I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,433 [Can I give in? 】

Check in on the third day.

In the morning, Zhang Ye called Ha Qiqi.

"Hey, what's the WIFI password at your place?"




"Okay, got it."

"Your internet connection is disconnected?"


"Then where else are you staying?"

"The more this happens, the better it will be."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye tried the network signal. Because it was across the street, the signal was not very good and intermittent. Fortunately, it still worked. He took out another power bank with a large capacity and put the phone into it. After picking it up, he continued to lean on the sofa and read comics.

Everything is business as usual.

Zhang Ye's life was very comfortable.

And today, he did not criticize Japanese celebrities online.


President's office.

Everyone gathered together for a meeting and were ready.

"Zhang Ye is up?"

"Looks like he's awake."

"He didn't post anything, did he?"

"Not today."

"Haha, that's good."

"President, is it still business as usual?"

"Of course, the downstairs has been cleaned. Many rooms below the fifth floor are uninhabitable. However, everything above the fifth floor is fine, and the glass in the room is not damaged. We will accept orders as usual and see if we can make up for the losses. Wait for Zhang Ye As soon as the bad guy leaves, we will renovate the rooms below the fifth floor while doing business at the same time. This is the way I thought of yesterday to maximize the recovery of losses."

Just talking.

There was a clang sound that startled several people!

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"Holy crap, who smashed it?"

"Why are you here again?"

"Zhang Ye didn't curse anyone today!"

"Oh my god, hundreds more people are here!"



There was a lot of scolding outside!

"Get out of Japan!"

"Zhang Ye, come out!"

"If you don't leave for a day, we will come for a day!"

"Condemn Zhang Ye!"

"Condemn Zhang Ye!"

The shouts are deafening!

Now that things have happened, the whole of Japan has been turned upside down. Zhang Ye has poked a hornet's nest. Now all the anger and eyes of all Japan are on the Asakusa Hotel. There is no need for Zhang Ye to curse or provoke anymore. There is no need for it at all. There is no need for Zhang Ye to talk anymore. In a word, the troublemakers all came on their own, and they were obviously organized and directed. As soon as the hotel called the police, they turned around and ran away, disappearing without a trace in an instant!

More than a dozen windows were broken in Asakusa Hotel!

The president was so angry that he cursed her in the office!

It was the fourth day of Zhang Ye's stay.

It's four o'clock in the morning and it's still dark.

The president and hotel staff were all asleep.



Everyone in the Asakusa Hotel woke up with a start, and then heard loud curses coming from outside!

"Zhang Ye, get out!"

"Condemn Zhang Ye!"

"Everyone unite to resist him!"

"Let Zhang Ye go back to China!"

This time, the revolving door of the hotel was smashed!

When the police arrived and the crowd dispersed, the president and the hotel staff dared to come out. Seeing this horrific scene, they all went crazy with hatred!

"The surname is Zhang!"

"Why doesn't he leave?"

"Who knows!"

"It's coming soon, it should be coming soon!"

"Yes, he has so many things going on, he won't be able to stay for much longer!"

But Zhang Ye didn't wake up upstairs. He was sleeping soundly in his room. It's strange to say that Zhang Ye often suffers from insomnia when nothing happens. However, when he was fighting with someone, he slept very soundly. His heart was so peaceful that he couldn't even wake up.

It was the fifth day of Zhang Ye's stay.

The people in the hotel were worried about the day, but they didn't see the troublemaker coming. Just when they were relieved and went back to sleep, the troublemaker came!

This group of people came at 11pm!

This time it was obviously a different group of people. They did not smash anything, but just cursed below.

Scold Zhang Ye!

Blame the hotel!

Scold everything!

The scolding lasted until the middle of the night!

The president was mentally disturbed. He had not slept for two days and two nights. He stood on the window and looked at the crowd downstairs in shock and anger. The staff around him also had dark circles under their eyes and looked in a daze.

"Five days!"

"It's been five days!"

"Why aren't you leaving yet?"

"When is this bastard going to leave?"

"Soon, it must be soon!"

"If you hold on a little longer, he will definitely not be able to stay for ten days!"

"President, this is my resignation letter."


"I, I can't hold on anymore!"

"Me too, I haven't slept in two days!"

On this day, seven staff members resigned.

Zhang Ye checked in for the sixth day.

The staff members of the Asakusa Hotel were "wandering" there, chattering and talking plausibly, like ghosts.


"God forbid, let him go!"

"I will definitely check out today, I will definitely check out today!"

The yelling outside was still going on.

At this moment, the Asakusa Hotel looks like a garbage dump from the outside. It is so miserable. The walls are bald and the glass is broken. Everyone passing by has to stop for a few minutes and look over here from across the road. After a few glances, someone took a taxi with his wife and children to watch the fun. While watching, he explained to the children, as if they were visiting some tourist attractions. Now in Japan, everyone knows about Asakusa Hotel.

"Zhang Ye, come out!"

"Get out of Japan!"

This is already the fourth wave of people coming today.

Six days!

There are a dozen groups of people in total!

The president already looked numb.

Someone came in, "President."

The president looked at him blankly, "Is Zhang Ye gone?"

The man said with a sad face: "Not yet, I just passed by, and he seemed to be listening to music in his room."

Listening to music?

Does he still have the heart to listen to music?

The president was so angry that he slapped the table and said, "Why hasn't he left? How long will he stay? It's been six days! Not a single order! Not a single business! He wants to kill us!" "After that, he yelled: "Closure! Closing will begin today! Check him out!"

The man said: "I've already called. The person in charge of the charity organization said that their hotel order has been placed, and it won't be enough for one day!"

The president’s heart went cold!

The man said: "There are still four days."

The president pointed outside and said angrily: "Four days? See for yourself, can our hotel last four days? In two more days, the building will collapse!"

At this time, a waiter ran in excitedly, "President, we have an order!"

The president said happily: "Oh?"

The waiter said: "I just picked it up, and I booked it for half a year!"

President: "Half a year? That much?"

Waiter: "Yes, it's long-term."

The president said: "Okay, okay, this is a good sign. There are still people staying at this time, which means that our image of preferring death to surrender has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Some people recognize us, and our reputation has been established. Now we just wait for Zhang Ye to leave. Once he leaves, our hotel will be renovated and will definitely be improved to a higher level."

The waiter said: "Yes!"

The president said: "Let me tell you, if you keep persisting, victory will be right in front of you!"

But suddenly an employee ran in after her, and she gasped: "No! It's not good!"

The president was stunned, "What happened again?"

The employee shouted: "That's the order!"

The president hurriedly asked: "What happened to the order?"

The employee turned pale and said, "Well, that's an order placed by a person in charge of the charity named Qu Huahua. It's for Zhang Ye! He wants to postpone it for half a year!"


Half a year?

Zhang Ye will stay for half a year! ?

I'm going to make you paralyzed!

Hearing this, everyone in the room was stunned!

The president leaned over and fell to the ground. This broom star had just stayed here for six days, what was the state of their hotel like? Stay for half a year? Their entire building must not be razed to the ground!

The president collapsed!

Everyone in the hotel collapsed when they heard the news!

At this moment, they finally knew what kind of bastard they had offended!

The president was convinced, and this time he was really convinced. He didn't know if Zhang Ye would really dare to live here for the first half of the year, and he didn't want to know anymore!

You are my brother!

You are my brother!

I can't afford to mess with you!

I'm scared! I'm so fucking scared, okay?

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