this day.


The day when the new issue of Shonenkan Comics Magazine is released.

In the morning, my mother called again. She had been calling for two days.

"Will you come back or not?"

"Come back."


"Oh, I'll be back tomorrow."

"Are you still addicted to living in Japan?"

"I have business here."

"Who are you going to fight with again?"

"Hey, why do I have to fight?"

"Isn't your main business just fighting?"

"Pfft, mom, bye."

After hanging up the phone and having breakfast, Zhang Ye took Ha Qiqi, Xiaowang and others out. The group strolled down the street and entered a large bookstore.

This kind of storefront can be seen everywhere in Japan. The scale of the comic retail industry here is not comparable to other countries. Whether it is bookstores, small stalls, or even many supermarkets, comics are sold, and a large area is set aside in a conspicuous position. Areas, comics single volumes, comics magazines, can be found everywhere.

This is a country of animation.

This is the animation center in Asia.

Xiao Wang looked around, "So many comics?"

Xiao Zhou asked: "Which one is from the Youth Hall?"

Xiao Sun saw it at a glance, "It's over there!"

Everyone went over and each one took a copy.

Zhang Ye opened the magazine and found that the location of "One Piece" was not very good. It was at the very back, and you had to turn many pages to see it. The magazine was quite thick, with about ten serialized comics. In fact, this serialization method was very As a Chinese, Ye finds it difficult to accept this. At least if he is asked to buy like this every week, and if one issue is interrupted, the subsequent serial content will not be picked up.

Zhang Ye definitely doesn't have the energy. However, in Japan, people’s reading habits have been fixed. This has been cultivated over decades, and the national conditions are different.

One page.

Two pages.

Three pages.

Several people were watching and chatting.

People were walking around, reading one book after another. In the blink of an eye, dozens of copies had been sold just by what they saw. The sales volume was astonishing.

Xiao Wang: "How do you know whether a comic is popular or not?"

Ha Qiqi: "Are you looking at sales?"

Xiao Zhou: "But there are many comics in this magazine?"

Xiao Sun: "We look at the popularity survey, which is the most intuitive statistic. Of course, we also look at magazine sales. For example, a national-level national comic can even double the sales of a comic magazine. This is just a statement, and there is no need to consider it. , not many comics can support a comic magazine with just one comic. Oh, yes, the sales of single volumes are also important, but we have just published the first episode and cannot publish single volumes yet."

Xiao Wang: "Hey, why don't you just issue a single volume?"

Xiao Zhou clapped his hands: "Yes, that is so enjoyable, let's finish it in ten or twenty chapters first!"

Ha Qiqi: "With Director Zhang's speed, it's not a big deal to update twice a day. If we compare with them in terms of update volume, no one can be Director Zhang's opponent!"

Zhang Ye coaxed: "Two chapters a day? I can write three!"

Xiao Wang said: "Yes, are there any comic magazines that are released every day? Weekly magazines are too slow. There is something wrong with their model. It is too immature."

Daily update?

Three conversations a day?

Do you think everyone is as perverted as Director Zhang?

Xiao Sun felt a little tired listening to the serious discussion of this group of laymen.

A certain school.

"Hey, did you see it?"

"This issue of the Youth Hall?"

"I just finished watching it, and "King of Wu" is still dragging on."

"This issue of "Dark Souls" is okay, very passionate."

"I like One Piece."

"Ah, I know, that new serial!"

"Yeah, the first episode is good, I'm looking forward to it."

"It's very good, but the character is a little weird."

On the light rail.

"Huh? "One Piece"? New serialization?"

"This character is so strange."

"Why are the eyes so small?"

"It's very beautiful, take a look."

"Yeah, I didn't watch it at first, but once I accepted this weird character design, the plot and setting were very surprising."

"I like this comic too."

some company.


"Are you a newbie? Never heard of it."

"Can such a character be serialized? Paralysis, the key point is that I still enjoy watching it!"

"Luffy is so cute!"

"Yes, yes, I like him!"

"I like Luffy too, but his eyes are a bit small."

"It's not just a little small, hey, it's just a little bit smaller!"


Juvenile Library Editorial Department.

Seto Kyoko went out for dinner with her colleagues and came back

"Kyoko, is the manga you're responsible for being serialized?"

"Well, "One Piece"."

"Is it the one with the particularly ugly character?"

"Don't say that. Every cartoonist has his own style. This drawing method is actually - it's actually quite unique and impressive."

"Okay, it's time for the popularity survey, right?"

"The first batch of statistics should be ready soon. Let's see how this ranking goes. Who do you think will take first place?"

"I don't want to give it up. "One Piece" is just a make-up. During the editor-in-chief meeting, if there is a second passable comic, it won't be my turn. The deputy editor has already spoken. If "One Piece" is released after ten issues, If you can’t achieve results, you’ll cut off the serialization to make room for it. Oh, God, why can’t you give me a good comic!”

"Haha, Kyoko is just too unlucky."

"Yes, Kyoko, you are an old editor, but in the past few years, there has never been a work that ranked first in the popularity survey."

"Hey, hey, hey, can you please stop mentioning this?"

Several people made fun of her.

Seto Kyoko was also very depressed.

Over there, there is a drawing board hanging on the wall, and the survey statistics have been released.

Many editors gathered around to take a look, and were very concerned about the ranking of the comics they were responsible for, because once the rankings were low for a long time, it meant that the comics would be cut off and stopped being serialized.

Seto Kyoko also wanted to see it, but she didn't dare.

The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited.

Will he be at the bottom again this time?

Not far away, many people were already exclaiming.



"This, uh!"

"Kyoko! Kyoko, come quickly!"

Everyone calls her.

Seto Kyoko was stunned, "What are you doing?"

After getting up and walking over, she looked up at the drawing board.

First: "One Piece", 1,023 votes.

Second: "King of Wu", 986 votes.

Third: "Dark Soul", 922 votes.

Seto Kyoko was dumbfounded!

The entire youth library editorial department was also dumbfounded!

The editor-in-chief was already standing there at some point, and the two deputy editors-in-chief were also standing behind the crowd dumbfounded, with expressions of disbelief on their faces!


The number one pirate king?

That weird comic they used to make up the numbers? The first episode of the new series ranked first in the popularity survey on the first day? Is this a mistake?

For a moment, countless editors looked at Seto Kyoko with envy.

"Kyoko, congratulations."

"This is a dark horse!"

"You got lucky this time!"

"Congratulations on first place!"

Seto Kyoko was so excited that she almost cried!

Good comics?

Good work?

I've finally arrived!

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