I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,438 [Old Wu dropped his foot]

The next day.


Zhang Ye and his group returned to China. When they left, everyone felt somewhat uneasy. They were really unsure about things in the comics field, but when they came back, everyone's expressions were extremely excited.

After getting off the plane, they drove back to the studio.

Zhang Zuo and the others have been waiting for a long time.

"Director Zhang!"

"Hey, are you back?"

"You're not hurt, are you?"

"Don't go abroad next time, it's too scary."

"Fortunately, there was no danger this time."

"Pfft, and Asia is very popular again."

Zhang Ye's popularity is getting higher and higher day by day, and he is getting closer and closer to the top position in Asia. Naturally, their studio is also on the rise. There are countless invitations and announcements everywhere. Zhang Ye has been away for ten days and has accumulated a lot of things. I'm waiting for Zhang Ye to see it in person.

Wu Yi hurriedly asked, "By the way, how are the comics?"

Ha Qiqi said happily: "A great success!"

Zhang Zuo's eyes lit up and he said, "Really?"

Xiao Wang said excitedly: "Director Zhang's comics have been serialized, and as soon as he published one chapter, there was an enthusiastic response in Japan. The Youth Museum Comics Magazine ranked first in the popularity survey." Seeing no response from everyone, Xiao Wang said again: "Tell me this, you guys Maybe I have no idea, so let’s put it this way, “Martial King” knows about it, right?”

Wu Yi blinked, "I've seen the animation."

Xiao Wang said: "Yes, as for that particularly popular animation, "Martial King" ranked second in the manga popularity survey, and "One Piece" ranked first!"

Everyone was shocked!

Is this okay?

Director Zhang’s comics are really popular?

Ha Qiqi said: "I just published a chapter now. The editorial department of the Youth Center attaches great importance to it. The editor made several calls and has already cultivated it as a key comic. Maybe it won't be long before you can see "One Piece" animation, then it will be able to radiate to the entire Asian region.

Now we have to see how popular "One Piece" will be. No one can say this now. It depends on the later performance. "

There are many types of fire in comics.

small fire.


Even at the national level, the degree is different.

"One Piece" has just started, and everything is still unknown.

Zhang Zuodao: "Director Zhang, there have been a lot of things in the past ten days——"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Let it go for now. I'm going home first. My mother has been urging me to do it these days. I'm going to go home and check in. I'll handle the work later."

Zhang Zuo said: "Okay, you can go back quickly."

He picked up his luggage, got in the car and left.



He opened the door with the key and said cheerfully when he entered, "Brother is back!"

As a result, I found that the atmosphere was not right. My mother and father were actually there, and Lao Wu's parents were also here. When I looked at my wife, she was sitting on the sofa, with one leg curled up and wrapped in white cloth. It looked like he was wearing a plaster cast, and there was a pair of crutches nearby.

Mom hummed: "You still know how to come back?"

Zhang Ye was startled, "Oh my wife! What's wrong?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "It's okay, I just dropped my foot."

Zhang Ye rushed up in three steps at a time, squatted down in front of Lao Wu, touched her feet, but did not dare to touch her feet hard, "How did you fall?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "I didn't pay attention when I was walking and fell. The child is fine. Don't worry."

Zhang Ye glared and said, "You can't do anything if something happens to you."

Wu Zeqing said: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"What's the point of having this kind of virtue?" Zhang Ye felt heartbroken and turned around to complain to his mother: "Hey, you are serious too, why didn't you tell me!"

Mom rolled her eyes, "Didn't I ask you to come back quickly?"

Only then did Zhang Ye remember, "Is it because of this that you've been calling me like crazy these past two days? Well, tell me, if you tell me, I'll be back the day before yesterday!"

Dad said: "Then Qing will not tell you until life or death."

Zhang Ye said angrily: "How many days have you been falling?"

Mom pouted, "It's been two days."

Li Qinqin said: "My ankle is broken, but everything else is fine."

Wu Changhe also said: "The bones have been reattached and the plaster has been put on, but it will take a few months to recover." Then he said to his daughter: "You too, be careful when you see the steps."

Zhang Ye immediately said: "Which step did you fall on?"

My mother was very angry, "What are you doing? Are you going to cut it again?"

Zhang Ye gritted his teeth and said, "I'll chip it into pieces!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Zhang Ye walked around his wife for a long time, asking for her well-being and looking at the films in the hospital. He suddenly thought that he still had the [Healthy Spring Water] that he had won through a lottery. If he gave it to Old Wu to drink, this would A little injury shouldn't be a problem, but after thinking about it for a long time and hesitating for a long time, Zhang Ye couldn't use it. He had used it on Lao Rao before to treat her internal injuries, but internal injuries were not on the surface. Look. It's invisible and intangible, and Rao Aimin has been raising it for a long time, so it's not surprising that it's okay, but Lao Wu's fracture is different. He just fell, and the hospital's X-ray is here. It was there just a moment ago. Using crutches, will you be able to run a marathon in the next moment? How to explain this?


dinner time.

Everyone also discussed taking care of Wu Zeqing.

Li Qinqin suggested, "Changhe and I will pick up Zeqing. It's not convenient for her to live upstairs or downstairs here. She'd better stay at my place and we'll take care of her."

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "No, I'm fine alone."

Li Qinqin shook her head, "You definitely can't do it alone."

Mom objected, "Xiaoye's father and I are taking care of him. Aren't we the ones who have been keeping an eye on him these past two days?"

Wu Changhe said: "You two are not young anymore. You are running back and forth every day, cooking and working. It's definitely not possible. Let's do it."

The two families argued for a long time.

Finally, Zhang Ye spoke.

Zhang Ye put down his chopsticks and said, "Don't argue. I have my own wife and I will take care of it myself."

His mother glanced at him and said, "Son, it's not that I look down on you. Normally, when Zeqing could walk and run, you would take care of me. But now Zeqing has trouble going upstairs, let alone cooking and washing clothes. , relying on you to take care of you? With your cooking skills? Even Zhu Bajie will make you hungry and naked!"

Dad also said: "Zeqing is pregnant now. There is too much MSG in take-out and so on, so she can't eat it. She can't take many medicines, so she has to rely on herself to take care of herself. You don't know how to cook. Make a soup to nourish your body." You can’t do it either, just take it, at worst, your mother and I will come here every day.”

Zhang Ye rolled his eyelids and said, "No need, you just don't care anyway."

Li Qinqin said: "No, you have so much work to do every day, where do you have time?"

Zhang Ye said, "I've given it all away. Starting today, I will be taking care of my wife at home in the past few months. I won't go anywhere. That's it! Don't tell anyone!"

do the laundry?

I studied!


I studied!


I studied!

This is my wife, I don’t need anyone!

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