotels!

The cooks are all off work!

And it’s obviously you who caused this. Those people are all here for you. You’ve made this happen to our hotel, and you still have the nerve to come over for dinner? You, why don’t you die!

Zhang Ye said: "Hurry up and prepare the meal."

The waiter cried in anger!

They felt that if they said anything to Zhang Ye, they would lose ten years of their lives!


The president came over in anger, "The surname is Zhang!"

Zhang Ye said: "Hey, isn't this the boss?"

The president pointed at him and said: "Don't think I'm afraid of you! I'm not done with you! I'm telling you Zhang Ye! I'm not done with you! The book will not be withdrawn! Not only will it not be withdrawn, but two copies will be kept in the room from now on ! No! Put three books! You can live here! You can live here down-to-earth! I’ll see how many days you can stay! I’ll see if you can go back to your country!” Anyway, the hotel has been smashed into this, and the president is also angry. , and took it up with Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay, I have nothing to do anyway."

The president sneered, "I hope you can have some free time! If you can, stay here and don't leave!"

He expected that Zhang Ye, a big shot in Asia, was busy with things every day and was hundreds of times busier than them. The activities of the charity organization had also ended. Zhang Ye would return to China at any time. How could he live with them every day? Don't you want to do other things?

However, he didn't know Zhang Ye's temper.

Don't leave if you can?

Zhang Ye is really capable!

For him, work is a trivial matter. He can give up on any job, but he cannot stop fighting!

If there is a fight, there will be a fight!

Win every fight!

——This is Zhang Ye's principle.

Everyone knew that the president was going crazy, and they were afraid that something would happen. Two people rushed up to hold him, not because they were afraid that the president would hit anyone, but because they were afraid that Zhang Ye would do something. Zhang Ye smashed a Korean brand bulletproof car in anger a few days ago. The video was also sent to Japan. They were really afraid that the president would be slapped to pieces!

After a while, Zhang Ye put his hands behind his back and wandered out of the hotel to eat.

The president was so angry that he gasped and said loudly: "Clean up his room, add three more books - no, add five! Put one on the bedside! Put one on the desk! Put one in the toilet! Put them all! Also! Yes, cut off the internet in his room! Cut off the electricity in his room! Cut off the water in his room! Let’s see how he lives!”




A bunch of waiters went away in anger!


Zhang Ye was happy as soon as he returned to the room.

There were questionable books on the table and bed, and the bathroom was not cleaned properly. Many places were messed up. When I connected to the Internet, the Internet was disconnected. When I turned on the faucet, the water stopped.



That’s what makes it interesting!

This creates a bit of a fighting atmosphere!

If it were anyone else, the internet, water, and electricity would be cut off? That was already a thrill, but Zhang Ye was different. He was completely enjoying it!

This is a warrior!

A communist fighter who loves fighting at heart!

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